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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I liked the Prunes & Custard and the POG, but imo it got a bit too effect-y when you added the Small Stone.
  2. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1402138250' post='2470330'] Add a semi-acoustic [b]and a short scale and we're about there[/b]. [/quote] Aha! Now there's the justification for the Mustang.
  3. With the bass control running into distortion, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just running out of headroom. That's one of the reasons why some makers opt for 18V preamps. Regarding the string balance - what is the tuning of your strings? And is the set you are using intended for that tuning?
  4. Bass Gear are dealers for Carvin, they generally have 2 or 3 in.
  5. [quote name='PJT' timestamp='1402161897' post='2470622'] Text them all in the morning to make sure that they are all going to turn up! [/quote] Text them all to check whether they can play, have learned the stuff, and aren't prima donnas.
  6. Make a transcription into Sibelius, using Capo software to slow down fast bits if necessary and/or tweak into concert pitch. Work on a section at a time. Identify the tricky bits, break into small sections, work out where I might be tripping up. Start slow and build up. Keep a playlist to listen to in the car. Also [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223371-my-little-brainwave-the-tricky-challenge/"]this[/url].
  7. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1402154746' post='2470528'] Also, I have previously attended an audition where I'VE recorded it and gone away to listen to decide if I want to join THEM! [/quote] Me too!
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1402151569' post='2470486'] Your audition plan is well thought-out. It strikes me that you and your band are more organised than most. At some random point during the audition you might try asking them to turn down a touch and see how they react. Dunno what the standard questions are but I'd also be asking: * Do you write your own songs? Can you do backing vocals? Do you play any other instruments? * What do hope to get from being in this band? Regular(-ish) money, musical work-out, making new friends? * What's your day job? Shift work? * Do you have any other skills that might be useful? Web design, print, electrician, etc? * Do you have any hobbies? Team/group stuff will mean a competing schedule. * Are you married / in a relationship? Do you have children? How old are they? * How would you feel if we were offered an unpaid gig and we had to cover our own expenses? * What amp would you bring to a tiny back-room pub gig? * Do you 'dress up' for gigs? Do you wear a hat and, if so, do you have any pictures with you? Good luck and let us know how it all goes [/quote] Perhaps give them a form to fill in while they're waiting! Another thought - image! If a guy turns up with big hair, spandex, Ibanez Jem etc, is that a plus or a minus!? EDIT: @Skank - is the hat a no-no then?
  9. Having been a guitarist auditioning for a band (albeit a functions band) in a similar scenario, I wouldn't worry too much about auditionee no.2 hearing auditionee no.1 through the wall. In my case at first I thought 'oh crap, he's way better than me', and then 'what have I got to lose', so I just went for it, and got offered the slot the next day. As both auditionee and auditioner, I always sleep on it before making a decision. The recording idea is also a good one. Put the four audition recordings up online somewhere only you 3 can access them, and everyone can make their comments when you meet up for a pint/cuppa later. You have probably already considered this, but money is a key issue - it's the source of many disagreements in couples! Try to get an idea of what they are expecting to put into, and get out of, the band financially. This includes cost/time of getting to rehearsals and gigs. If things are going well, your guitarist may not mind poorly paid gigs or chipping in for studio time, but these things can be a cause of resentment and discontent when other issues crop up.
  10. Currently on 4, which is the most I've ever had (not counting when I also had a fretless but was selling it). The one that offers the least over the others is the Mustang, so if I really had to lose one, that would be it. No fear of that at the moment though.
  11. Something's gone wrong when you start spending more money on trolleys than on instruments. Or beer.
  12. I have a similar one that I used for carting around heavy Ashdown combo and cab, and although it did feel a bit bendy when heaving into rolling position, it was fine once it was there. One thing to be aware of - over the course of several years' regular gigging, the ridges on the base wore through the tolex on the bottom of the cabs.
  13. I'm happy to bring a skinny-string and/or guitar amp for general use too, if that helps.
  14. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1402079427' post='2469922'] Your socks are dry then? Same with your vest? [/quote] I bet those socks are still wet - for extra damping! *fetches coat*
  15. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1401946169' post='2468503'] Looking forward to Friday bump for a f**king great board! [/quote] [b]F[/b]riday [b]A[/b]fternoon [b]B[/b]ump for a [b]FAB[/b] bit of kit. See what I did there? No need for implied profanity. Tsk tsk.
  16. Adding clothing to the stock list is perfectly sensible. A bass player who already has the 'big stuff' can indulge their GAS by buying a T shirt, which costs much less than a bass or amp, and is more fun than boring necessities like strings. It's also an option for the other half when present-shopping for the bassist in their life.
  17. If you made a clean cut then fine, but there is always the risk of the odd wire strand touching the other conductor and giving you a short circuit. I would never wan to leave uninsulated wires hanging around - far better to remove them, and +1 to removing the crossover completely. If you don't want to mess up the cab for future resale, perhaps you could fit a 2-way switch with the options of horn via crossover or direct to main speaker.
  18. I once tried a bass with these on and I have to say they felt rather rough to me. Any idea if they do neon flats?
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401999914' post='2469188'] Don't get me wrong, I love the look of them. They're just not practical and if you don't have them fitted they go missing quicker than a Gregg's Steak Bake at a WeightWatchers meeting. I could Photoshop some on for you if you like..? [/quote] Yep, not much use unless you're James Jamerson - he used to rest his 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on his Precision's pickup cover and pick just with his first, aka 'the hook': I expect this approach could me made to work with a Jazz, but I prefer the freedom of the picking area.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1401993322' post='2469079'] I'm in the 2 x 410 camp as well. Sounds great, my favourite large rig! [/quote] Ampeg 8x10 seems to be standard issue to many pro/chart bass players when they take to the stage.
  21. Many individual pedals are 'made to a price' these days - surface mount components, pots not secured to chassis, trim pots with tiny plastic twiddly bits poking through the case - pretty much unfixable if they go wrong. Even Boss have downgraded the quality, so today's DS1 is a very different beast from the original.
  22. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1401987940' post='2468986'] That's no way to talk about his wife!!! [/quote]
  23. You will be moving more air!
  24. Hmmm... Just possibly 'Reason for sale: heavy and awkward, necessitating use of trolley pictured in background!
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