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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Is there no forum rule about selling great kit at dirt cheap prices? GLWTS!
  2. This is a 4-on-a-side set of tuners to fit the 80s Yamaha BB series basses. I bought these as spares for my 1984 BB400S and they were a perfect match, but as I no longer have it, they are now surplus to requirements. The tuners are in good working order, and the resistance or stiffness can be easily adjusted (I will include instructions). The ferrules measure approximately 18mm in diameter across the outside of the splines, 17mm diameter across the un-splined portion, so should fit a peghead hole of somewhere between those measurements. Please post a question here if you require other measurements or photos. Please note no fixing screws are included (3 required per tuner). I am looking for [b]£35 delivered in the UK[/b]. PM me if you require an overseas shipping quote.
  3. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1401612387' post='2465130'] On guitar I prefer single coils, but for bass I appear to be a humbucker man! [/quote] Me too. My LP has HBs, the other 5 (I know, but I can provide full justification and a note from my mum) all have singles.
  4. Have you tried having a little kip in the afternoon before the gig Deb? I got the idea from Johnny Cash and my drummer, who both do/did this. About 4pm I go and lie on the bed for 30-40mins with a blanket over me, curtains drawn, and just snooze and/or think happy thoughts. I rarely go off fully to sleep, but it really helps to refresh me, and means I am not running on the cr4p in the bottom of the fuel tank by the end of the gig.
  5. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401579973' post='2465041'] Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!! [/quote] Must try this
  6. I had a delay pedal that went 'microphonic' - turned out it was a dry joint on a capacitor.
  7. Do the power transistors need to be matched?
  8. K&M do a range of bags for speaker stands, mic stands etc. I got mine from Sudiospares. They do give you overall dimensions and an idea of how many stands you can fit in each bag.
  9. Given the choice between a full-size Flashback (over which I am still humming and hawing) or a mini one, I would take full-size any day. Do I really want to get my phone out to change from '2290' model to 'Tape' model, or to set the note value on the tap tempo? No I most certainly do not.
  10. [quote name='Houtoe' timestamp='1401140116' post='2460573'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sandberg-California-VM4-Hardcore-Aged-/251537283588?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a90ca5a04"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a90ca5a04[/url] looks like a bargain to me, if I had the cash i would have it right now! [/quote] Well if it goes for £570 (current bid) then it certainly is a bargain, but I reckon that will make 4 figures.
  11. ¡Hola! Welcome to Basschat Ian.
  12. Wahey! Good for either of those dates but prefer 31st (have a gig on the 2nd).
  13. The fault you found sounds to me like a rotary encoder problem - these are used instead of pots to control parameters in digital kit. Glad you fixed it. If you liked what your GT-6B did, go for it!
  14. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1401444686' post='2463631'] Also, it always seems a bit strange to me that on many basses there is a bridge HB, and then another HB right next to it. Why not have the second one up near the neck? Do they actually sound that different when so close to each other? [/quote] Yes they sound very different. Some basses do have the other HB up by the neck, e.g. but not everyone likes such a bassy sound, even on a bass guitar!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401445065' post='2463637'] Time to show my ignorance, too - I was under the impression that as single coils are prone to unwanted noise, a humbucker will solve this problem... you do get extra beans as well, but I don't think overdrive or distortion is the main purpose. [/quote] Correct on both counts. A single coil pickup is vulnerable to radio frequency interference (RFI), and mains hum from nearby equipment. A humbucker has two coils joined in series (usually) or parallel (sometimes available as a switchable option e.g. on G&L L-series), with the magnetic polarity and coil-winding direction reversed - this has the effect of adding together the signal from the strings, but cancelling out incoming noise. The output is higher (in series mode), but there is usually some treble loss compared to a single coil. Many people do not realise that the P pickup is also a kind of humbucker, where each coil senses 2 strings rather than all 4.
  16. See my comments in a recent thread '[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/237489-octaver/page__view__findpost__p__2458020"]Octaver?[/url]'
  17. [quote name='paulbass' timestamp='1401402642' post='2463412'] I think i'm going to have to polish up on my persistent skills How do you get your gigs if you dont mind me asking? [/quote] When I was playing the pub circuit, the 3 of us used to take a list of a dozen music pubs each. Call pub, ask to speak to landlord. Repeat until you actually speak to him in person. Introduce self/band, [u]get name[/u], offer demo. Send demo. Wait 2 weeks. Call pub, ask to speak to landlord. Repeat until you actually speak to him in person. He hasn't listened to it. Wait 1 week. Call pub, ask to speak to landlord. Repeat until you actually speak to him in person. He still hasn't listened. Explain you are taking your bookings for next year. He asks you to call back at x time. Call back at x time. Ask to speak to landlord. Repeat until you actually speak to him in person. Fix date and price. I estimate 10-20 phone calls per successful booking! (And for 'him' read 'him or her'.)
  18. 6 hours? What a waste of time. You could have been reading and posting on Basschat. Oh, wait...
  19. [quote name='paulbass' timestamp='1401401791' post='2463400'] I have contacted a couple of places using lemon rock but the venues never get back in touch or are fully booked. [/quote] You have to be persistent when contacting venues - emails tend to be ignored, and you have to pester landlords/bookers to the point of embarrassment if you're going to pin them down to actual gigs.
  20. IMO the standard of MIM basses has gone up considerably in the last 10 years. (This may well apply to other countries of origin, as the factory workers raise their skill levels, and the manufacturers come to expect more from them.) 10 years ago I didn't think much of the MIM Precisions I tried (kind of 'dry' sounding, for one thing), but I had no such reservations with the MIM Mustang i got a few months back.
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