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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I was well impressed with the AB1 5-er I tried at Bass Direct a while back. Trouble is I am now addicted to flats...
  2. Horses for courses surely. The cheap little amp does the business for home practice, the bigger rig when you need to be louder. All good.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1402659710' post='2475710'] Wow... that's a bargain! If I was half-man half-machine I would buy that in an instant. As it stands, my back would wave the white flag after twelve seconds. [/quote] [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1402689780' post='2476068'] I didn't check the weight! Mmmmm [/quote] It has its own built-in sack barrow: http://www.musicradar.com/reviews/guitars/mesa-boogie-m6-carbine-bass-combo-203276
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1402673463' post='2475881'] [url="http://www.discogs.com/artist/731957-Jimmy-Jones-6"]http://www.discogs.com/artist/731957-Jimmy-Jones-6[/url] [/quote] Looks like that's the one then.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oaRsHX4WlM
  6. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1402668588' post='2475815'] interparcel have always done ok for me, generally either use their 'own brand' courier (I think they usually turn out to be dpd). [/quote] [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1402669318' post='2475830'] I`ve used Interparcel quite a lot this year, usually choose their own service, or UPS. No problems with anything yet. [/quote] +1 to that. Enter weight and dimensions, and Interparcel comes up with a range of options with prices. It's sometimes better to go for a slightly dearer service from the list, because they have better insurance cover, which you'd end up paying more for as an add-on to the cheaper services.
  7. The CTM15 has a gain knob, but the CTM30, LB30, and Drophead 30 don't/didn't. Come on Ashdown - where's the giggable 30W valve head with gain control?
  8. Result! That one isn't on the compilation I have. Cheers
  9. The best I have been able to come up with is [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jimmy-jones-mn0000852350/credits"]this[/url]. He is credited on a 2002 T-Bone Walker compilation, which features some of the same track titles as on the CS I have. The Allmusic.com biography says:[color=#000000] Not to be confused with the prolific pianist, arranger, and composer of the same name, vintage jazz bassist [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jimmy-jones-mn0000852350"]Jimmy Jones[/url] played together with soprano saxophonist and clarinetist [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/sidney-bechet-mn0000033234"]Sidney Bechet[/url] in the large ensemble known as [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/noble-sissles-swingsters-mn0000345143"]Noble Sissle's Swingsters[/url]. This outfit was active recording for close to a decade beginning in the late '20s, cutting delightful sides such as the lonely "All By Yourself in the Moonlight" and "Basement Blues" (promoted as "low-downer than any low-down blues"), which had to be an assignment of choice for any bassist worth his stuff.[/color][color=#000000] [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/bechet-mn0000033234"]Bechet[/url] approved of [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jones-mn0000852350"]Jones[/url]' way around a bassline, making use of him in his [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/new-orleans-feetwarmers-mn0001412186"]New Orleans Feetwarmers[/url] group during the '30s. These recordings represent both an essential and fat chunk of [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jones-mn0000852350"]Jones[/url]' larder of recorded sides. Also of much interest are the early tracks made by determined vocalist [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/lena-horne-mn0000815575"]Lena Horne[/url], in this case featuring [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jones-mn0000852350"]Jones[/url] fiddling with another low yo-yo, the baritone sax. Another musician that he is not is the Texan sometimes credited as [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/james-famous-jones-mn0000123167"]James "Famous" Jones[/url], who shows up on blues, gospel, and country projects beginning a few decades later.[/color]
  10. I can't even find this on Ashdown's website, let alone the dimensions! There must be at least 1 BCer who owns one though (and a tape measure).
  11. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1402655182' post='2475655'] Someone is bringing an Encore - I don't know how much that cost but it probably isn't much more than £130. I am bringing my second hand Squier Affinity which I got off gumtree for £50. Admittedly the only stock parts left are the body, neck and pots. [/quote] A guitarist friend of mine just picked up an Encore in great nick for £20. Can't knock them at that price! You should get one into the test and see how it fares.
  12. The Prunes and Custard sounds like it wants to break into a rendition of the [i]Roobarb[/i] and Custard theme!
  13. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1402561646' post='2474738'] my Pedaltrain volto has been amazing, saved me at gigs with really REALLY limited plug space and from noisy venues. i planned to charge it all the time just in case, but through laziness i barely charge it and its done a fair few gigs. [/quote] How can you tell whether it has enough juice for your gig?
  14. Mono dual gig bag for basses, hard cases for vulnerable guitars (Gibson, Gretsch), gig bags for tough guitars (Fender). Guitar amp in flight case (doubles as stand), bass speakers in Roqsolid covers, bass heads in soft bags. Guitar pedalboard in Pedaltrain soft case (stopped using hard case). Stands in K&M bag. Leads and assorted bits in silver camera cas, with dividers to keep smaller items in place. Phew!
  15. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1402521536' post='2474481'] I've just noticed sonething odd and mildly unsettling about the VM77 neck I just put on my Precision. It has a first fret side dot. Now I've seen it, it cannot be unseen, as it were... Weird... [/quote] You're never going to be left wondering where the first fret is!
  16. Just bought a pedal from Ian, all good!
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1402431719' post='2473521'] It's for busking , I've got a Diago power thing for normal use. [/quote] Fair play! [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1402431744' post='2473523'] I dont the technical reasons, but surely the massive benefit is to cut out any sort of hum? Correct me if I'm wrong. [/quote] Fair play again - I hadn't thought of that.
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1402518672' post='2474424'] Go to local gigs, get chatting to bands you like. You never know if the bassist is a dep who is just helping out, and the band are waiting on a permanent low-ender. [/quote] This. It's all about connections. If there's a band that makes you think 'I'd like to be up there with that lot', go away and learn their set list. Make friends with them, and who knows what might happen.
  19. Do you have any transcription software like Sibelius? If so, find a MIDI version of the song online, import it into the software, and isolate the bass track. It won't be 100% accurate but it will be a start.
  20. I am an ex-Christian (the whole evangelical 9 yards) and this sounds horribly familiar. Something that you really enjoy, not 'sinful' as such but takes up a lot of your time and commitment: serious competition for the big G. So you pack it in, you've made a sacrifice, bit of kudos from your fellowship, but the warm glow won't take away the sick feeling that tells you you've made a mistake that's difficult to reverse. I'm not going to try to convince you that Christianity is a crock, you need to find your own way on that one, but the at the end of your post says it all.
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