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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I have gone for Conscious Knowing, but occasionally I have experienced Unconscious Knowing, and yes that is a blissful state. That guy is a great teacher - I have subscribed to his YouTube channel.
  2. I have the cassette tape version of this. Great book and loads to get your teeth into. GLWTS!
  3. Try this on your flats-equipped bass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFfexk65rhA
  4. Massive thread self-resurrection: The background to my original post was my growing dissatisfaction with running a band (1 band with 2 names in fact!). I set it up as a benevolent dictatorship, which cuts 2 ways - yes I got to run things my way, but the buck stopped with me. Worst of all, I found evening after evening being taken up with Things That Are Not Fun - hustling gigs, sending out demo CDs and contracts, tweaking set lists, uploading mp3s/dots/lyrics to Dropbox, finding deps etc. I also often feel like it all rests on my shoulders when I'm on a gig. I usually end up enjoying the gig, but at the expense of a fair bit of worry beforehand. I've realised I function better when I am trying to do a good job for someone, rather than asking someone to do a good job for me. I therefore took the decision to wind my bands down, and put myself out there solely as a dep. I play both bass and guitar, so that doubles my opportunities. It's not an easy way out, just a different set of challenges that are a better fit to my personality. Around 1/4 of my gigs are deps anyway, so iI just need to grow that. And I hope it will be fun!
  5. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1408911982' post='2534575'] My exprience is that the GK200mb ran out of headroom quickly, unlike the GK500. I cannot comment on the rest. [/quote] I agree about the GKL 200, based only on trying it through my BF Midget at last year's SE Bass Bash. Small enough to fit in your [u]coat[/u] pocket though!
  6. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1408953573' post='2534768'] ...and afterwards a cheap hotel? [/quote] In West Sussex? You must be joking! I've just remembered I can bring my Orange Valve Tester. Want your valves tested FOC? Bring them over to me! The gadget can test most types (except rectifiers), but they they must be cold.
  7. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1408904405' post='2534502'] Yup all the off beat snare stuff was driving our drummer wild, didn't help the singer was using the snare as his cue lol. Drummer ended up simplifying a bit and we got through it a few times before I decided my woah woahs on BV's sounded so naff we decided to bin it. If I could just persuade the rest of the buggers to do BV's as well, we might be cookin' [/quote] Sadly I don't have the option of binning it as I am playing it on a dep job for a wedding! Previously depped with the same band on guitar without a problem, so I think the drummer may have 'rationalised' it.
  8. Zombie thread time! This is not a technically difficult song to play on bass, but does anyone else think the drums in the 'oh-oh' bit are off-putting? That snare is all over the place!
  9. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1408885388' post='2534297'] Just one week to go now folks! [/quote] Yep, [b]andyonbass[/b] and I have just been discussing our travel plans
  10. No surprise that it is still in stock from when I tried it a year ago (and came out with a G&L at about 1/5 the price!)
  11. I've quite liked some MM basses I've played, but the skinny-strings leave me cold - they're like some kind of slimmed-down precision tool, only less exciting.
  12. Bought my Gretsch Duo Jet in there about 4 years ago. Last time I was in they had a great selection of basses in the cellar, including The Best Jazz Wot I Have Ever Played. Someone off BC bought it the following week (I forget who). Also been in with other people to act in an advisory capacity (ahem). I've never found them less than helpful.
  13. Try joinmyband.co.uk - it's free to join, and you can search by county.
  14. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1408537934' post='2531148'] Is this what I would need to record bass straight to my PC? I did have a google but I am still clueless lol [/quote] No, the analog input is low impedance stereo via a mini-jack plug. You would need to connect it to the line out of your amp, or an output of a multi-fx unit. You [i]might[/i] get away with plugging an active bass straight into it using a suitable lead, but you would probably be better off putting it through a compressor first - even a compressor pedal would be better than nothing!
  15. '73 Precision - ash/maple/white: Sandberg VM4 - CAR/rosewood/mint:
  16. I had one of these. Brilliant synth, love the PWM effect - worth the price on its own! GLWTS.
  17. Can you? Yes. Should you? No! Well maybe. Bear in mind the side dots will be in line with the frets and not in-between, unless you get them moved at the same time.
  18. I have heard this cab used in anger, and can confirm that it sounds excellent. In fact I have played through it too! It lacks nothing you would want from a bass cab, whether on bass guitar, skeletal EUB, or full-on doghouse. Somebody buy this now so we don't have to fit it in the car for the Mini Bass Bash on the 31st - or come to Littlehampton and buy it there, so we don't have to bring it back to Swindon!
  19. I always coil my cables as per the video. If you make all the windings the same way, you end up with more and more twist in the cable, which manifests itself in loops and kinks that encourage tangling.
  20. As a Mustang owner/player, I can confirm that long-stretch bass-lines on the lower frets are much easier on a short-scale. The difficulty comes when you revert to 34in scale!
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