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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I once dropped my guitar combo whilst trying to slide it out of the boot of my car. It dropped about a foot onto tarmac. It was in a foam-lined flight case and suffered no injury whatsoever.
  2. my experience has been 2x50min + encore. Most pubs in this area don't go much over £250.
  3. Bump. Quick before I change my mind and find a reason to connect this to a spare USB socket.
  4. I mainly play bass and guitar, but I do also tinker about (at a very low level of competence) on keyboard and drums. It all helps to make for a better musician.
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1409864214' post='2544193'] Virtually the whole of Never Mind The Bollocks, by The Sex Pistols. [/quote] That's Steve Jones' fault. Glen Matlock played much more interesting lines, which can be heard on the official release of the 'S p u n k' bootleg. But then you probably know that Lozz!
  6. The word you are looking for is 'pudendum'. It's Latin, and means 'something that you are ashamed of'. I'm quite proud of mine, as it takes my weight on the saddle when cycling.
  7. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1409607455' post='2541564'] Now where's that "like" button? I'm happy to let a few friends use my stack, as they know that if they blow it, they pay for it, and they'll owe me some serious favours afterwards. If someone turns out expecting to use it without even having the decency to check in advance, then they'll quickly get very familiar with Mr DI Box and stingrayPete's piss-soaked monitors. We once had a well-known comedian turn up at a function that we were playing, insisting on using our PA only to spend the first 5 minutes of his set complaining about the sound and the mic (for the record, they were both more than fine). Our singer's response earned him eternal kudos in our eyes - he went up, took the mic off him, switched off the PA and told the comedian "looks like you'd better speak up, f#@ker!" [/quote] Mint!
  8. To lowdowner: borrow a P and a J and take them on a gig. Then you will understand (grasshopper*). *70s TV reference
  9. A cracking day indeed, met some great folks (some for the second time!), and got a lot from Jake and Jack's talks and chatting to them after. Looking forward to the photos now!
  10. [quote name='Skinnyman' timestamp='1409435238' post='2539763'] Brilliant. The dots will be enough to put him off. :-) [/quote] ...and the dynamics? 'But my amp goes up to 11!'
  11. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1409433306' post='2539743'] Yep! Managed to give the groupies the slip!! [/quote] Dare I ask how it's going? Sorry, getting well OT here! You can tell me tomorrow in the car...
  12. [size=3] [size=4][quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1409433066' post='2539736'][/size][/size][size=3] It's high quality cap I'll have you know ;-)[/size] [size=3][/quote][/size] I thought you were gigging tonight Andy - is it the break?
  13. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1409422436' post='2539606'] Would it be a breach of protocol if I bought along couple of bits and bobs that I am thinking of putting in the classifieds, in case anyone wants a "Bash Bargain"? (I have paid my £20 btw).... [/quote] You needn't think you're putting your old crap in my boot Andy! Only joking [size=4] [/size]
  14. Crying out for a white refin
  15. Deck away, but give him a chance to remove spectacles and/or dentures first. Puts me in mind of a tale about the last days of the Police (before their pension-boosting comeback tour): Sting (to Stuart Copeland): Why don't you play it like this? Stuart Copeland: Why don't you f*** off?
  16. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1409234528' post='2537811'] Tube tone doesn't just come from the pre-amp, it also comes from the power tubes and the output transformer, so a tube pre on its own won't give tube tone. A great deal of what contributes to tube tone is compression, so to emulate it you should have a compressor in your signal chain, preferably not a 'one-knob wonder'. [/quote] +1. The dynamic impact of a valve amp comes from its power stage. Having said that, some of the sound does come from the valve pre. Both my gigging amps (see signature) have a 3-valve pre-amp, rather than just a single valve gain stage, so at least the EQ reacts like that of a valve amp.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1409355867' post='2539053'] Add to that image essential and it`s the full deal. [/quote] I have an image, but it's 'middle-aged man who dresses down' rather than 'rock god' or 'One Direction Wannabe', or whatever it is that people have in mind when they make these stipulations.
  18. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1409342348' post='2538926'] And what the heck is a "shoegaze band?" And why do lots of people want to form one? [/quote] Yes I did think about including 'shoegaze' along with 'stoner...' etc, but I think I'd made my point by then! In 2002 Mrs Axe and I went to see Suede (again). Second on the bill were Razorlight, in whom the star quality was clearly evident. Bottom of the bill were a band whose name I don't recall (surprise!) - they never engaged with the audience, and sank without trace. And that is the problem with shoegazing...
  19. As a born-again freelancer, I am always scanning the online ads. There are certain things that immediately put me off, e.g.: - 'I am 15...' - 'Stoner sludge doom death metalcore' (in any combination) - Any female singer who refers to Alanis Morrissette. What about you?
  20. Daivisch, why not come to the Mini Bash in Littlehampton this Sunday, bring your rig, and try everything that you can.
  21. I consider (and describe) myself as a musician. I get the most satisfaction from playing bass.
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