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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1402426555' post='2473454'] One thing, not sure if the pickups are 70's spacing. If anything, they look even further apart than that. I had a Geddy Lee body [with 70#s spacing] and it didn't look that far between each pup. [/quote] Yes that bridge pickup looks way near the bridge. Otherwise - phew, what a scorcher!
  2. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1402433490' post='2473546'] I intend to have no volume and no tone control. [/quote] Mods! Mods! Arrest that man!
  3. A while back I picked up (for 50p each!) a handful of those 'Blues Collection' CDs that originally came with a magazine. I've been listening to the T-Bone Walker one, which features recordings made in 1970 with one Jimmy Jones on bass. This guy is the mutt's nuts! He nails every approach - arpeggios, walking, riff, funky 16s, triplet fills - with a great tone throughout. I did a bit of googling and I think he was mainly a jazz player who worked with Sidney Bechet: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/jimmy-jones-mn0000852350/credits Obviously with a name like that you get lots of spurious hits. Anyone know any more, or have recommendations for further listening?
  4. If the wiper no longer makes contact, then full on. If it has disintegrated inside, anything could happen.
  5. To me the only point of these is outdoor/guerilla gigs on battery power. If you have mains available for your amp, just use a conventional power supply and plug in.
  6. Ooh-er, just lost my religion
  7. Just sold some tuners to Russ, whole thing went off without a hitch.
  8. I'm guessing the 4 speakers are currently wired all in parallel to give a combined impedance of 8ohm. If you are replacing the lot, you just need to find a set of suitable 8ohm units, which will open up your options considerably. You would then need to wire them series/parallel to give an 8ohm total load.
  9. [b]T[/b]uesday [b]E[/b]vening [b]B[/b]ump for a [b]T[/b]ruly [b]E[/b]xcellent [b]B[/b]oard.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1402323493' post='2472124'] The problem I have with internet opinions, at times, is it takes a while to suss out who knows what they are talking about and who has just nicked it from an earlier thread or forum and is just repeating it to belong in some sort of clique or sound like some sort of 'authority' Yep..you get them everywhere but you need to be part of a discussion platform for a while to get to know who they are.. [/quote] Damn! You found me out
  11. JapanAxe

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1402260109' post='2471501'] Thought I'd give this six string malarkey a go. Played before, was never any good, so I'll try again Picked this up the other day. [/quote] Are you going to tell us what it is?
  12. The Line 6 M series has compressor models you can pick from. Although most are pedal emulations, even the bottom-of-the-range [url="http://uk.line6.com/m5/models.html"]M5[/url] has a model of the LA-2A. Failing that, there are plenty of VST plug-ins that model studio compressors, so you would be looking at integrating an iPad into your setup.
  13. Crowther Hot Cake will do 'grit' through to 'fuzzy', sounds like it's part of your amp.
  14. I use one of these on my guitar pedalboard. It used to live on my bass pedalboard (when I had one). Love it!
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1402227613' post='2471105'] I have a Zoom B3, any idea which synth would be best? [/quote] No, I don't have a Zoom B3 to check!
  16. [b]S[/b]unday [b]B[/b]ump for a [b]S[/b]uperb [b]B[/b]oard Come on folks, I'll have to keep this up now till it sells!
  17. Never heard that before although I knew he produced some of their stuff.
  18. Some kind of synth pedal, set with a short downward sweep across the mid-range.
  19. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1402223053' post='2471053'] That looks like a dangerous place to enter. If you've no willpower like me that is. [/quote] Fortunately I just walked around in a daze, with a little bit of dribble coming out of the corner of my mouth. I couldn't even decide what I wanted to try! Then we had to rescue the car before the parking charge exceed our combined annual income.
  20. Subscribed! I won't be there, but I am very interested in the outcome. Have you thought about inviting the guys from MythBusters?
  21. I never liked them at the time but strangely now I do. They kind of sneaked into acceptance via the music of Albert Lee, who played with them in the 60s as Head, Hands & Feet.
  22. Every so often a 'GAK - any good?' thread pops up, and the posts are pretty consistent - lots of 'yes, I bought from them, all good' replies, and a few 2nd- or 3rd-hand reports of problems. I fall into the first category. As planer mentioned above, they are a proper shop, not just a massive warehouse full of boxes (although I guess they must have one of those too). If you are ever in Brighton, I strongly encourage you to go for a browse. I spent 10 minutes gazing slack-jawed at the new and used pedals in one of the windows, before I even went in! You can't miss the shop, it looks like this:
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