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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1424043982' post='2692021'] You might want to read this: [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/l2500_bridge_mod.html"]http://www.bassesbyl...bridge_mod.html[/url] [/quote] Thank you neepheid, that's most illuminating. I have flats (Chromes) on my L1505 and I was reluctant to fit them through the body in case of problems with the break angle at the points where they emerge from the bridge plate and pass over the bridge saddles. Having said that, I have Chromes on my Mustang (a 32in set to allow for the extra distance through the body) and have had no problems there, so I might just have to get an extra-long set and re-string the L1505. Unfortunately I probably don't the metalworking skills or tools to do the mod suggested in the Basses By Leo link!
  2. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1424090004' post='2692404'] Very clean sounding amp, so would take pedals well if you needed to grind it up a bit, but keep that huge power on tap. [/quote] Any breakup available from the pre-amp?
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1424038120' post='2691946'] Repositioning the bridge is going to be made more difficult because the G&L Saddle Lock bridge has a sizeable route made into the body for a protrusion from the base of the bridge. [/quote] Aha! This goes a long way towards explaining why the bridge on my L1505 stays in place with just 2 screws, even with 5 strings top-loaded into it...
  4. JapanAxe


    [quote name='ash' timestamp='1424028473' post='2691760'] It's short scale 30" [/quote] Thanks, I'd read that it was, but you never know whether there's been a different version made!
  5. JapanAxe


    Hi, what is the scale length please?
  6. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1423826619' post='2689409'] Was always scared of light touch, thinking i would get no volume, tone and the dynamics would be ruined, turns out for me it is in light touch i get better tone, volume control is on the amp, dynamics is more than just plucking hard or softer. [/quote] I now play with much less force in the plucking hand, and let the amp do the hard work. As a result my playing is both faster and smoother. If I need to go louder I have plenty in reserve though!
  7. I never know what to play when trying out a bass, to the point where I have been known to write myself a list of bass lines to run through! But put me in a band and off I go. Does this ring any bells Mr Thunderbird!?
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423952626' post='2690927'] The solution would be to only by combos, maybe..? How do you arrange your packets in the kitchen cupboard..? By height..? By width..? By colour..? When you sharpen a pencil, does it worry you that it's now shorter than the others, so you have to sharpen those, too..? So many niggles in life, eh..? [/quote] No more combos for me - I like mixing and matching. However I can confirm that all my CDs are in alphabetical order by artist. There are exceptions though, e.g. Tin Machine is filed under David Bowie.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423951891' post='2690908'] ... and..? [/quote] Well it's not as bad as side overhang (aargh!) but it offends my sense of neatness. And probably the feet won't be resting on the cab. This is the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night...
  10. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1423951278' post='2690896'] The Aguilar DB 359 ist a rackmountable all valve amp: [url="http://www.musiker-board.de/threads/amp-aguilar-db359-r%C3%B6hrenamp.483004/"]Klick[/url] Good sounding "one-tone"-wonder with a depth of 45 cm and a weight of 22 kg... [/quote] Depth of 45cm? That will overhang the back of my Barefaced cabs by 10cm!
  11. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1423913956' post='2690285'] I wonder how this would get on for bass guitar? [url="http://www.carvinworld.com/products/TS100"]http://www.carvinwor.../products/TS100[/url] [/quote] Ooh! (Excitement at thought of combining with an SVP...) [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423915771' post='2690309'] You need a Burman MPA and SL100 Powerpak! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/227325-nad-burman-mpa-sl100-powerpak/"]http://basschat.co.u...sl100-powerpak/[/url] Weight in thread is inaccurate - it's only 35kg in total. [/quote] Aah! (Anticipation of discs being squashed to pulp and vertebrae grinding together as I drag this lot around..)
  12. Mr Twit, I can indeed confirm that ISHST has a finger-knotter of a bass line.
  13. [quote name='awdl22125' timestamp='1423921409' post='2690382'] ...any promoters we can trust etc. [/quote] I will be very surprised to see any substantive responses to this bit!
  14. I lifted 'CE-2 Chorus' from a pdf of the user manual and laser-printed it onto DIY waterslide decal and it came out quite good, but if you look closely it is a bit pixelated round the edges. Bloodaxe's route seems a better one, but my pedal ended up like this:
  15. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1423869336' post='2690040'] I don't think it's strong enough to survive being stomped on. [/quote] Oh well!
  16. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1423694428' post='2688127'] Putting the overall height thing to one side for a moment the one thing that bugs me is the width of many valve amps. Many cabs are now even narrower than a 19-inch rack case so most valve amps overhang both sides. Very ugly. [/quote] Yes, I am always on the lookout for an all-valve head no more than 19in wide - the width of my Barefaced cabs! The Selmer T'n'B is barely wider (mine is only 50W), and those Trace valve heads are also about the right size but with only a graphic for tone control.
  17. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1423748435' post='2688562'] ... if you read what Stewart Ward (Session amps) writes about valve sounds and tone, it turns out you don't really need valves at all, just better informed transistor design... [/quote] This will be the same Stewart Ward that builds and sells transistor-powered Session Amps? He's done pretty well with them, but clearly he does have a vested interest! BTW I am not knocking Session Amps - I used to own one of the guitar combos, and it was very good for a solid state amp.
  18. Please note I'm not sure about the 30cm depth. The Ikea website definitely says 42cm wide, and I've just guessed based on that!
  19. I have one of these in my studio. I have used it just about every day since I bought it. Fantastically useful bit of kit! GLWTS.
  20. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1423860719' post='2689922'] paint it green and write Z-VEX on it, $300 mark up [/quote] Now there's a thought...
  21. There have been threads on various forums about an Ikea shelf unit that can be converted into a cheap and cheerful pedalboard. Whilst strolling cheerfully round Ikea in Bristol today, I came across the [url="http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/60150176/"]Bräda laptop support[/url] at £2.90. It is a single piece of plastic measuring 42cm wide by about 30cm deep, with an inclined surface and a non-slip rubber strip underneath. You could fit at least 4 normal-size pedals on this, and there is room underneath to fix a power supply block. I expect it would be easy enough to drill if you needed. I didn't buy one, as I have 2 guitar pedal boards already, and the last thing I need is an excuse to buy more pedals! Anyone fancy having a go with one of these?
  22. Are those pickups hum-cancelling? Or just when both on? Or neither?
  23. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1423825464' post='2689390'] He uses synth for quite a few songs in their back catalogue. One Day Like This and Starlings spring to mind immediately. [/quote] I played One Day Like This from a written part on a gig before Christmas. I practised to an mp3 extracted from the full arrangement and I had never heard the original, so it never occurred to me it might be a synth part!
  24. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1423813708' post='2689226'] Oh dear I seem to have upset people, including the OP Apologies all [/quote] As long as we don't descend into Fender hate we'll be fine! I agree, some sound clips would be nice.
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