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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1423815738' post='2689247'] Now that's thorough. I particularly like the bit of duster fluff caught on the tuner screw head in picture #5... [/quote] My favourite is the iron filings adhering to the pickup pole-pieces. Surely when the seller looked at the photos they would see that and get the blu-tak out!
  2. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1423692555' post='2688094'] That's in the right ball park for sure JapanAxe - and to be honest the preamp only need be a simple Marshall tone stack (cathode follower?) rather than lots of gubbins on board. [/quote] Anyone fancy buying one, gutting it, and putting in a simple bass-oriented preamp?
  3. [size=5]I wondered about basing something on the Carvin Legacy 100W guitar head ([color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]17" wide x [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]9" deep x [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8.5" high, [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Weight: 29 lb) [/font][/color]but that would be way beyond my DIY skills:[/size]
  4. My country trio had a 'social club' phase in which I played and sang 'Can't Get You Outta My Head' (I am a bloke btw) and 'Peaceful Easy Feeling' (another Eagles song). We still do the latter. No skellingtons here!
  5. Japan Junior is a chip off the old block on both bass and skinny-string, and has recently joined Basschat. I won't embarrass him with a user-namecheck.
  6. My music collection is all ripped to our main computer, and that is synched to my iPod. My music room computer can access all that stuff via our home network, but also contains loads of stuff I've ripped from iTunes solely for the purposes of learning it for gigs. This keeps it off of my iPod! If I really like a song that I've had to learn, I will buy the mp3 and it will end up on my iPod. I occasionally make 'non-iPod' CDs of material to learn and put them in the multi-changer in the car.
  7. [quote name='godo' timestamp='1423520656' post='2685974'] Hi, do you have a cv toucan send to [email protected] fora dep job with Jamie and the first class. We area fun band based in Marlborough. Our website is www.jamie.fm All the best Jamie [/quote] PM sent
  8. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1423508097' post='2685708'] One is a hybrid, sorry... [/quote] Wow! What model is the EBS?
  9. I have been approached to play with a band at this rugby and music festival in June. The event website southwest7s.co.uk currently shows no confirmed acts, and no venue. The festival is only 4 months away. I just wondered how this compares to the lead-times for other festivals or other rugby sevens events?
  10. For me there's an optimum stage size, where there is room for you and all your kit without risk of clashing headstocks on PA speakers, cymbals etc, but you are close enough to communicate both musically and verbally with your bandmates, and the sound doesn't get lost when you move around. If I have a mic stand I tend to stay behind it even when I'm not singing - it takes a real effort for me to move away!
  11. I went in the Yamaha shop in the 90s and contracted Pacifica 604 lust. Eventually bought one used and gigged it for several years. Yamaha really know how to put musical kit together.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423504627' post='2685639'] And it's never been jigged! [/quote] So hard to find an unjigged bass these days...
  13. Also if you want to get the kinks out of a detachable mains cable, leave it in your airing cupboard or drape it over your hot water tank for a few hours. Then you can coil it loosely.
  14. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423400728' post='2684296'] I played with them for about 6 months, worked hard, learned more complex basslines and then they told me I was ready to move onto a better band [/quote] That's the nicest 'you're fired' line I've ever heard! Only joking
  15. What are the dimensions of the head please?
  16. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1423392213' post='2684162'] Stewart Lee (again) in the Guardian today. The more I find out about this the more annoyed I get. So I am having an annoyed Sunday morning [url="http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/08/secondary-ticketing-legal-but-not-morally-right-sajid-javid"]http://www.theguardi...ght-sajid-javid[/url] [/quote] That was a bloomin' good read. If I've got this right, our best hope of bringing an end to ticket tout tossery is to unleash the Iron Maiden fanbase upon them. With Eddie to the fore.
  17. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1423413874' post='2684499'] The result is as unpredictable as mixing drinks. It might be OK, like gin and tonic. It might be disastrous, like Bailey's and lime juice. [/quote]
  18. When I had cheaper basses I indulged in reverse snobbery, now I can afford to be a proper snob!
  19. Go for it. You're not going to get into, say, a wedding band straight off, but your first steps might be to find some other players with similar musical tastes and ambitions, and set yourself a short list of songs to play together.
  20. '[size=4][color=#000000]The paint has been carefully stripped back using solvents and sanding methods, as it would if the nitrocellulose paint and lacquer wore off on early Fender/Gibson models due to [s]acidic sweat and friction[/s] frenzied attack with battery acid and a belt sander.'[/color][/size]
  21. Never deal with any 'agency' that wants payment before the gig, or as an up-front fee to then find you gigs - they will be a scammer. The normal deal will be to pay the agent a percentage of what you have received from the client.
  22. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423359710' post='2683984'] ...me and the drummer having a massive bust up and screaming at each other.... He started it I don't think he expected me to retaliate so viciously. He apologised and we hugged and made up. The crowd were really appreciative. [/quote] Might have been better to have your row where the audience couldn't see you? I'll get me coat...
  23. Can we pin this thread as a rare example where every post has been an eminently sensible and useful contribution? Except this one of course!
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