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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. God I love the look of these basses, except for the stripes in the headstock - it's just begging for a matching white face!
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1405427314' post='2501777'] Wait til you play guitar in a band. Then all that same sh*t you go through with bass will happen. You'll notice one string doesn't cut through and you'll be dicking about for ages trying to solve that problem. You'll notice your gorgeous cleans don't have the right mids to cut through the band and crap like that. [/quote] This. Plus you 'need' more guitars for different types of gig. I have ended up spending on average £1800 per guitar (and about the same for my gigging amp, and not far off that for my pedalboard) to be in a position where I am confident of sounding great on any gig. The cost of achieving the same goal on bass has actually been much [i]less[/i] per item.
  3. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1405429162' post='2501800'] I have found myself playing with some very talented musicians the past few days. It has given me a crisis of confidence, but the work I have put in since Saturday has been more than I have in the last 3 or 4 months if I'm honest. I had become complacent and meeting really talented new people has stuck a rocket up my backside to up my game. Improving is entirely within our own control. [/quote] There's nothing like playing with people from a higher league when it comes to improving.
  4. Can you fit a Streamliner head inside it? Dimensions: 3 ¼” H x 10”W x 11 7/8”D EDIT: Just checked your link, and internal dimensions are 13" x 7" x 3.5", so no. Bugger!
  5. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1405425670' post='2501757'] I won't promise, but I'll try to get there. Dunno what I'd bring, I haven't got anything that interesting or exclusive. [/quote] You'd be surprised - what seems unexceptional to one person might be fascinating to another. Plus, people always like to compare, in which case the 'uninteresting' bass or amp becomes a handy bench-mark. Also I venture to suggest that [i]you[/i] are unique. These bash thingies are mainly about meeting people. So yes, please come if you can
  6. [quote name='mike_b' timestamp='1405067456' post='2498418'] Not sure if you did manage to get this sorted but there has been a known issue with the MiBass heads, mine gave up the ghost too, get in contact with Andertons and they'll be able to fix it for you as I bought mine from them too [/quote] Well there is a bit of an update as it happens. I have just returned from a long weekend in Madrid, and took along a test meter and a soldering iron. First off, the 'wrong' internal speaker had been fitted, namely a 250W 4ohm driver. There are obviously 2 problems with this: (1) too much amp power for the internal speaker, and (2) too low an impedance if an extension cab is added. Second, there was an intermittent short in the internal speaker cable. I replaced the cable, and the combo now works fine (although I wouldn't want to push it to gig levels). I have been in touch with Lee at Ashdown through this forum, and it is a bit of a mystery to him as to where the 4ohm speaker has come from - not least as one of the stickers on it proclaims it to be a 12-inch unit! He has very kindly offered to send out an 8ohm replacement, for which I am very grateful. It is testament to the roadworthiness of Ashdown kit that the 250W internal speaker has survived a 320W pasting unscathed; and that the head has undergone repeated shorts across the speaker output and still works fine. That's sturdiness of Peavey-esque proportions!
  7. Very nice but I don't think I could manage without at least 6 more knobs/switches
  8. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404766655' post='2495593'] I don't bother buying or selling on BC anymore. Too many 'this is just a feeler...........' for me. Despite it's shortcomings i'll stick to eBay thanks. [/quote] Oh wait, you're serious
  9. 'No longer available'. Somebody must have come up with the $40,000 then
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400011239' post='2449938'] Hey Danny - I've got the 500 Fusion - whether the 800 sounds the same but with more power, I don't know. What I do know is the 500 is a beast and you will certainly get a warm, thumping tone out of it and then some - if that's what you want. You will also get extreme versatility in the mid range. I play in a rock band and usually have the gain at about 10:00 and the master at about the same - it's a very loud amp indeed and I would question the need for the 800 unless you have an [i]extremely [/i]loud drummer and/or guitarist. It's plug and play too, no need for periphery equipment - your sound is right there. It's lush. That's it from me - don't want to be accused of being a GK fanboi or cheerleader... [/quote] Oi! GK fanboi - pack it in!
  11. My GAS starts with a stray thought, which becomes a whim. A bit of online research follows, then maybe a trawl through back issues of Guitarist or whatever, and before I know it I am trying out the kit in a music shop. Fortunately I have enough sense that it stops when I realise I don't really like whatever it is, but if a purchase ensues, I have generally been happy and kept the thing. Sometimes I end up purchasing something completely different, e.g. three putative Jazz shopping trips have ended up with a P- type purchase!
  12. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1397476250' post='2424202'] Location? [/quote] Yes whereabouts are you? I can't be the only try-before-you-buy guy!
  13. Oops double post. Bloomin' house guests using up the WiFi bandwidth.
  14. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1404582133' post='2493962'] Lovely colour [/quote] In certain English-speaking areas, that finish is known as 'brown'.
  15. I generally avoid any act with 'project' in the title but I'm prepared to be dissuaded from this view.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1403806534' post='2486711'] Have to say though, I had a TC Classic 450 and with Bass, High-Mids n Treble at noon, low-mids at minus 1, Gain & Spectracomp on 4 it sounded very old-school with a Precision (specially with old strings). [/quote] [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1403829171' post='2486953'] I think the RH450 is right on. Even if you don't use some of the extras on board, the stuff you do use is good. [/quote] [quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1404491867' post='2493214'] I'd still stick with the RH450. I bought the BH500 recently-having also tried the RH450-which I love. And as far as I'm aware, every TC Electronic amp bar the BH250 has the same pre-amp & power amp set up regardless of size or power output, so you should be able to get a decent & loud sound from it IMO. [/quote] The Classic 450 is kind of a dumbed-down RH450. I kind of regret selling my Classic now, just for a different flavour from the Streamliner.
  17. To me the main benefit of having £1,000+ to spend is the increased choice. Buy the bass that floats your boat, and if you have money left over, all well and good.
  18. Next time, do a McCartney: Insist that you add your bass part last, and completely change the harmonic feel of the song by playing cheeky high-register melodic runs. All in the best possible taste of course.
  19. I recently decided to learn it, listened to it on YouTube, and liked it so much that I bought the download. I transcribed it as heard (Ebm), and play that on 5-string. I also transposed it Em and altered a couple of notes so that I could play it on 4-string. I was considering covering it in my band (with me singing), but its allusion to the sexual appeal of Elvis Presley kind of scuppered that.
  20. I've now gigged mine - settings as above, except master to about 2 o'clock. Plenty of P growl and fatness. The only downside was having to use IEMs. After a while I popped one of them out so I could hear what my amp sounded like!
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