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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I previously used overdrive, phaser, and auto-wah, for particular songs that I thought they suited, and I think that's a good way to approach it: go through the songs you play (I'm assuming covers here), pick out the ones where there's an obvious effect on the bass, and look around for a pedal that will give you that sound. Apart from a tuner (which isn't an effect anyway), I no longer use pedals on bass. I just like the sound of a bass through an amp!
  2. When did anyone last manage to buy an event ticket at face value? I bought tickets last week for a show at a local theatre, f[i]rom their own box office[/i], and they [u]added a booking fee[/u]. Robbing b@st@rds.
  3. Nah, you'll soon get bored with that. Chuck it my way and I'll give you a couple of quid for it out of generosity
  4. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1411689443' post='2562026'] Sounds like you've handled it very professionally and you are well-rid. [/quote] [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1411691751' post='2562036'] Sounds as if you've done the right thing and done it well. Good for you [/quote] [quote name='Les' timestamp='1411710564' post='2562063'] A lousy situation very well handled. You did what you had to do and it's sorted. [/quote] [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1411714825' post='2562089'] Yeh you seem to have handled it well. A lot calmer than i could've managed. Good work. If i ever need to chuck someone from our band, do you take cheques? [/quote] [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1411716918' post='2562105'] Sounds like you handled things correctly, good luck with new guy John [/quote] All of the above!
  5. Efforts like this are never wasted - it's all grist to the musical mill.
  6. Spoke to the guy tonight - turns out he made up the phrase to avoid putting people off with the word 'jazz'! He is sending me a link to some of his demos, so maybe then I will be somewhat the wiser...
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411429281' post='2559514'] Sunday gig, 3:00-7:00. Everything was cool.[list=1] [*]Cool Room [*]Cool crowd [*]Great stage volume and our stage monitors sounded awesome.I understand the house sound was great too. [*]The band was tight with lots of good stage energy [*]Good pay. [/list] Blue [/quote] I love it when a plan comes together!
  8. We're well overdue for some more input from Blue on this. In the meantime, music is my consuming passion, but for various practical reasons I now mainly listen to music on my iPod in the car!
  9. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1411478263' post='2559866'] [url="http://www.last.fm/tag/urban%20groove"]http://www.last.fm/tag/urban%20groove[/url] [/quote] Thanks but I got this message: We’re sorry, but our database servers are currently overloaded. Please enjoy a quick cup of tea and then try refreshing this page. Btw it's [u]instrumental[/u] urban groove. So no singing then.
  10. I have just been approached about an urban groove project. So what is urban groove?
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1411346882' post='2558669'] Aside from the events of today, The two [s]girls that follow the band around [/s]stalkers always create hostility towards any other women who try to dance or enjoy themselves and will eventually destroy the reputation of the band... [/quote] Fixed!
  12. Play the bass line from 'Good Times' by Chic. You have just played a D major scale, starting on the 2nd (E), which makes it the Dorian mode. TBH you are better off relating your playing to chords first. With this in mind, I suggest you work your way through the exercises on studybass.com.
  13. If this ever gets off the ground, don't forget to put the date and location in the thread title!
  14. If you are palying way behind the drummer, how will they know it's not the drummer playing ahead of you? Etc...
  15. Played a wedding gig tonight as a dep for a covers band. WAY too loud - one elderly chap, who was sitting right at the front, spent about 5 songs with his fingers in his ears, until some helpful soul led him away to a quieter spot. I had requested (and received) a set list, but it bore little resemblance to the sets that were played. Fortunately I had learned all their numbers, but it would have been nice to know what the opening number was going to be. An inconsistent drummer, and a guitarist who hadn't got his levels sorted, made this a less-than-enjoyable experience. At least there was a decent wedge at the end of the night. The band think they are a great functions band, but in fact they are a mediocre pub band that has managed to blag some wedding/party gigs. And yes, I have taken into account the fact that they were working with a dep. I think I'm going to be 'busy' if they call me again By way of complete contrast, I've just been booked for a choir's Christmas show. The choir mistress has helpfully emailed me some of the bass parts, and mp3s of her arrangements, so that will give me a head start. Expect a report in this thread just before Christmas!
  16. What is the realistic battery life on this? For example if busking in the street in a stripped-down rockabilly stylee outfit...
  17. I have the guitar version of this. Hugely flexible and natural-sounding drive pedal. GLWTS.
  18. I have no objection to a Sunday afternoon gig. A gig is a gig! The one I hate is Christmas Eve.
  19. Good for you mate! I just used pieces of Platfoam - see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224651-the-cab-now-arriving-at-platfoam-3/"]this thread[/url].
  20. I like U2 so this is quite a nice surprise. I have downloaded the album from the Mysterious Magic Cloud to my Mac, but I have just bought a fistful of CDs, so U2 will have to get in line behind Steve Earle, Bo Diddley, Robert Plant, Merle Travis, Bob Wills, and Freddy Fender [no relation].
  21. Mooer do a series of clones of various well-known pedals.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410721143' post='2552346'] I wont be depping any free gigs from this day forth even if we will supposedly bag millions of weddings off it for the band and the regular bass player and me to share, let him do it. ... I'd rather just put a tenner of my own cash into a guide dogs collection tin and have a night in than have the piss taken out of us. [/quote] In a nutshell!
  23. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1410547442' post='2550711'] Although a massive faff, I saw this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEDnf59tq-o[/media] Midi for the G3 - I guess it'd work with the B3 too! [/quote] I lost interest in that vid after 0.09. Sorry but my MIDI controller days are long behind me!
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