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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1397394005' post='2423450'] [b] [i]"I'm skint and in debt, a perfect time to buy a Fender jazz right?"[/i][/b] Wrong. If you are skint and in debt it is the worst possible time to buy a Fender jazz ...or any other bass. Play the bass that you already have, concentrate on the art of mastering the bass and become a better player instead - it's free. [/quote] This ^^ It is far more satisfying to buy kit from funds that you have than on the never-never. Credit cards balances typically attract some of the highest APRs outside of Wonga-land, so you will end up paying massively more for your bass. If you have a student loan, that will be bled from you over many years, but I would say make it a priority to pay off other existing debts. Believe me, it's a great feeling to be debt-free. If you really want the sound of a new bass, stay in one weekend and use the beer money saved to buy a new set of decent strings. [/sensible advice]
  2. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1396971175' post='2419277'] That does look sweet! How *(if at all) do the metal covers affect the classic plastic-covers P90 sound? [/quote] [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1396975886' post='2419374'] Almost impossible to say really! My other P90-loaded guitar sounds completely different, but it is a PRS McCarty with Seymour Duncans (original fitment). Apples and oranges really, as the guitar pictured above is a CS336, carved-out semi-hollow, and shorter scale length. [/quote] Having thought about this again, even allowing for the differences in the guitars themselves, I would say - Seymour Duncan soapbars - plastic covers, P90 size - bright and stinging, but with plenty of fatness remaining when rolling off a lot of the treble, get nasty with distortion. Bareknuckles Mississippi Queens - metal covers, HB size - mellow and sweet, more compressed sounding, classic rock sounds available with overdrive/distortion. You mentioned coil tapping on HBs - to me this rarely produces anything better than a compromise tone that will 'sort of do the job'. One notable exception was the bridge HB in the Yamaha Pacifica 604 that I owned, but that was constructed more like 2 SCs anyway. Hope that helps!
  3. I had the USA-made Bullet Deluxe guitar. It was like a slimmed-down Tele with Strat-ish pickups. The body was a laminate (i.e. plywood!) - don't know whether the same applied to the basses.
  4. Martin bought a MIDI switcher from me - prompt payment and great communication.
  5. Tom bought my phaser pedal, perfect transaction all round.
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1397239671' post='2422194'] I literally just a had a little sob to myself because as much as I want this lovely creature, I have no money and no way of getting any before it sells (which it should do very shortly). Gutted. GLWTS Alex [/quote] I have no idea how long it will take for this bass to sell but I thank you for your kind words I have an aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins in Hatfield, so who knows what may transpire...
  7. Excellent! That's an easy song to play badly, so it's great to see and hear Jack Bruce's musical mannerisms accurately represented.
  8. Bump for the weekend. This compressor is so transparent you can almost see right through it
  9. Bump for the weekend. Mainly up for a straight sale, but would consider TC Electronic Flashback pedal in PX.
  10. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1397157311' post='2421340'] MB1. ...Are You Local? [/quote] [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1397218398' post='2421889'] Where are you? [/quote] Guess I'd better join this queue...
  11. [quote name='JamesXP' timestamp='1397184418' post='2421587'] A leisure/marine battery is much better for his purpose than a car battery as they are much better at being full depleted and recharged over and over again.. whereas car batteries don't like this one bit! [/quote] This. You need one that can 'deep cycle'.
  12. I have had this amp from new for about 18 months, and only gigged it half a dozen times. It is very flexible yet simple to use, with the facility to 'add in' compression and drive to your sound without excessive juggling of gain and level controls. You can get the full spec from the [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/classic450"]TC website[/url]. Basically it is a simplified version of the RH450, without the 'hidden' parameters, memories and tuner. It weighs only 4kg, so you can easily carry it about in a lap-top-bag. The speaker socket will take either jack plug or Speakon, so you can pitch up at your rehearsal room and connect it to whatever cab you find there. Since I got my Streamliner 900 the Classic has spent its time as a backup or a home practice amp. It is therefore in excellent condition, and comes in its original box with the instruction manual and a sticker (yes, a free TC sticker!). I have replaced the feet with larger rubber ones so that it will sit above the handle on a Barefaced cab. I am including the original feet in case you feel the need to change them back! There has been some controversy about the 'real' power output of TC's Class D amps, and you can read their account [url="http://service.tcgroup.tc/media/tc-electronic-power-rating-and-active-power-management.pdf"]here[/url]. All I can say is that it is plenty loud enough through a decent cab or cabs. I have used it without PA support in a massive hall, and with PA on a festival stage, and it has always had plenty in reserve. I now have my eye on something a bit special, so sadly this one has to go. Price [b]£249[/b] (bank transfer preferred but PayPal possible if you cover the fees) includes shipping to mainland UK. If you are local to Swindon or Oxford you are welcome to try before you buy, and collection in person would obviously bring the price down. I am looking for a cash sale, but may consider a TC Flashback pedal plus cash my way.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1397208390' post='2421742'] See, I wouldn't wear a DJ for a function..makes you look like the 'help' [/quote] There is that risk!
  14. My P came with D'Addario Chromes fitted, absolutely fine despite these strings apparently being on the high tension side.
  15. Horses for courses I say. On the country circuit it's western shirts and hats, and dark trousers (not blue jeans). The drummer has a Hat Exemption Certificate! The shirts are colour themed rather than exactly matched, and changed each set, which makes a good impression with the trad C&W audiences. Yours truly on left, toting Gretsch: In social clubs, dark trousers and black shoes, and a bright shirt (can't beat a bit of satin): For rock covers, T-shirts all the way. Me on right with Sandberg: For dance band work, DJ rig. Me on right with Variax:
  16. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1397069036' post='2420395'] Hi, I use my teeny Fender Blues Junior lll 15w. I find it fine for small gigs and mic it up for larger ones. Never had any complaints [/quote] Yep, I have seen this done in a 10-piece soul band, amp was till plenty loud enough!
  17. I have been gigging a 15W valve amp (Matchless Lightning Reverb 1x12) without PA support for the last 2 years or so. However, it does have 3 important features that make this feasible:[list=1] [*]Matchless remove some of the doping from the speaker (Celestion Vintage 30) to make it more responsive; [*]The cab is almost wide enough to be a 2x12; and [*]The cab is open-backed, so you get a good spread of sound. [/list]
  18. I apply the same policy to most of my kit (barring a couple of items of sentimental value): Is it bitchin'? Am I using it? => KEEP If not, could its value be put towards something more bitchin'/usable? => SELL
  19. Extra disclosure: There is a casting burr on the edge of the metal housing next to the base plate. Just in case you worry about such things!
  20. Bass will be supplied in a tatty old Fender gig bag to protect it further inside its cardboard carton.
  21. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1396971175' post='2419277'] That does look sweet! How *(if at all) do the metal covers affect the classic plastic-covers P90 sound? [/quote] Almost impossible to say really! My other P90-loaded guitar sounds completely different, but it is a PRS McCarty with Seymour Duncans (original fitment). Apples and oranges really, as the guitar pictured above is a CS336, carved-out semi-hollow, and shorter scale length.
  22. I can't comment on that particular pedal, but I have a Behringer VD400 analog delay. I presume it uses the same buffered electronic switching, and it does not suck tone (at least on skinny-string guitar).
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