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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Guitarist reviewed the skinny-string version at £99 and gave it 5 stars. Review [url="http://www.musicradar.com/reviews/guitars/mono-guitar-sleeve-613878"]here[/url].
  2. Time for a new cab then. Loads of choice out there, and plenty of used cabs in the BC marketplace.
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1421964098' post='2667299'] I just think it's £9.99 a month for access to pretty much every CD I own and a whole lot more; ... Used to spend £100 or more a month on music - haven't bought a CD in months. [/quote] Exactly! (1) Access to every CD I own - £0, because they're all on my iPod. This is the latest trend, to have people paying to access their data/stuff. (2) So what has this done to the income of people who make their living from recording music?
  4. Not to pi$$ on anyone's chips but Spotify doesn't line up with the way I 'consume' music. I like to buy a CD and listen to it. Somehow I don't get the same satisfaction from free or unfeasibly cheap music. I think it's a commitment thing!
  5. I have a non-T Midget but can confirm - like the OP and quite a few before - that a Midget/Compact stack far exceeds the sum of its parts. All good!
  6. ... and that is why one should always keep a gnarly old Precision available. Loved the song - congrats! Thinks: Aren't you going to need a gnarly old amp too!?
  7. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1421936375' post='2666785'] New Beard Day, although it's got a way to go yet ... [/quote] ...before it catches up with your chest hair
  8. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1421918857' post='2666488'] Surely the programmable tone controls and screen have been done before - can't remember what brand but someone was selling one on BC a few months back. [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1421919674' post='2666501'] I'm a big Berg fan, but the digital interface makes me think of those awful Ashdown abonimations. *shudder* [/quote] Do we mean this:
  9. I use a Bose L1 Model II with 2x B2 bass bins and ToneMatch mixer. This is for my country trio - but only for the 2 vocal mics. The drums are not mic'ed up, and guitar and bass just use backline amps. We are generally playing in social clubs or village halls, but we have done a couple of gigs in pubs. I generally position the line array to one side of the stage area, pointing at the diagonally opposite corner of the room. We are then in the same 'sound field' as the audience, so the PA also acts as our foldback - no separate wedge monitors needed. The system works really well, to the point that I now look at the room, set the master volume accordingly, and off we go. I have the ToneMatch on a little tray clamped to my mic stand (not hanging off the line array as shown in the picture). The whole setup cost about £2,900 four years ago, and weighs only 50kg (less than many conventional PA subs). It has more than paid for itself. Last year we played a C&W festival where each band brought their own PA (I know!). We were on a flatbed trailer, playing to a field full of people. A friend told me he could clearly hear everything at the far end of the field! In the past I have owned 'big-box' PAs (or shares in them) - never again!
  10. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1421917577' post='2666466'] Looks like the Denon HiFi amp I had in the 1980s! I'm sure it's great though. [/quote] [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1421918267' post='2666474'] I like the hifi look. I reckon I could stick it on top of my AV Amp and the missus won't notice!! (She might notice 10m speakons winding round the edge of the room to reach the cabs though!) [/quote] Exactly! Wouldn't look out of place in Richer Sounds. Surely the programmable tone controls and screen have been done before - can't remember what brand but someone was selling one on BC a few months back.
  11. I always keep a supply of boxes and recycled bubble wrap in my loft. My worst packaging experience was a Tele-style neck (with tuners) sent to me in a single layer of bubble wrap. The postman decided this would go through my letter box, so duly rammed it through. I returned home unaware and started to open my front door, and the neck jammed between the outer and inner doors (we used to have 2 doors - long story). I didn't know what it was so carried on forcing the door. Imagine my surprise when I found out what the obstruction was, and discovered that 2 of the tuners were now bent beyond repair. Oh how I laughed (not).
  12. Impressive! And did you spot the Sandberg California (sunburst relic finish)? This amp is going for the same market as Yamaha's THR series and Roland's Micro Cubes, and I think the price is perfectly reasonable considering what it can do. As always, you have to ask yourself: What do I want this for? And how well does it do that/those thing(s)?
  13. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1421879488' post='2666267'] The drummer for one of my bands has taken being friendly with fans to another level – he has just left his missus to shack up with one…! [/quote] So... friends with 'benefits' eh?
  14. 'Pinnacle of beauty'? Those things are butt ugly! IMO of course.
  15. If there's one thing that's likely to put me off a venue it's a bad load in/out. I don't mean having to fight your way through the drunken door-blockers at the end of the gig (which can happen anywhere), I mean: - loads of stairs, especially narrow stairs; - long walks from the car through multiple sets of doors or across gravel; - having to park on double yellow lines whilst loading; - having to park 10 minutes' walk from the venue; and - a location that becomes drunk-fight central at load-out time. These things can mar an otherwise excellent evening! Oh yes, and being expected to cram into a tiny space next to the main traffic route to a toilet.
  16. That is one sweet looking bass! Good job I don't get on with Jazzes. GLWTS
  17. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1421788498' post='2665112'] Probably the best combination, especially in the 80's, was a Status headless through a Trace stack. [/quote] ...whilst wearing a jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and a mullet...
  18. That's just like mine, except the wear on mine is somewhat less alarming!
  19. Fans? That would be a novelty! Seriously, when someone comes up and compliments me on my band's performance, I always take the time to thank them and chat with them about what they like. Of course it is polite to do so, but it is also a source of valuable feedback on what is good about what we do and how we do it.
  20. [quote name='Lazybirdpete' timestamp='1421847809' post='2665677'] Finally bought a VM that works, from my local guitar shop Mansons: only £12 more than Thomann and that includes a free 6 month set up! [/quote] There's a moral there somewhere...
  21. Pics might help, but is there some kind of furry/velvety lining on top of the knackered foam? It may be worth keeping the lining, as some expanded foams will react with guitar finishes.
  22. [quote name='pajc72' timestamp='1421763865' post='2664663'] The reason I tabbed the Beatles songs was because of the abundant inaccuracies of the bass tabs in books like The Beatles Complete. Though this is an excellent reference book the bass tabs fall way short of '100% spot on' as you describe. Transcription of a song is very subjective, especially when it concerns the bass lines. Two very excellent transcribers can hear things very differently. I have seen a bass transcription of in My Life where the transcriber has heard an 'F natural' in the first couple of bars'. Comparisons to other Bass Tabs are inevitable, but you really havent taken the time to compare both my tabs and ones supplied anywhere else. I have EQ set up in a certain way to highlight the bass making it easier to transcribe. Its painstaking but incredibly joyful work, which I love doing, and I think the results speak for themselves By the way, these books have been provided completely free, no one need donate to use these books, the option is there and can be completely ignored. My only aim here is to provide the most accurate bass transcriptions possible of the Beatles back catalogue, something that has not been done until now. [/quote] Well done Pete! I have been transcribing almost as long as I've been learning/playing, and I often go back to a transcription I did years ago and find I now hear it very differently (i.e. more accurately). I'm a bit torn about whether to download these, as I find I learn material more effectively if I have transcribed it myself. Also I much prefer standard notation (please start a different thread if anyone wants an argument about this!), but these tabs have the distinct benefit of accurate rhythmic notation. I just hope no-one pulls the plug on all this...
  23. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1421707732' post='2664258'] This is a really good point. I'm surprised that we rarely get people,at our shop buying basses and saying they are to record with rather than for gigging. Obviously we get a lot of customers who record regularly but they generally seem to record with whatever their main gigging basses are. [/quote] I bought my first bass 'just to record with'. You can guess the rest!
  24. M@ - buy used from Basschat Marketplace, then if you don't like what you get you can move it on at little or no net cost. This [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252604-tecamp-puma-900/page__p__2661497__hl__puma__fromsearch__1#entry2661497"]Tecamp Puma 900[/url] is up for grabs (not affiliated to me btw!), TH500s come up regularly, and TTEs occasionally.
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