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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Although many will love this bass, it does nothing for me. Maybe I would feel different if I tried it...
  2. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1399762052' post='2447489'] I think most folks just man up [/quote] This! The Tele is fine in its slabtasticness.
  3. December is looking very quiet, and New Year's Eve is still available.
  4. December is looking very quiet, and New Year's Eve is still available.
  5. Fitting the second P pickup there makes much better sense than sticking a weedy J pickup by the bridge. GLWTS!
  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1399758636' post='2447465'] for the stupid amongst us... can you explain the difference? I know that AB or D (or H i've seen somewhere) is one bit they can save weight on, along with the power supply... but apart from that I'm a bit uneducated [/quote] You can find an explanation [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_AB#Class_AB"]here[/url]. The practical benefit of Class D is the lack of big heavy mains transformers.
  7. Played with my pop covers band at a Royal British Legion in a garrison town. Very few people in attendance, but one bloke in a Sex Pistols T-shirt kept putting punk tracks on the juke box. I was astonished when the Pistols' song 'Bodies' came on - if you've never heard it, have a listen to understand why this was weird to hear in a RBL. Anyway the gig was a proper tumbleweed job, but the ents secretary liked us and wants us back. And the strained muscle in my right arm didn't adversely affect my guitar playing, though I did have to get the drummer to help me with my guitar amp.
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1399733131' post='2447147'] and a genuine POS too.....presumably relicing it has knocked around 8p off the price! [/quote] Fixed for ya
  9. Saturday bump. Open to [b]reasonable[/b] offers.
  10. They are a business seller and have the bass advertised for £695 on their own website: http://shop.musical-money.co.uk/guitars/3127-1983-jv-squier-by-fender-precision-bass-guitar-fiesta-red-with-hard-case.html
  11. I wonder:[list] [*]How many speculative emails they get each day; [*]Whether someone has been given the job of answering them; and [*]What proportion of those enquiries would turn into sales that would not have happened if they had gone unanswered? [/list] IMO those are the questions that GV (or any other shop with an online presence) needs to consider before setting an 'email response policy'.
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1399713941' post='2446857'] No dealings with either, but my advice would always be get the one your hands like the most, the one which playing brings the most smiles. [/quote] This. Only buy a bass if it makes you want to keep playing, to the point where it says to you, 'You would regret going home without me'.
  13. Not sure if this has been linked elsewhere but I just read this: http://www.iguitarmag.com/news/2014/05/wilko-johnson-undergoes-cancer-surgery/
  14. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1399466998' post='2444489'] Yep definitely not a problem with the cabinet. Your bass pickup is picking up mains noise from your amp sat on top of the cabinet. The tweeter in the cabinet allows you to hear that noise more clearly. It's completely normal and some basses will pickup more noise than others. You'll sometimes get the same problem playing under strip lights with basses with non humbucking pickups. So nothing is blown by the sounds of it. Your bass is just very good at picking up noise in the room and your cabinet is very good at reproducing a wide range of frequencies, including those with noise in. [/quote] This supports my theory that the concept of tweeters in bass cabs was invented by Satan
  15. I've visited a few times and have no complaints.
  16. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1399483225' post='2444702'] I wouldn't mind some greater capacity ones (or two, three etc) in an attempt to circumvent a repeat incident tho. [/quote] If you are going to upgrade your caps, don’t go for bigger values, as this can cause your rectifier diodes to fail. By all means go for higher working voltages though, for a wider safety margin.
  17. Finally got round to replacing the trim-pot today. First removed the driver valves from the rear circuit board. Then undid the rear panel connectors and ribbon cable from the DI board and popped it out: Ddi the same with the main rear circuit board: Removed the five fixing screws from the board. Had to move the transformer to make enough room for all the sockets to clear the back panel. Twisted the board up, removed the old trim pot, and cleaned up the holes: The new trimpot was a bit small so I put the outer pins in vertically and left the middle pin sticking out: I salvaged a leg from the old trim pot, soldered it in place, and joined it up to central pin on the new trim pot: After everything was back together except the top cover, I set the bias again. I had noted the resistances between the pins on the old trim pot, and set the new one up the same, so it didn't take too long to set it right. The voltages still drift a bit, but no more than a millivolt or so, and it's much easier now to tweak the bias without it suddenly going into panic territory. While I was in there, I realised the cooling fan would be much easier to replace than I had thought, so I noted the details for future reference. Looks like you can only get it from America anyway, but I've found a close equivalent on eBay - a low noise job for linear amps. A couple of hours well spent
  18. Somehow Bert's link has got mangled. Full link is: [url="http://support.fender.com/manuals/instruments/Mustang_Bass_(1966)_manual.pdf"]http://support.fende...tang_Bass_(1966)_manual.pdf[/url]
  19. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1399617940' post='2445830'] For a few years I went to a jam session in a local Kurdish cafe. There was a floating group of around a dozen of us from all over the place (Lebanese accordion player, Polish clarinettist etc) and the deal was we'd each play a tune that we knew from wherever and then the rest would gradually join in and we'd see where it went. Often into unpredictable places and keys and they often came out nothing like they went in but was some of the most fun times I've had playing music. Steve [/quote] Now that sounds like fun!
  20. [quote name='Romeo2' timestamp='1399586078' post='2445737'] Thanks John, can't really put it down. I have to confess. I sold some instruments recently. And I found myself in tremors, in absolute delirium, could not stand the state of not being able to say 'my basses' or 'my guitars', the thought of uttering a sentence where bass was to be in singular form (NOOOOOO!!!!!!!) was just too much. GAS took over, with sweaty palms I entered card details into an online payment form less than 24 hours after becoming single-bassed. Help me ... [/quote] Couldn't help noticing the empty space in your 3-bass stand... Yep, lots to like about G&L basses.
  21. The bass is both there and not there at the same time. The Mrs has given you the benefit of the doubt by assuming it's not there.
  22. 12ohms? Not a problem. Impedances are nominal, for which read 'approximate, rough-and-ready, rule of thumb'. With a valve amp you can safely go up or down by a factor of 2 in nominal impedance, so an 8 ohm output can be used into a load between 4 and 16 ohms. It may not sound as good or as loud, but it won't kill the amp. I have seen and heard this demonstrated by a guy who is a certified valve geek!
  23. In general I like Macs but GarageBand drives me nuts. It never seems to do what I want it to! I bought Sagantech Metro for doing MIDI recording - works a treat.
  24. Music notation - another Sibelius user here. Was on G7 until OS X stopped working with it, now using First. Working on stuff - just bought Capo. Will do independent pitch and speed changes, and identifies the notes being played - it will even have a stab at working the chords out for you. Still running Snow Leopard on my old Mac Mini, so having to use version 2 rather than 3 (which requires Mavericks).
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