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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1399012676' post='2439875'] Which high end amps have 2 inputs. Looking at Genz [/quote] Why do you ask?
  2. [quote name='thefruitfarmer' timestamp='1399034031' post='2440244'] ... He is not listening to enough of the type of music. ... What did seem to work was getting him to play with the left hand dampening the strings for a section so he was playing the guitar more like a percussion instrument, then he could hear himself drifting away from the pulse. [/quote] Sounds like he is not listening to the rest of you while he is playing. He may be a victim of the sausage-machine fallacy (bear with me!) i.e. the assumption that if you put all the musical parts into the performance, the song will automatically emerge (like sausages from a machine - see what I dod there?). No, we all need to listen, making micro-adjustments to timing as necessary.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1399030753' post='2440162'] Standard Sei Flamboyant Offset shape. [/quote] Yep. Move along, nothing to see here
  4. IMO rhythm guitar is the noble art compared to lead playing. Danny Kortchmar once said he could teach his grandmother to play lead guitar! Many guitarist never learn to play rhythm satisfactorily. Assuming you are playing covers, it is a good discipline for a guitarist to listen closely to what is being played on the original recording, and to try to transcribe it as accurately as possible - it helps if you can read and write music notation of course. Pay attention to chord voicing, accents, muted strums, syncopation (playing across beats) and anticipation (playing across bar lines or chord changes), and [u]rests[/u]. This can become a lot harder if you have to sing too! Without wishing to embarrass anyone, perhaps you could record your next rehearsal and post a clip in this thread?
  5. I use a little bit of delay and reverb on my vocal. I find it helps my pitching.
  6. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1398977896' post='2439729'] Eh? Too right its unique. Its bizarre! Or perhaps I'm showing my age... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1974-Fender-Precision-Bass-Guitar-/251516635245?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a8f8f486d"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a8f8f486d[/url] [/quote] It's been Craptonised
  7. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1398975381' post='2439695'] I've got one of these: [url="http://www.ninestonering.com/craig/hburstxz2/hburstxz2-angle1.jpg"]http://www.ninestone...txz2-angle1.jpg[/url] but I think you mean one of these: [url="http://www.maxruckman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Steinberger-Bass.jpg"]http://www.maxruckma...berger-Bass.jpg[/url] Am I right? [/quote] You are indeed correct sir
  8. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1398858365' post='2438301'] I'd like to have seen a view from the other side, but larger/ better heatsinking and ducting on the output transistors would probably do it. [/quote] Yes that heat sink seems completely inadequate, despite the fan.
  9. Thursday bumpage. Straight sale or trade offers. Anyone want to offload a Steinberger Spirit cricket bat?
  10. I occasionally dep on bass for a band. The regular bass player is fine with this, as he leads a very busy life and needs the occasional break to mitigate his over-commitment. strangely, the rhythm guitarist in the same band is definitely [u]not[/u] happy to be depped, by me or anyone else. I [i]think [/i]this is because he reckons it just won't be the same band without him. When it comes down to it, it is the drummer's band, but he doesn't want to upset the rhythm guitarist by taking more gigs and depping out that role. Very odd!
  11. andyonbass and I both attend a monthly jam session, and I've really enjoyed them on the whole. Best thing: You end up playing a song you vaguely know from the radio with a random group of people. Worst thing: 'Let's do a 12-bar' - na-[u]na[/u]-na-na-NA
  12. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1398795524' post='2437712'] [attachment=161611:20140429_185424 (Large).jpg] [/quote] Hmm... I'm a bit concerned you may not have enough speakers there
  13. Not really sure what your questin is, badboy. Are you after a replacement power amp that will run into 8 ohms?
  14. I can't read the kanji, but the specs table states 'SCALE: 373.5mm'. That is actually the distance from nut to 12th fret, so scale length would be roughly double that at 747mm, or 29.41in. Looks tasty in white/tort/rosewood:
  15. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1398597602' post='2435565'] ... Second of all congrats for stringing it with rounds instead of the latest trend of using hideous flats (imo of course) ... [/quote] Slightly OT: This is the second time I've read on BC that fitting flats is a 'trend' or 'fashion'. As a fairly recent convert to flats, I wish to distance myself from any 'trend' or 'fashion' aspect. I would never have considered flats other than on a fretless, but I bought a bass (G&L mentioned in signature) already fitted with them, and loved the sound and feel, to the extent that I have now fitted Chromes flats to all my basses. Back on topic - I am not convinced that there is much of an advantage to through-body stringing. The main advantage is that your strings can never pull the bridge off your bass!
  16. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1398609952' post='2435687'] Definitely one of the more interesting weddings!.... Queen's Court Hotel, Exeter.... woodland creatures theme! ...... We had a go on the masks [/quote] What the fox say?
  17. There is no problem running 9V DC cables close to audio signal cables but anything carrying AC has the potential (no pun intended) to be picked up by the audio. There is also the possibility of breakthrough of interference from your lighting power supply into your pedal PSU. I would concentrate on getting the audio right first, before you start pimping the board!
  18. OK Weststarx, we need the full story - what exact model is this? I'm guessing it's new. What else did you try, and what was it about this bass that said to you 'Take me, I'm yours'?
  19. Saturday evening bump. Happy to consider pedals, accessories, techie bits in PX, but not basses thanks - except maybe a U-bass or Aria Sinsonido.
  20. Although both my active basses can quickly be switched into passive mode, I tend to check the voltage occasionally. Most alkaline batteries start out at about 9.6V (no load), but if it's dropped below 9V I will install a fresh one and move the old one to non-critical duties e.g. for giving to guitarists when theirs have gone flat
  21. Just checked out the effect of the Tube Gain control on the plate voltages in the driver section. Measured with respect to the chassis earth, the voltages at pin 6 of the 12AX7 (marked J11 on the schematic and rear circuit board) are: 63V with Tube Gain at 0 133V with Tube Gain at 5 (12 o'clock) 173V with Tube Gain at 10 I have just installed a new JJ 12AU7 in the driver section, and with the Master set high you can hear a hard distortion with Tube Gain at 0. From about 2-3 onwards it just sounds pushed, with maximum headroom at 10 as expected. EDIT: The bias has drifted again. Temperature seems to affect it. Off to Maplin for one of [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/10k-andohm-cermet-square-22-turn-preset-potentiometer-uh25c"]these[/url] I think:
  22. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1398479617' post='2434590'] A word in the right ear might get you the help you need http://basschat.co.uk/user/11294-ashdown-engineering/ [/quote] Cheers!
  23. Well that didn't go well. 90 mins into Mr Axe jnr's first rehearsal with the combo, it gave up the ghost. Further investigation revealed that the amp itself is fine, but the speaker works only very intermittently. I am told it was being played at or near full tilt, so maybe the speaker is trashed - it is rated at 250W and the 400W amp would be expected to put out about that much into an 8ohm load. He is going to get one of the rehearsal room bods to take a look at it. We are hoping it is something simple like a loose connection. The Sale of Goods / warranty route is a bit of a non-starter because of the cost of getting the thing back to Blighty. If it [i]is[/i] Donald Ducked, his options would be to replace the driver with a more powerful unit (although there would be no way of knowing how well it would match the cab), or extract the MiBass head and acquire a different light-weight cab with a higher power rating. For the moment though, he is understandably gutted.
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