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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. The Gallery are still advertising the G&L that I bought there in July 2013!
  2. 'More powerful pots'? I'd like to know how that works!
  3. There is a pedal called a Möbius (I think) which is aimed at drop-tuning metal guitarists. Might work for you?
  4. Ed bought my octave mandola (Irish Bouzouki), absolutely no problems at all with the transaction.
  5. JapanAxe

    Pedalmods UK

    I modded my own CS3 using tips I found online, making it much more bass-friendly. I also had a Monte Allums CS3, and that was maybe quieter than the original, but still left your sound a bit thin and over-squished.
  6. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1413614575' post='2580098'] Yep, I understand this. What I don't understand is when 'proper' musos tell me that the key of Ab is different to G#. [/quote] There is no key of G# (although there is a key of G#m). I'm sure that's cleared up the confusion!
  7. JapanAxe


    Welcome JB! No doubt you have already found [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/103-lefties/"]this[/url] section for southpaws. There are always plenty of bargains to be had in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/19-basses-for-sale/"]Basses For Sale[/url] section.
  8. Yup, very annoying! Just needs a little careful enquiry, but you don't always realise until it's too late.
  9. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1413373739' post='2577599'] So I was planning on bringing my usual gear kit. Bass, amp head, cab, and my regular toolbox containing straps and leads and effects pedals and spares. But, what if I travelled light? I don't need the cab, I can use my amp head as a DI box, and get bass through the monitors. Pedals, I can live without. The amp head has a built in tuner, so I can leave my Korg Pitchblack at home. I reckon I can get by with just my bass, a strap, one lead, and my TC RH450. I'm not normally a fan of compromise, but in this situation it might be my best move. [/quote] Good call. The less you take, the less some ill-prepared feckwit can try to blag the use of on the night.
  10. Some tireless self-promotion has started to land me some gigs... so here's some more self-promotion!
  11. Some tireless self-promotion has started to land me some gigs... so here's some more self-promotion!
  12. Bump. Happy to consider your realistic offers via PM.
  13. Whatever you decide on - single pedals, multi, or both - try this before you gig your rig:[list=1] [*]Plug your bass into your 'board, with all the pedals de-activated/bypassed/whatever. [*]Play, and listen to the sound from your amp. [*]Quickly pull the plug from your amp's input, then take the plug going into your 'board and plug it straight into your amp. [*]Play and listen. [/list] If 4 sounds as good as 2, or better then fine. But if 4 results in a loss of clarity, bottom end, top end, whatever, you need to think again. The problem is that non-true-bypass pedals have a resistor and capacitor at the input that act as a high-pass filter. This has the effect of shaving off a little bit of low end. When you chain several pedals, this ends up being quite a lot, and it tends to be worse when putting a bass through a pedal meant for skinny-string guitars. If this does become a problem, it is worth investigating true-bypass loop pedals to switch your buffered pedals in and out of circuit.
  14. In a previous band we played two pubs where there was a basic fee, but they would also 'pass the hat around' and add that in.
  15. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1412982804' post='2573953'] So when they talk about DIing everything and mic-ing up my cab, they are simply BSing... [/quote] Indeed they are!
  16. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1412884025' post='2573037'] That's settings for the GK pickups. Godin use RMC pickups in the saddles. Found a thread with recomended settings for RMCs. http://www.vguitarforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=3965.msg26797#msg26797 [/quote] I'm a former GK30 user, and I used it with a Godin guitar (not bass). Although the different pickup systems will most likely need different sensitivity settings, as demonstrated by that link, I reckon it will still be necessary to select the instrument type as per the manual.
  17. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1412952701' post='2573624'] PPPS: Time for Blackstar to venture into bass perhaps?? [/quote] As I'm deeply unimpressed with Blackstar guitar amps, I won't be in the queue if they do venture into the deep end.
  18. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1412884952' post='2573059'] The Boss ME 50b for me is the easiest multi effects around. Pretty bombproof and has all switches and knobs to turn instead of annoying and confusing computer menus and switches which you need a computer degree to understand. You could pick one up on BC for about £100 or so. £269 new. [/quote] +1 for buying a used example of decent multi-FX. Once you know what you do and don't want to use, you can always upgrade to appropriate separate pedals - if you feel the need to do so. My best FX setup for bass was an old Boss ME8-B, which I only ditched because it had an intermittent switch problem which made it repeatedly flick back and forth into manual mode!
  19. I went along to a jam session tonight, and took my GB/BF rig in case I needed it. On arrival I found that all bassists were plugging into a Marshall Integrated Bass System 200W head and matching (1x15?) cab. Initially I thought, 'Oh well', but after I'd sorted out the weird EQ settings left by the previous player (bass maxed out etc), I have to say it did the sound of my Precision no harm at all. The guy who was running the jam seemed to like having me up there, so I was plugged into it for at least 40% of the evening. It was even phat and phunky enough for the closing rendition of [i]Superstition[/i]. Now I'm not suddenly GASing for the kind of heavy old solid-state gear that seems to have gone out of fashion these days, but it's fair to say we often forget it wasn't all bad. Here endeth the lesson.
  20. From Chapter 6 of the user manual: Regarding GR-20 bass guitar support The GR-20 you purchased includes system program version 2, which allows the bass guitar range to be supported as well. By connecting a bass guitar that has a separately sold GK-2B or GK-3B divided pickup (for bass) installed, you can play the GR-20 from your bass guitar. When shipped from the factory, the GR-20 is set for use with a guitar. The procedure described below lets you switch the GR-20 between guitar and bass operation. * You may repeat this procedure as many times as you like. Furthermore, this procedure will not affect the user patch data. Switching the GR-20 between bass guitar and guitar operation .......... 1. Switch off the GR-20. Then while holding down the [GK SENS] button, turn on the power. Shortly afterwards, the display will indicate “ ” or “ .” 2. Use the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob to select bass guitar or guitar operation. • Bass guitar operation: Turn the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob toward the right (clockwise) to make the display read “ .” • Guitar operation: Turn the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob toward the left (counterclockwise) to make the display read “ .” 3. Press the [EXIT] button. The setting will be stored, and you will be in Play mode. * The decimal point of the display will blink while the setting is being stored. Do not switch off the GR-20’s power while this takes place. * Please note that the setting will not be stored if you neglect to return to Play mode before you switch off the unit. * The setting is preserved until you repeat this procedure again. How the Bass Guitar and Guitar settings differ ................................... • The range of pitches produced by the GR-20 is switched between guitar and bass guitar ranges. • In some of the preset patches, this setting causes the actual pitch produced by the synthesizer to be one or more octaves above or below the pitch that is input. The same applies to user patches that you create based on these preset patches. (Example) BANK= BASS/GTR No= “Wood Bass”
  21. [quote name='Defo' timestamp='1412610497' post='2570349'] Tube Screamer with a bit of chorus? [/quote] I'm not hearing any chorus in there, or indeed any kind of modulation, just drive. Great sound mind.
  22. +1 for the Bad Monkey BUT it does take away something from your tone when bypassed.
  23. I concur, the only big drawback would be if the 2 signals coming out of the dirt pedals were out of phase. that would leave you with precious little bass and mids, and a lot of fizz. But hey, get a job as a guitarist!
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