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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. As a Gretsch owner and player (Duo Jet), I can tell you (1) that is a good price, and (2) the Compton bridge is a worthwhile (nay essential, though easily reversible) mod. GLWTS!
  2. That scratchplate is staying white - there's nothing I need to change!
  3. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1396509016' post='2414351'] This. Looks in pretty good condition given it's age! [/quote] There are some dark marks and dingson the neck, but nothing that affects playability. In fact the playability is nigh on perfect!
  4. @jjscreeds - where are you based? Might be a BC-er local to you that could help (including me possibly).
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396473051' post='2414197'] Great looking bass. There just something about the ash/maple combination, sounds really nice. [/quote] Yes it is plenty bright enough with flats, authoritative in the mids and lows, and even in volume both across the strings and up and down the fretboard. Btw this is the second time I have gone out shopping for a Jazz and come back with a Precision or version thereof. I may as well just leave Jazzes to them as loves 'em!
  6. Just-indulged-in-wallet-worrying-spend type bump. Yes, [b]£50 delivered[/b].
  7. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1396472309' post='2414181'] Lovely! Time to update the signature? :-) [/quote] Just done it! Inevitably a sale will follow (1 in = 1 out), but can't be more specific for fear of infringing forum rules!
  8. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1396471308' post='2414152'] Is that a iphone file or something ? [/quote] No you just need to change the file extension to .pdf to make it work.
  9. I have recently been following fretless basses in the BC Marketplace, particularly 70s Precisions, but having realised how bad my fretless playing is, I had a bit of a re-think. Some nice relic Jazzes on the Bass Gear website caught my eye, including a couple of stack-knob early 60s replicas, so I fore-warned Barrie (Molan of this parish) and took a trip down to Twyford this afternoon. I took my Streamliner and Midget for ease of comparison with what I already have. After a welcome cuppa I started working through the possibles in my mental list. I tend to know quite quickly if an instrument is not going to suit me, so after a couple of hours I had tried and put back 8-10 instruments; nothing wrong with them you understand, just not for me. My favourite to that point was a one-off replica of Herbie Flowers '59 stack-knob Jazz (see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117779-herbie-flowers-jazz-bass-replica/page__hl__herbie"]original build diary[/url]), fitted with flats. I quite liked the control layout, and the sounds were closer to what I was searching for, but it wasn't saying 'take me I'm yours'. When offered a try of the one other flats-loaded fretted bass in the shop, I thought it rude to refuse, so I found myself holding the '73 Precision pictured below. Consider this: I reckon not to like woody-looking finishes and maple fretboards, I thought my Precision itch was already being scratched my my Sandberg, and I wasn't even [i]looking[/i] for a P. But when I started playing this one, I just kept on playing, knocking out on-the-spot bass lines, and enjoying the range of the passive tone control and its wonderful sweet spot. Unsurprisingly, it came home with me. Playing it at home only served to confirm I had made the right decision, as I played along with iTunes set to shuffle and routed through my studio speakers. Thanks Barrie, Vic and Phil for putting up with 3 hours of my noodlings! I am one happy bunny.
  10. If that's an Afterburner, I played one just like it at Bass Direct once. It was most excellent.
  11. [quote name='PeteFromCorby' timestamp='1396384197' post='2413058'] In standard tuning every fret on the bass is part of the circle of fiths! eg the 7th fret is B E A D! [/quote] Actually those notes read in order, ascending, are spaced in fourths, simply because the bass is conventionally tuned in 4ths.
  12. [quote name='Dusty' timestamp='1396365934' post='2412741'] Dam, just my luck, just picked up a Tony Franklin this weekend ! [/quote] So it was you!
  13. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1396357836' post='2412627'] G&L L-1505? Depends if you think the two switches are cheating or not [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/USA/basses/L1505/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars...L1505/index.asp[/url] [/quote] Works for me. You could safely set the switches for [b]series[/b] and [b]passive[/b], then tape them inside the body somewhere and take the battery out. I'm not selling mine though!
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396276707' post='2411698'] I pulled out Fly, had a good play along with his music and I know my limits and I'm simply not good enough to play with this guy, I'd frustrate myself and him. Shame, but never mind [/quote] It's all good as far as I can see - he recognised something great in your playing, you were realistic about where your playing is at the moment. All the best for a brilliant new project, whatever it may be.
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1396216244' post='2411148'] good necks, good ceramic pups, commonly have a body made of some kind of mdf type stuff - good basses. [/quote] Mine was definitely wood. Is that mdf thing a Basschat urban myth, or have people here actually seen an example?
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396047187' post='2409537'] Yeah f*** corn syrup. And f***ing palm oil. And why don't peeps eat butter anymore? Because they were taught to eschew healthy natural products and eat that sh*t the gub'nint says is healthy - highly processed, toxin-rich f***ing sh*t like Olivio. [/quote] Mrs Axe and I [i]love[/i] butter - life's too short to eat synthetic spreadable reduced-fat sh!te.
  17. I had one, since sold to vmaxblues of this parish. Soundwise it outgunned a Sandberg TT4, played fine, response a bit uneven (though not quite to the extent of 'dead spots').
  18. JapanAxe


    IIRC the Fullerton reissues of the stack-knob jazz omitted the resistors from the control set-up that were supposed to stop the tone controls affecting the other pickup. That is exactly what is shown in this photo from the linked gallery page - no extra resistors:
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