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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425142016' post='2704454'] So is your Streamliner not cutting it, then? I suppose my question is, if you're getting a sound you like with it, what's the reasoning behind using the Ampeg instead? [/quote] Good point! No, the Streamliner very much cuts it, particularly for anything rocky. I favour the combination of Sandberg and Ampeg when I am playing functions as it produces a particularly sweet and chewy sound. For the Americana stuff I think the Precision has the right sound (and look), but we will likely be playing theatres (big time!), so my thinking was to use the Ampeg and take the Streamliner as a spare. Thinking about it, the Streamliner also sounds great for country, so yes, why shouldn't I use it for Americana? *light bulb glows dimly, flares into brilliance, then burns out with a dull clink* Well that's settled then!
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425139107' post='2704427'] Boosting the lows and cutting mids generally sounds good when you're playing solo, at home. One stage you really don't want all that low-frequency stuff sloshing around if your doing a gig with any kind of sizable PA with an engineer, it tends to muddy the waters somewhat. And you need those mids to be heard in the mix. It's the old thing about your solo sound being unsuitable for use in a band, and vice-versa. I've always considered low and high boost, contour and shape switches or any kind of pre-set EQ buttons to be a bit of a gimmick myself, though having said that I'm sure there are those who swear by them. Actually I swear by them too - I say, 'Who the feck pressed this bass boost button??' But then I'm Old Skool me, I tend to plug straight in and set everything flat. Or 'flat', as it never really is. But you know what I mean. If you're having trouble making your P sound how you want it, may I suggest a change of strings before looking at your amp? If you're happy with everything but for the upper mids, this may make all the difference. [/quote] 100% with you there on 'solo sound' and gimmicky switches. On the first point, that's why I played along with the CDs at volume rather than just playing solo. My default preference is for a hefty mid boost (no scooping on my watch), and don't worry, I will check my findings in a band setup. I am probably due a new set of Chromes on my P - the low E is sounding a bit duff anyway. EDIT: I should make clear that the P has always sounded great through my Streamliner, so the issue was setting up the Ampeg to suit it.
  3. Having cycled back from town this afternoon and left Mrs Axe to do some more shopping, I commandeered the living room and got out the rig I aim to use if I end up working with a new contemporary country/Americana outfit, namely: '73P > Ampeg SVT3 Pro > Barefaced Compact I have been really happy with the sound of the Ampeg when using my Sandberg and G&L, with a substantial boost on mid-position 1 (220Hz) and everything else flat. However the P has never quite sounded how I wanted it to (too much going on in the upper-mids), so I started playing along with some of the tracks I may be covering, at a volume Mrs Axe would not have appreciated had she been present. I tend to avoid boosting the bass frequencies, as doing so can leave notes on the G string sounding weak or 'stranded'. I tried various settings on the graphic, and then I tried the LO switch - blow me down if it didn't sound instantly better! According to the manual, the LO switch has the following effects, depending which bit you read:[list] [*]Main text: +2dB @ 40Hz, -10dB @ 500Hz [*]Tech spec: +2.5dB @ 50Hz, -12db @ 560Hz, +1.5dB @ 5kHz [/list] It may do both (or all) of the above. I ended up rolling off a bit of bass too, and this got me closes to my preferred Streamliner sound (where I also give 220Hz a hefty boost). I should know well enough to trust my ears more than my eyes, but I am quite surprised that this sounded so good. The boost at 220Hz is coupled with a scoop at 500-600Hz, which I guess explains how it manages to sound both fat and clear. I also got quite close by disengaging LO, boosting the bass a notch, and rolling off some treble at the amp. Although the centre frequencies are given as 50Hz and 5kHz, the treble and bass controls are part of a passive tone stack, so they have quite a wide frequency range. Having wibbled on about all that, what do other people do with their LO switch, and on which model Ampeg - on all the time, just for particular songs, avoid like the plague? Over to you, fellow Basschatters...
  4. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1423506948' post='2685681'] Never seen a tuner flipped like that before. [/quote] I think I have, and it was this same bass on this very forum.
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1424296237' post='2694967'] Right! I played with the 300W version today and i have to say I think it sounded really good! Up against a D Class head it oozed body even before adding in the drive section we at the studio agreed. [/quote] What speaker was it playing through?
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425048203' post='2703390'] Here's an anagram: GEPMA. [/quote] D'oh! Where are my donuts?
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425026191' post='2702977'] Oh, I just got it - duh!! [/quote] I haven' got it at all - duh+1!
  8. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1425030874' post='2703074'] I asked someone about these who's tested them recently and his principal comment was that it would survive being dropped down a set of stairs Didn't mention how they sounded though [/quote] Good job there's no stairs at Bassgear then Barrie! [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1425032271' post='2703104'] I got the amp yesterday an played a 4 hours practice session. First impressions: a really powerful and versatile Amp, good working EQ. [/quote] disssa, did you once own an HD130? Comparison?
  9. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1425024873' post='2702957'] My new test-object: [/quote] Ooh! That would look a bobbydazzler on top of one of my vintage-silver-grille-cloth BF cabs! Looks like the controls are [i]not[/i] the same as a LM3. disssa, I think I'm right in saying you have a nice collection of valve heads - how does this hold up against them? Any chance of a sound clip or two?
  10. Just bought a bit of pedalboard kit from Sim, all good
  11. I told the drummer in my band that I had 4 basses. He thought this was OTT, then admitted he had 4 drum-kits! I would have more, but I've run out of space.
  12. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1424658298' post='2698891'] Very nice man tonight said he thought I sounded like Tina Weymouth. Result. [/quote] I hope that's not just because Tina Weymouth was the only female bass player he could think of!
  13. I thought the Royal Oak had stopped having bands?
  14. [quote name='grapevinebass' timestamp='1424628125' post='2698478'] Took my new wonderful new bass with top notch active pickups to play in church band rehearsal this weekend. Practice completely disrupted by squawks and feedback from the sound system. Very puzzled that turning down, and even unplugging the bass made little difference. Eventually worked out it was due to the hearing loop. It took me back to a gig a couple of years ago at a conference venue, when sound in rehearsal was dire. Then the lead guitarist riffs started coming out of the rhythm guitarists back line amp! Yes - it was the hearing loop, and we had to dismantle the sound desk to get to disconnect it. Lost most of our set up time and sound check - result was a very poor gig. So this time I had to swap my bass to one with less sensitive pickups, and stand right at the back of the stage and just about got away with it. I hate hearing loops! Are there gadgets to get round this problem? The church sound engineer said that wrapping the bass in kitchen foil solves the problem, but I felt this was not helpful. [/quote] Don't forget your tinfoil hat! But seriously, the signal from an inductance loop will find its way into anything that isn't hum-cancelling.
  15. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1423180868' post='2682066'] Definitely get rid of the Greem Mile, it might be 'ok' on guitar, but sounds horrible on bass!! Get an Xotic Bass BB Pre or a Solidgold Beta or a Fuzzrocious Demon.....anything other than a Mooer guitar pedal lol Si [/quote] Green Mile is a Tube Screamer clone, so there is big roll-off of bass and lower mids - exactly what yo don't want!
  16. I remember these being advertised in [i]Guitarist[/i] magazine in the 80s.
  17. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1424436428' post='2696270'] [wildlyofftopicforasecond] Is that 'David Bowie' or 'Bowie, David'..? Mine are alphabetical by surname or main band name, e.g. Weller, Paul or Jam, The. I do not get out much. [/wildlyofftopicforasecond] [/quote] [b]Bowie[/b] comes under B, after [b]Boomtown Rats[/b] but before [b]Garth Brooks[/b]. I would have thought that was obvious (except to iTunes).
  18. Wowsers! *rattles piggy-bank hopefully* Oh well...
  19. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1424125376' post='2693043'] Perhaps just a wooden support underneath running side to side that is in contact with the floor and so prevents flexing? [/quote] I did think about something like that, but it would kind of spoil the elegant simplicity of the design.
  20. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1424106851' post='2692695'] I love a good relic. Trouble is there are so many bad ones! [/quote] M'lud, exhibit A is a website known as 'E-Bay'...
  21. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1424106443' post='2692685'] Sound advice chaps. many thanks for the replies. Order placed after many questions from me, and sensible advice from him. Can't wait to receive the goods. I have decided to upgrade the cabs to speakon sockets, which Dave is sending me as well as the cables. Should be wall shakingly good. Thanks again chaps. [/quote] You won't regret it. Dave makes the chunkiest speakon cables in the known universe.
  22. Each to their own on this one. Probably mentioned it before, but I own one reliced instrument and one old (1973) instrument. I bought them because they played great, sounded great, and looked great. I also own instruments that I bought new and pristine for the exact same reasons.
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