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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I use one of these for my guitar setup and it's the DBs. The bag has stiffening panels to protect the pedals, and the whole thing is much smaller and lighter than the flightcased version.
  2. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1404198405' post='2490100'] Against 2 guitards with 80W Marshals & noisy drummard - I don't think you've got a chance TBH (TBH also = to be heard) [/quote] This. I tried one in a shop, through a mahoosive Orange cab, and it wasn't loud on its own. IMO it would be lost among 2 guitarists and a drummer.
  3. Very authentic sounding. Good job!
  4. Did she die or just pass out?
  5. They want to know your [b]height[/b]. WTF?
  6. I have one for emergencies but wouldn't want to depend on one as part of my signal chain. Should be fine for a quick wander out front to check the mix. £3.29 from [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/635mm-metal-mono-coupler-l34az"]Maplin[/url].
  7. Do you prefer to be in a steady band, or take gigs with different bands as they come? And why? Off you go...
  8. A lot of love for these basses here on Basschat. Having owned a couple of Yamahas, I can say their reputation for build quality is well-earned.
  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1403965794' post='2488149'] Should have said, I'll be using various combinations of 1 Barefaced Compact, 2 Compacts or 1 Compact & a midget . 100w is above my size, weight & price bracket at the mo Cheers Si [/quote] I have a T'n'B 50, and I have tried it at home through my Compact+Midget setup (using an OBBM Serialiser to give a 16ohm load). It can be driven into distortion quite easily with a bass, and I can't imagine being able to gig it. Then again I am not convinced I yet have that amp working at its best. I would be quite interested to try a 100W valve head through my BF rig, but most are wider than the 19in width of the Compact, which makes for an ungainly-looking stack.
  10. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1403889152' post='2487491'] I should qualify that I like Jack White, have seen him live a couple of times and own a load of his records. I still don't think he's that great a blues guitarist and he can't solo for sh*t. [/quote] Hmmm... I think that, through the White Stripes, Jack White has been the true standard bearer for the blues in our times. IMO the ability to 'solo' has little or nothing to do with the blues. I'd far rather hear Mr White's offerings than any amount of widdly soloing, whether from the likes of Joe Bonamassa or from guys in pub bands.
  11. In response to some of the questions about impedances, the crossover shares out the frequency range between the speaker and the tweeter, so the amp still 'sees' an 8 ohm load.
  12. I dunno, they look a bit ornery to me.
  13. Truly hideous. Even if it was nicely finished, it's way too woody, and the pickups are in ridiculous positions.
  14. Unfortunately it is not quite that simple. The meter continuously monitors the sound level, and if it stays above the limit for long enough, the power goes off. You get a warning via the traffic lights beforehand. I hate playing with one eye on the traffic lights, especially when it is crowd noise that is lighting the red!
  15. I refer to my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/237409-gl-sb2-1983-withdrawn-no-interest-in-gls/page__view__findpost__p__2477011"]post above[/url]. Plenty of interest here, and in an ideal world my bass rack would run the whole length of one wall of my house, but I have had to draw the line at 4
  16. Recording your own playing (audio or video, live or home practice) can be very revealing as to things you're doing wrong. Painful but useful!
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1403696377' post='2485361'] I really don't have an axe to grind here, and am genuinely interested in what people think. [/quote] I thought axe-grinding was part of the relic process? Seriously, I do own a relic instrument (a Fender '59 RI Strat), and I bought it becuse it sounds phenomenal and plays beautifully. Part of the comfort factor is the artificial wear to the neck. I wouldn't have gone out of my way for a relic instrument, but this one wa sput in my hands and it was brilliant. I do also understand the appeal of these instruments as eye-candy, but until my Strat moment, I never thought them worth the extra dosh.
  18. I use Lava Cable. It is not as easy as they make out to fit the plugs without shorting the signal to earth, but you can make the patch cables the exact lengths to fit your board, and easily re-use pieces. I don't know whether the audio quality is better than any decent patch cable, but avoid those cheapo moulded plastic ones that come in packs of 5 or 6.
  19. Bought a bass book & CDs from Martyn. He packed them well and sent them off pronto. Cheers!
  20. They are a bit late with this, 1st April is long gone.
  21. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1403218345' post='2480975'] Julian is farmer61 on BC, different person but his MonkeyDolls band are also based in Swindon. Maybe JapanAxe is deppg for Julian? [/quote] Indeed I am. [quote name='farmer61' timestamp='1403251119' post='2481075'] Well spotted Clarky, a I'm on a hike tomorrow we've got a dep in who happened to be my predecessor in the 'Dolls. His name is Graeme so don't think either of us booked BurritoBass's band. However if you ever want to see the Monkeydolls note perfect, tonight's the night [/quote] Very kind of you to say so Julian!
  22. No experience of LD. I used to have an entry-level Trantec system (transmitter and 2 receivers), and that cost (IIRC) £440 in 2002. I imagine prices have come down since then as they have become more popular and other brands have entered the market, so the low price doesn't necessarily mean it's poor quality. A couple of things to be aware of - - If you share your setup with the singer, then you will have the same monitor mix. - Make sure the radio frequency range isn't about to be sold off to taxis, 4G or whatever. - The Trantec earphones were shocking. At the price point you are looking at, I would expect them to be 'functional' at best. - If/when you upgrade your earphones, bear in mind that isolation is a two-edged sword - yes you are saving your hearing, but the instruments that don't go through the PA will only be audible as 'spill' through your vocal mics. Even so, I would definitely recommend IEMs over wedge monitors. They are smaller and lighter, the audio quality is usually better, and they keep down the on-stage volume and reduce 'volume wars'.
  23. What does he use for the bigger venues?
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