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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I recall Alex from Barefaced explaining on BC how placing a cab on the floor enhances the bottom end. He even camE up with a formula to calculate the cutoff frequency based on the distance from the floor.
  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1421675143' post='2663799'] In the end, I went with a system that allows a name to be written on the label. As for getting other band member to coil the cables properly, that's an ongoing task..... [/quote] If someone coils my cables I have to uncoil them and start again!
  3. I have the guitar version, received from Mrs Axe at Christmas 2013.
  4. Most of my guitars and basses cost £1,000-£2,000. I don't worry when I gig them, but I do look out for them. I just bought a TSA bass case, and if I do ever fly to a gig, I have to wonder which bass I will put in it... Well it would be the Sandberg, as it's the least irreplaceable of my 'stable'.
  5. If you play more-or-less straight fingered, your plucking fingers can go too far into the strings and slow you dow. On rare occasion this can have catastrophic results, as described by Discreet above. As I play with curved fingers (rather like a pianist), the thumb of my plucking hand prevents my other fingers from doing this. I can then mock ramp-users for being unable to play without artificial assistance. EDIT: Afterthought - it must be a bit like an upright bass player plucking over the end of the fingerboard.
  6. [quote name='sshorepunk' timestamp='1421494512' post='2661916'] OK, the db750, after much deliberation, is staying! Going down the route of two smaller foot print cabs! Tony [/quote] So you will need cabs at least 19in wide if you want to avoid unsightly overhang! Still gives you plenty of choice
  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1421354979' post='2660380'] I know two fairly serious live/session players who use DB750's plus Aggie 4x10's live. Both of them use a TH500 and a pair of SL112's for club gigs. [/quote] Would one of those be Mr Swift by any chance?
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1421447433' post='2661505'] I'm kind of interested in something like this - [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BMQ7R8E/ref=s9_simh_gw_p267_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0MX5N9D25MEY8V0KCMTM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294"]http://www.amazon.co...&pf_rd_i=468294[/url] Or maybe the George L's. At the moment I'm just using some ready made Planetwaves things. Problem is they're not really the right length, and they're all angled jacks, and I want some angled and some straight. Are these things easy to assemble without soldering (I'm pretty dangerous with a soldering iron ) Can you use angled and straight jacks ? [/quote] I have Lava Plugs on my guitar pedalboard: They are a bit fiddly to do at first, and you need to set the cable at the correct angle coming out of the plug to suit your layout. You will also need some good quality wire cutters (i.e. small and sharp) - normal side-cutters will just make a mess. They aren't cheap, but you can sometimes find them used on eBay. EDIT: And yes, OBBM of this parish produces nothing but quality kit!
  9. A bit of finger noise is not a problem imo, but what should be avoided at all costs is allowing the last note still to sound whilst playing the next one; that will always sound muddy and horrible.
  10. Just bought a case from Nick in a motorway services meet-up. Very happy with my purchase and spent a pleasant and all-too-brief time supping coffee and chatting about bass and life in general. What a jolly decent chap!
  11. [url="http://www.hardcase.com/all-products"]Hardcase[/url] used to make a range of cases called Amp Mate but they seem to be discontinued. You might still find one used.
  12. Have you looked in Maplin? I suggest you don't!
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1421335881' post='2660055'] Part of my question is; can a 'music' computer be hooked up to the internet safely? [/quote] Yes. I have one. It's called a Mac. I'll get me coat.
  14. Blimey! You could house a small family in that control cavity!
  15. [quote name='luckman67' timestamp='1421275970' post='2659427'] A Hercules guitar stand I've always liked the look of these. [/quote] Also a great choice!
  16. Well that's you set for life. No need to even think about acquiring more bass kit, oh no indeed!
  17. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1417509420' post='2621003'] To explore what Hector's saying, you could try out the exercises and principles of 'The Inner Game of Music' by Barry Green. Great book. [/quote] Another vote for this book.
  18. 'Any line, pointer, or screw on a control knob should point towards the player on a line perpendicular to that of the strings when the associated control is at its maximum or centre detent position.' - Reg. 4(1)(a)The Bass Guitar Regulations 1998 (as amended) That is all.
  19. Do you read music 2strings? Part of your problem may be assuming that chords change on a beat, whereas they (or at least the bass line) change just before - known as anticipation. Have a look at the piano music for the song, and see whether the lowest note is 'tied' to a short earlier note where there is a chord change. I can't add a pic at the moment (bloomin' iPad) but will try to do so later. EDIT: More thoughts! Some people have a confidence problem that stops them playing on the beat - they sort of wait for everyone else to play the beat, then join in. Is this you? (It used to be me!). Also please tell me you do read music - if not, it is unreasonable to expect you to lead a worship music group, whatever your spiritual credentials! EDIT 2: Sorry just re-read OP and realised you're not the worship leader! Still it would help you to be able to read rhythms if nothing else.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421102329' post='2657284'] Your argument is convincing, but I'm going to stick with my Streamliner... [/quote] Me too!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421096601' post='2657159'] Er... so this has the disadvantages of both heavy valve gear and soulless solid state amps..? [/quote] What's not to like! Edit: Markbass also made the Audiophile range for Music Man in the 90s. I believe krispn of this parish has or had one.
  22. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1421100307' post='2657240'] This kind of post will become one of my Daily Annoyances in the Off Topic section. I'm biting my tongue here. [/quote] ???
  23. Welcome Mohawk! I suggest a trip to Wunjo Bass in Denmark St to have a look at the Squier range of basses and whatever else might be in your price range.
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