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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1420361355' post='2648325'] Could get max to cook up another one of these, super steep drop off of everything above 5khz [/quote] Nice fabric!
  2. Whereabouts are you located?
  3. Out of my 2 gigging amps and 4 basses, some pairings work better than others, or at least better for different bands or types of music. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1420325301' post='2648192'] ...we all know how well Ampegs/Precisons work together. [/quote] Strangely, I prefer my Precision via my Genz Benz!
  4. I have had good results recording bass via a Behringer GI100 connected to the speaker output of a practice amp - it simulates a 4x12 cab, so doesn't lose much (if any) bottom end. They go for £25-£30. Only trouble is, the output is balanced, so you would have to rig up some kind of adaptor lead.
  5. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1420293367' post='2647615'] A few lessons from a teacher is always going to be well worth your while. Learning some basic theory is also well worth the time and effort. Having said the above, you can also do a lot on your own to achieve the goal you mention. Try playing along to some simple songs that you like. With trial and error, try to work out the bass lines. There are lots of clips on You Tube with bass covers of songs, where the bass is easy to hear. Once you learn some basic theory, the penny will drop and you will begin to recognize certain chords and patterns that come up often. Until you do get a teacher, a good site to slowly work through (start at the very beginning of the lessons) is : [url="http://www.studybass.com/study-guide/"]http://www.studybass.com/study-guide/[/url] [/quote] Beaten to the StudyBass link by 3 minutes!
  6. The polite and considerate approach is to audition them separately, with enough of a gap that one can't hear the other while they're waiting. Don't forget to assess their [i]timing[/i], not just pitch and power. It is murder to work with a singer with 'off' timing!
  7. In the audience I spotted (I think) Adam Ant, Shane McGowan, Brian James, and Rat Scabies.
  8. All good stuff so far. Just to expand on the 'bass image' theme, do you know what the [i]band[/i] image is? If this is a pub covers or functions band, this won't really matter, as everyone rehearses in their street clothing. If it's a band that may have a more focused image (e.g. death metal), first ask yourself whether you can live with this, even if you treat it as dressing-up; then make sure you don't go blowing it unnecessarily, e.g. Coldplay-fan-style beige trousers and loafers to a metal audition. Really this shouldn't matter, but probably does!
  9. Convert it to a 2-string, replace the pickup with a cheap Jazz unit jammed into the cavity at an angle, and put it on eBay for £269 as suitable for people with fat fingers. Don't forget to drop a hint about the possibility of it being an early Fender prototype!
  10. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1420127763' post='2645866'] Beat me there JA - not until 1980 for me - would love to have been at those early early gigs I once saw Mick Jones at Hammersmith Metropolitan tube - can you beat that? [/quote] Mrs Axe and I once saw Patrick Moore at Paddington Station. He was a big bloke!
  11. The tone controls on the L-series basses are simple passive ones. The battery-powered preamp is added in to the circuit when you select active mode. If the noise is occurring in both active and passive modes, and you are sure it's not amp overdrive, then there are very few components and connections to check.
  12. Any chance you could re-do the thread title so that it makes more sense? You will need to select Edit in your post, then 'Use Full Editor'. EDIT: Sorry if you knew that last bit already!
  13. Saw the Clash twice in 1978 and re-lived it via the Rude Boy DVD. I'll be watching this!
  14. Did it come with roundwounds? The one I tried had rounds, it was the only thing I didn't like about it!
  15. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1420032168' post='2644991'] I think the main problem I have is that quite often I'm only about 1ft away from my cab , It's not so much volume it's not enough space for the sound wave to form , when I do a sound check it sounds great on the dance floor, Going through the PA Helps but it just can't get the same sound that the barefaced cab can , Yes I think I have been too loud trying to hear myself when it's just making it worse . I need to experiment with the band posistioning , just a couple ft would make a difference . [/quote] If you are only 1ft in front of your cab, surely the problem stems from not having ears in your lower legs, not a lack of 'space for the sound wave to form'.
  16. Urinates from a great height over my BandMix video clips. My favourite moment is the PRS-player's hair blowing in the breeze from about 4.10.
  17. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1419885707' post='2643665'] As many tunes as you can learn - even if you never gig them you'll be a better player for it. [/quote] This.
  18. 'Wanted' posts are immediately locked, so no bumping is possible. That is all.
  19. Result! Happy NBD! I expect that made your Mum feel a bit happier too.
  20. Out - Yamaha BB fretless In - 1973 Fender Precision What have I learnedly? I still don't 'get' Jazz basses and I should probably leave fretless basses well alone!
  21. It's not often that I feel compelled to listen to people's Soundcloud offerings all the way through, but I did with this one. Well done mate!
  22. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1419680271' post='2641817'] It`s all about the image, though I`m sure they`ll want someone who can play as well. Looks a good opportunity for someone, here`s hoping a Basschatter gets the gig. [/quote] Yeah I know, I'm not bitter really. I realise it's hard to sell an ageing curmudgeon like myself into the yoof pop market!
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