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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I think Jonesthebass has mainly answered that one. Maybe add: Brown Eyed Girl Stuck in the Middle I Feel Fine
  2. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1420999309' post='2656019'] Why don't we make the Fender slagging thread a sticky then all those who wish to slag them off can do so to their hearts content. [/quote]
  3. I have suffered this, but I only stood in with the band for one gig. I had worked out and memorised the bass line for 'Who's Crying Now?' by Journey note-for-note. The keytard [see what I did there?] played a very [i]similar[/i] LH line, with the stresses and anticipations in the wrong places. Sounded horrendous, or would have if anyone could have heard my bass over the volume of his keyboard. EDIT: Just remembered a completely different stand-in job where the keytard was complaining about his sound through the PA and monitors on soundcheck. The guy who was doing the PA explained that although the keyboard didn't sound great on its own, he was going for a good-sounding mix, so he had EQ'd the keys so they didn't clash with my bass. The keytard had a hissy fit and walked off-stage, only returning when it was time to play.
  4. Young Ida must like Sandbergs - here she is playing a distressed PM4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VKUs4lfsHs
  5. Welcome Graham. My one piece of advice for using Basschat would be to avoid getting caught up in Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS). Just get a playable instrument and a practice amp and [i]enjoy[/i] the learning process.
  6. Lovely. Put me in mind of N.E.W.S. by Prince - and that is meant as a compliment!
  7. I've seen them online but never tried one. Seems like Fender reaching out to the Yamaha market!
  8. I have all the albums, and love Gaucho. For an explanation, start [url="http://www.steelydandictionary.com/"]here[/url], but I suggest you look it up on your own first!
  9. I was all ready to sign this, but unfortunately they haven't thought it through: [i]We are calling for Trading Standards and the UK Government to step in, increase and change the laws around companies ripping off legitimate fans wanting tickets to their favourite artists.[/i] Although there is a Trading Standards Institute that lobbies the Government at national level, it is the Government who make the laws, not Trading Standards. Current Government policy is to [i]decrease[/i] restrictions on businesses (so-called 'red tape'). Consumer laws are mainly enforced by Trading Standards services, which are delivered at local level by local councils. Councils have suffered huge funding cuts in the last few years (with more to come), and are unlikely to prioritise this ahead of issues like food fraud. Also the Office of Fair Trading (to whom the petition is addressed) closed on 1st April 2014, with its responsibilities passed to various other bodies. I am afraid the petitioner needs to re-think the petition, and put forward a reasoned and coherent argument before it will be worthwhile signing.
  10. JapanAxe

    BBS Opto Stomp

    I had the yellow label Opto Stomp (bought and sold on BC) to use on guitar. It is smooth and noise-free, and is one of those effects where you don't really notice how good it is until you turn it off. In the end I found it a bit subtle, and eventually settled on the wallet-worryingly expensive Origin Effects Cali76. This has loads more knobs, and allows me to enjoy subtle compression with the guitar volume on about 7, and audible 'quack' with the volume maxed. I should also mention it takes up more than twice as much 'board space as the Opto Stomp!
  11. If Fender doesn't give you what you want, and another make does, it's a no-brainer.
  12. Compilation CDs for the car, playlists for the iPod Rough 'maps' of each song's structure More detailed notes for any fiddly bits Transcription (if you have the time/software/whatever) = another route into your brain
  13. I concur with all that has been said. If it ain't fun, don't do it. You can give plenty of notice so that your band-mates have time to replace you, and of course you can advertise for your own replacement in these very pages.
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1420812924' post='2653765'] Hardly surprising that Watford Valves would diss Hot Rox, as they are direct competitors. Last time I got a valve from WV it arrived in a jiffy bag; last one from HR came in a stiff cardboard tube padded with bubble wrap. [/quote] [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1420813839' post='2653781'] I didn't tell them that I'd spoken to Hot Rox, I said that a friend had suggested that the TAD valve would probably be the best option. FWIW, the guy at Watford Valves was more helpful than Hot Rox, and is a gigging bass player (with many different amps by the sound of it) and certainly seemed to know what he was talking about in relation to bass amps specifically, whereas Hot Rox gave me the impression that they weren't so sure, despite being very pleasant. The guy at Watford Valves then spent quite some time chatting to me about various bass-related things, which was nice. In the end I ordered from them, because I felt like they had earned my custom. [/quote] OK fair enough then!
  15. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1420803940' post='2653570'] Right, I spoke to Watford Valves this morning, who told me that the TAD valves that Hot Rox recommended are chinese and basically the same as the Ruby's! They recommended that the best option would be to go for a Tung-Sol, or possibly an EHX. Apparently the EHX would be a bit brighter and give a bit more punch, and the Tung-Sol would give a slightly thicker warmer low-mid range, which is more what I'm looking for I guess. So I think I shall order the Tung-Sol shortly, and I'll let you all know how I get on! [/quote] Hardly surprising that Watford Valves would diss Hot Rox, as they are direct competitors. Last time I got a valve from WV it arrived in a jiffy bag; last one from HR came in a stiff cardboard tube padded with bubble wrap.
  16. I'd rather have 3 or 4 rotary tone controls (that's knobs to you), but it will be interesting to hear what the starting-point sound is.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1420602998' post='2651222'] [list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we are looking for[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we want out of band experience[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of band we want to be in and if it's even feasible[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of people we want to work with[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I have the experience needed for the type of band I want to play in[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How far am I willing to commute for gigs and rehearsals[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How important is gigging and pay to me ( If those things are not important your looking for a "for fun" only band)[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I know how to work well with others, can I be part of a team[/font][/size] [/list] [/quote] I had a bit of a review of all this last year and ended up winding down my own (as in run-by-me) band a bit in favour of doing as much depping with other bands as possible. Loving it!
  18. Welcome Organic! Some advice (useul or otherwise):[list] [*]it's hard on the fingertips even though I play acoustic fingerstyle on medium gauge strings [*][color=#0000FF]- I find I fret with a different part of my fingertip when playing bass, so no surprises there.[/color] [*]getting an awful lot of string squeak which is annoying, I take it it's practise that's the cure for this(?) [*][color=#0000FF]- string squeak comes mainly from roundwound strings and/or high treble settings.[/color] [*]recording by miking up my amp gave a disappointing, thin sound (found most mics roll off a lot of bottom end). Getting much better results by DIing but still not as good as it sounds playing through an amp [*][color=#0000FF]- when you say DI, do you mean bass straight into DAW, or have you tried the DI out on your amp?[/color] [*]I prefer the sound of a precision or a rickenbacker. May try fitting a high mass bridge with brass saddles to get some more oomph. [*][color=#0000FF]- closest approximation on a Jazz will be neck pickup on its own, but if you like a Precision, get a Precision - then swap the necks![/color] [/list]
  19. [quote name='Old_Ben' timestamp='1420486340' post='2649937'] If you need to have a band meeting, probably best to have someone in the hotseat with some paper outlining what needs saying / deciding and writing down any decisions that get made, If there is no structure they'll end up like a bunch of people sitting around having a [b]chin wig[/b].... [/quote] Would that be a false beard then? [size=4] [/size]
  20. I don't suppose they would do a passive version with a split pickup, olympic white paint and torty scratchplate? Oh, wait...
  21. Option D: Tell Mrs Bad Sign you have saved up £700 to treat yourselves - you intend to spend your half on a playable Precision to replace your current plank, and you hope she enjoys spending her half on whatever she desires.
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