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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1426086466' post='2714202'] They also have a BMW cab whose indicators don't work. [size=2]Edited for grammar atrocity[/size] [/quote]
  2. So has anyone from BC actually had a go on a B Social?
  3. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1426079223' post='2714109'] Huh? The link I posted says $670, plus $30 for a 50 HZ transformer core for those who might prefer that. Yes, there is a 234 volt primary. Is that link duff though? [/quote] [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1426089502' post='2714250'] I think the $1600 is for a built chassis. If you click on the "kit info" link it shows $670. Price to ship to the UK is the question... [/quote] My bad!
  4. The horn is not working on the cab in the first listing. That's a definite plus in my book!
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1426084884' post='2714176'] Remember the bass player's mantra [b][size=4]'Nobody notices the bass player unless he catches fire'.[/size][/b] [/quote] Though to be fair that happens more often to drummers.
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1426076718' post='2714051'] I've been looking at their schematic and layout for this on their forum, and their concept of a B15n with uprated transformers to handle KT88s seems like a great idea, as a sort of middle ground between smaller studio amps and huge high-powered beasts. It would be interesting to find out what the measured output is with KT88s - they estimate around 60 watts in fixed bias. I appreciate it when companies like Trinity put their documentation online, as I find poring over this sort of thing educational. [/quote] Hmmm... The Trinity Trip Top chassis-only kit is $1600. Add shipping from Canada and import duty, plus a cab, and you might be better spending your money on an actual B15. And that's if they do UK-voltage mains transformers (must admit I haven't checked).
  7. This might be close - Plastikote Project Enamel, sky blue, about £3 for a small spray can from Wilko. Here's what it looks like on a DIY pedal (no primer used, straight onto bare aluminium):
  8. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1426001337' post='2713274'] Sounds more like a mid cut issue [/quote] This. Boosting bass tends not to help the fundamentals of the higher notes. Try cutting bass (and increasing volume) or boosting mids.
  9. That is one sweet-looking head. Just don't leave it in the kitchen or someone may mistake it for a posh toaster from John Lewis!
  10. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1425924602' post='2712351'] I've been completely blown away by it - it's got so much more welly than any other Class D power section I've ever heard - to the point that my Mesa Prodigy went so I could get the Demeter. [/quote] Blimey! That's some recommendation!
  11. I would love a head like this... ...if I had a roadie! EDIT: Can't believe it's still here at this price
  12. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1425931026' post='2712477'] ...the last album I bought was by Joe Bonamassa. [/quote] It's only fair to remind you that this is a publicly viewable website. Anyone - friends, family, employer - could read that!
  13. Never got close to 200W of valves, just my 50-watt Selmer. The output valves were cooking but the speaker wasn't even breaking sweat. EDIT: I thought the Compact and Midget were both rated at 600W?
  14. Look, the seller is a drummer - 'nuff said!
  15. I have to admit I am not using this amp, and I have my eye on something a bit special, so I am offering it for sale. It is a late 70s Selmer Treble'n'Bass 50 S.V. You can see my restoration thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223999-nad-selmer-treble-n-bass-50-sv/page__fromsearch__1"]here[/url]. Briefly I have replaced all electrolytic caps, made the mains wiring safe, and tested all the valves - all good and most likely original, including a pair of Mullard EL34s. It is now far better than when I got it, although there is still the occasional click here and there. I never did get around to fitting an IEC mains inlet (although there is room on the rear panel), so it still has a short trailing lead with an in-line inlet (see second pic below), which can be tucked away for transport. The external condition is a bit tatty, with Tolex worn away and some paint on the underside, and the Selmer cover is split up one side, but the sound and volume are pretty exceptional. I just plugged my Les Paul in and wound it up, and it does that thing where single notes go all fat and singing without sounding obviously distorted. Check out someone elses's YouTube demo: [media]http://youtu.be/ZIAXXbwOXDA[/media] It has speaker outputs labelled 7.5ohm and 15ohm. 8ohm and 16ohm loads are fine but 4ohm would likely stress the valves and/or output transformer. As a bass amp it is probably not a realistic gigging proposition, as peaks in level cause audible distortion quite early on. I am looking for [s]£200[/s] [size=5][b]£160[/b][/size]. This would be by collection or meet-up within an hour's drive of Swindon or Oxford. You are welcome to bring your own cab to me in Swindon for a try-out. I really don't fancy entrusting this to the likes of My Herpes or ParcelFarce! No trades - sale only thanks, like I say, I am saving up!
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1425895886' post='2711819'] I had a Streamliner 900 for a few weeks, hated it. Could not get a useable tone from it at all. Sold it and went back to my Markbass LMII, much more useable and sounded louder to my ears. This was through Barefaced cabs. [/quote] [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1425905304' post='2711971'] Loved my Streamliner, with Barefaced and Schroeder cabs. So much so I'm getting it back. My Markbass F1 is OK, but lacks the character of the Streamliner. [/quote] Each to their own, eh?
  17. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1425748489' post='2710338'] I've pared back and simplified my board to suit my needs now so here you go! This is a rough layout trial and nothing's velcro'd down in this pic. Signal path is: Tuner into VT Bass Deluxe into Cali76 Compressor. Simple but effective (see what I did there!) [/quote] Any particular reason for putting the Cali76 [i]after[/i] the VT? And does the Cali76 stay on all the time? (The one on my guitar pedalboard does.) EDIT: I notice you are running the Cali76 at 18 volts - good on yer!
  18. I made it through 40 seconds. Queen did this sort of thing 100 times better on [i]Day at the Races[/i] and [i]Night at the Opera[/i]. Any UK act participating in Eurovision is guaranteed a career of appearances at holiday parks for the next year or two.
  19. Is this the 1-channel or 2-channel version? As ever, pics...
  20. I would get one as a spare - spare guitar, spare bass, spare keyboard, spare drumkit...
  21. I wouldn't have though the monitor will be at risk, considering it is intended to be full-range and will only be used at low volume.
  22. There have been plenty of posts about bass players struggling to be heard above two 'enthusiastic' guitarists, but spare a thought for the lead guitarist in a band with an 'enthusiastic' rhythm guitarist. This was me last night as I stood in with a 5-piece rock/indie/punk covers band after just 2 rehearsals covering their whole set just once! I generally prefer to be the only electric guitarist, but this band has a very distinct lead/rhythm split. The main challenge was the fact that they play a lot of the songs very much in their own way - [i]Times Like These[/i] with no 7/4 sections anyone? The other was in the use of my fairly comprehensive pedalboard. I found I had to employ some kind of gain effect all the time - I couldn't just turn up my amp, otherwise my solos came out too loud. Anyway it went pretty well and it was a good payer.
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