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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I remember seeing these in either [i]Guitarist[/i] (UK) or [i]Guitar Player[/i] (USA) back in the day.
  2. [quote name='Jonesy64' timestamp='1406469432' post='2511680'] ....and I've now got major GAS for a V4B even though I am still enjoying my 3 Pro!! JapanAxe, what valves have you settled on? [/quote] I have left most of the originals in place, ended up with this: V1 - NOS Sylvania V2 - GT V3 - GT J11 (V1) - Fender J12 (V2) - JJ I briefly had gas for a Mesa Prodigy Four:88, then I saw the price
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406471943' post='2511709'] 22kg is still fairly weighty, but nowhere near the usual gut-wrenching valve heft. [/quote] Mesa website says 29lb, which is just over 13kg. Amazing if true!
  4. That doesn't sound quite right! I think there are plenty of other frequencies in there too which a decent large-diaphragm mic should pick up. Our present cat isn't much of a purer, but our previous cat seemed to purr on 2 distinct basic frequencies! I would have thought the main problem would be to get the cat to purr to order...
  5. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1404261745' post='2490977'] I've now gigged mine - settings as above, except master to about 2 o'clock. Plenty of P growl and fatness. The only downside was having to use IEMs. After a while I popped one of them out so I could hear what my amp sounded like! [/quote] More to report here. That first gig with the SVT 3-Pro was a loud rock/indie covers band, through both my BF speakers. I played a similar kind of gig on Friday night, but powering the rig from my Streamliner, and I much preferred the latter's sound, mainly for the pre-amp crunch I could get by digging in. We played 'My Generation', and just picking harder for the solo made the notes leap out. Last night I played my Sandberg through the 3-Pro and Compact, with pretty much the same settings, in a functions band, and it sounded perfect: tight but fat mids, plenty of authority, clear and sweet. TBH it is early days, and either amp would cope with any gig, but for now I think I will use the 3-Pro and Compact for function and country gigs, Streamliner and both cabs for loud rock, Streamliner and Midget for an ultra light load.
  6. [b]donslow[/b] (if that is indeed you real name!), if you are anywhere near Swindon you are welcome to come and try any of my kit (see below), and bring your own rig for comparison. Both my gigging amps have a valve front end; the power amps are traditional solid state (Ampeg) and Class D (Genz Benz). I also have the all-valve Selmer - at 50W it is not really up for gigging, but at least you would get an idea of the sound. Oh, and I also speak fluent guitar
  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1406445704' post='2511452'] Not new, I don't think.... I have seen a couple of forums in the past were "the car park" was called " the cage"... And once the bun fighting offenders were dropped in there through a mods trap door, that's where they stayed. As far as I know they are still there, or married each other. [/quote] Oh well, nothing new under the sun, as they say.
  8. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1406114990' post='2508422'] If my head falls off, you'll be sure to point it won't you (Black Adder) [/quote] Have a free bump for that one. Oh look, your head has fallen off!
  9. [quote name='Pixiechick23' timestamp='1406413753' post='2511378'] Playing around and pleased to discover I can still play a few tracks I'd learned when I was younger. Mainly, The Pixies, Where is my Mind? & Gigantic, Velvet Revolver's Slither, & Pearl Jam's Jeremy. Nothing spectacular and I'm actually playing them at the pace of a snail & bar the Pixies tracks can't actually play all the way through yet but still, hurrah for not entirely forgetting them! [Ok, I 'fess, I checked the tabs once or twice first.] [/quote] Seriously, playing stuff at a slow (but steady) pace is a great practice discipline. If you just blast through a tune, you are probably making mistakes that you don't even realise, and reinforcing bad habits. Play slowly with a metronome or a drum machine and your playing can only benefit.
  10. Just got back from a completely different sort of a gig (so strictly 'tonight' rather than 'last night'). This was a sight-reading job in an 8-piece band playing soul and 50s/60s covers at a golf club bun-fight. I had a run through the pad with them on Thursday, and was pleased to find that the arranger (the guitarist in the band) had pitched the bass parts at exactly my level of sight-reading ability. This time I had the Sandberg through the SVT-3Pro and Compact. This was a bit of an experiment, as I had never gigged this combination before, only tried it at home, where it sounded a bit 'vanilla'. In a band context, it sounded lush - lovely chewy mids, at a level where every note was loud and clear, and the bass sat beautifully in the mix. The band were well chuffed, first that I was available for the gig at all, and second that I made a reasonable job of it. I have a feeling I may get called again
  11. Stood in with a local pop/rock/indie covers outfit last night. Their new bass player is not yet up to speed, but I already knew half the material. I had a couple of weeks' notice and 2 run-throughs with them beforehand, and I was very happy with the way it went. More importantly, so were they! Bloomin' hot indoors, but the venue had thoughtfully provided 2 mahoosive fans for the stage, which helped enormously. P-bass through Streamliner and full BF rig sounded excellent. Unfortunately the heat kept a lot of people outside in the 'beer garden'.
  12. [quote name='David Taylor' timestamp='1406322837' post='2510708'] I'm gonna look into this a bit more. Was chating with a mate and they recomended i ask my church, since they have a lot of PA gear there we could use already, and would be next to free. Had a couple of PM's about this as well, and it's gotten a bit bigger than what i was thinking, but in a good way, so i'm gonna spend the next week or so looking into things. I'll post my ideas when i have them Location wise, for me is vitally important since i'm gonna be on public transport, which is why i was considering exeter and taunton. Both are readily accessible (to me personally) and won't break the bank getting to. I've been give a few other places to consider as well and will look at those as well. Just as an off thought of transport, would peeople who are thinking of coming to this and drive be willing to car pool if the people picked up chip in on the petrol costs? I think that would be cheaper all round for both the driver and those relying on public transport? [/quote] I'm up for car sharing. I have a large estate car and would be coming from Swindon.
  13. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1406293396' post='2510276'] Isn't this what Talkbass is for already? [/quote] Denied!
  14. Here you go, £329 from GAK, 34" scale length, all the upper-fret access you could want, the Steinberger Spirit XT-25: You could always retro-fit an active preamp if that's a deal-breaker.
  15. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1406272141' post='2509907'] Isn't that 'Off Topic'? [/quote] Exactly what I thought, the moment [i]after[/i] I'd posted [quote name='charic' timestamp='1406280293' post='2510036'] I don't think it would be very conducive to the BC spirit, do you? [/quote] The BC spirit could carry on in the the 'proper' threads. Perhaps we could have the 'car park' hosted on youspilledmypint.com
  16. Wanna take it outside mate?
  17. I believe I have just had a brilliant idea: Sometimes in a BC thread, two members will get themselves into a verbal tussle (which may or may not be directly related to the thread topic) whilst others attempt to continue the thread around them. Instead of deleting the ever more acrimonious posts, perhaps the mods could move the content to The Local's 'car park', where the pugnacious posters can indulge in as much flaming and willy-waggling as they wish. Other members would have the option of ignoring them and concentrating on the original thread, or forming a virtual circle around the contestants and egging them on to greater verbal violence. Well it seemed like a brilliant idea when I first thought of it...
  18. I could be up for this, just down the M5 for me. Depends whether I'm gigging of course...
  19. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1405059118' post='2498315'] Shocked that nobody fancies one of Leo's best. [/quote] Plenty of fanciers, just no buyers
  20. I've not seen any but I do recall reading the review in Guitarist magazine.
  21. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1405855283' post='2505764'] Sounds like an interesting day. So long as im not away with work I could bring a couple of shortscales, moded and home built valve amps. Will put it on my planner with an alarm or two [/quote] Home built valve amps - now you're talking!
  22. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1405847624' post='2505657'] Also, as a bonus the bridal party had requested we not play Sex On Fire (possibly Christian concerns, not sure) so it was nice not to have to knock that one out. [/quote] Fnarr fnarr!
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