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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. With a bit of knob-tweaking you can make a Jazz sound a bit like a Precision.
  2. Nothing much wrong with that message except that the order of importance is not clear. In question 3 there is the implication that baggy jeans are preferable to skinny. Not sure where that leaves the 'comfort fits' that I favour!
  3. Very tempting. The sticking point with me is the lack of woodwork skills to build the cab!
  4. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1425651118' post='2709399'] You clearly haven't played a five string as it's almost essential to lean your thumb against the B string to avoid it resonating when you don't want it to and causing a low drone (bagpipe style) to accompany your playing. [/quote] Let your floating thumb mute the lower strings. [media]http://youtu.be/PPVMBPmrblU[/media]
  5. Maybe try an Orange OB-1 300 or 500 head when they hit the shops?
  6. If you are looking for lightweight Class D with a valve front end, try GK MB Fusion - available in 500W and 800W versions.
  7. The big online retailers (GAK, PMT etc) are all showing the OB-1 heads as 'pre-order'. Guess we'll have to wait a while before they hit the shops...
  8. I always have some form of cover for anything I take out of the house, and this goes a long way towards maintaining its condition and hence resale value: Barefaced cabs - Roqsolid covers Streamliner - lap-top bag! SVT 3 Pro - fits in my Pedaltrain 2 gig bag( which also gets used on guitar gigs - for holding my Pedaltrain!) Guitar combo - flightcase doubles as amp stand, also have a soft cover for non-gig use Before discovering Roqsolid, I used to fashion cardboard slip covers for my cabs!
  9. Cheers HazBeem, think I'll stick with 'gooey'. GLWTS hen barn!
  10. That cat is going to get a shock when it wakes up.
  11. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1425250515' post='2705630'] Do I have this right? Both the lo switches on Ampeg amps boost frequencies below those reproduced by their classic 810 fridge cabs? [/quote] Yes and no. Just because a switch is described as, say, +12dB @ 50HZ, doesn't mean it has no effect at 39Hz or 41Hz. For example this circuit has an effect right up into the hundreds of Hz:
  12. You only have to listen to Sounds of the Sixties on Radio 2 on a Saturday morning to realise how much utter sh!te came out of said decade! Thing is, there was so much music made, you could easily listen to the good stuff non-stop without getting bored. My personal pub-band turn-off is endless covers of [i]Sex on Fire[/i] and [i]Mr Brightside [/i]- great songs, but done to death.
  13. [quote name='hen barn' timestamp='1425222545' post='2705200'] I have no idea what you mean?? I just turn it on and it sounds amazing! [/quote] Ah ok, if I wind up the gain on my Streamliner I can get a bit of breakup (mild distortion) from the preamp valves. Anything like that happen on the Reidmar? (Even if there are no valves on board!)
  14. Is this one of those squeaky clean jobs, or is there any subtle grind to be had from the preamp gain?
  15. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1425193887' post='2704812'] I own a HD150 and a HD65. The sound of the BH500 is always clear, even on high volume. The HD150 and HD65 are "loud" and clear amps too, but they start to cracking at higher volumes. I think, that these amps are not comparable. [/quote] Thanks for the gut shot disssa. I'm a bit surprised that the fan is just extracting air from the chassis interior, rather than perhaps forced-air cooling the heatsink, but if it operates reliably then I guess there's no problem. Is there any drive or breakup available from the Gain control?
  16. A used Maverick is also an option. I had the entry-level Chaos model, and the pickups in that were incredible.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425200961' post='2704873'] The graphic on the SVT 3 pro is pretty awful anyway and best switched out.. One reason why I prefer the PF soundwise... [/quote] For me it's best used as an extra gain stage - set all frequencies flat and use the Level slider to get you another 10dB of gain if you run out on the Master control (the amp has the headroom to take it). Otherwise I would be quite happy to live without the graphic, 3 or 4 tone controls are all I need.
  18. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1421079952' post='2656909'] It is. How pointless. When these first showed on the markbass FB page last year I thought they were just going to be rebadged classic 300 amps. Now they are pretty much a LM3, with a worse preamp and a giant heavy case. 5kilo head inside a 10 kilo case. [/quote] 6.2kg actually. Thomann seem to have stopped stocking them, but you can buy from Markbass direct, and there is a German eBay seller with one listed on BIN (€949 = £689) or best offer. No UK dealers then?
  19. The humble drum machine is a great practice tool. Choose a style and off you go.
  20. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1425147360' post='2704525'] Same here, I always had the Ultra Low engaged on my PF500 - sounded great, and no problems being heard in the mix, even with dead roundwound strings. Just kept all the rest of the eq set flat. Also did the same with my SVT 3PRO which I had for a while, and as you said, after messing about with the graphic trying to get a sound I liked, realised the sound I liked was with the graphic switched off. Also used an SVT 2PRO last night, and again, had the Ultra Low engaged - did boost 4kHz on the graphic though, as need that clank/twang for wha I`m currently doing. [/quote] There's a pattern emerging here...
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425143892' post='2704485'] Streamliner and Compact, then? Not much you can't do with that set-up! [/quote] True!
  22. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1425141407' post='2704450'] In my band mix I have the mids at 3/4 trebble noon and bass at a quarter...... With only the ultra low engaged( not ultra high,it's awful) it's sounds awsome,kind of adds a layer of sweet compression to it as well as boost. I always found the secret to ampegs was boosting the mids :-) [/quote] That's spookily similar to how my settings ended up, albeit on a different model.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425143441' post='2704474'] I think a P Bass is perfect for that genre (particularly a 51-style) but as far as amps go... does anyone care? I imagined a Fender TV or other 'tweed'-type combo would be good, or even a Fender Bassman rig with all the chrome and silver cloth... but there are practical issues with both! [/quote] The audience won't care but I do! It's not like we'd be pretending to have come out of the 1950s, but looks do matter. Anyway my Compact has the lovely silver grille cloth
  24. [quote name='mSz' timestamp='1425142399' post='2704462'] For me ultra low is the ampeg sound. I always leave ultra low and ultra high engaged on my svp-pro. I also boost mids at 450Hz. Bass and High depends on the room I am playing in. Most important, leave the graphic EQ off! [/quote] OK, interesting. I can't be @rsed with the graphic either!
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