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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. This will be gone before I can drive to Suffolk!
  2. At the risk of returning to topic, I have tried both D'Addario Chrome flats and D'Addario Half-rounds, on both my Sandberg and my G&L, and I didn't find the half-rounds to be much brighter than the flats - they just felt stickier!
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1392474035' post='2369162'] i was just listening to Ronny Laws, and found out that bobby played on the records. so i checked some of his stuff out. he's got a great style, and seems to me to have a huge amount of techniques down. stumbled across this vid. what a clever man. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx2lza1Rb0U[/media] [/quote] I just found this vid whilst searching for demos of stack-knob Jazzes. That guy's sound and playing are so good they put the [i]edible [/i]in [i]incredible[/i](TM).
  4. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1395866063' post='2407467'] i can see no issues at all he could teach mr king a lesson or two about tasteful slapping and he could teach grayson perry a thing or two about tasteful dressing imho ymmv mcton etceteraetcetera [/quote] We've gone a bit OT here but yes, that guy makes my day. [i]Vive la différence,[/i] as the Koreans say. For me, GAS comes from spending too much time on Basschat!
  5. [quote name='Fleabay85' timestamp='1395860644' post='2407344'] Thank you which one is your favorite ? [/quote] Can't decide - just love the Wall of Bass(TM)!
  6. [quote name='Fleabay85' timestamp='1392420381' post='2368715'] 300W all tube...rare item..only 120 was made of this beast. The tubes and the amp are in great condition. I'm intrested in trade for basses (example musicman...or what have you got? ) The amp is very light (21kg)....Highend amp for the best sound!!! pictures: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/101838836@N05/with/11084533945"]http://www.flickr.co...ith/11084533945[/url] [/quote] Man you have a lot of nice pics in that Flickr album!
  7. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1395854835' post='2407247'] Always been a huge Police-fan so when they did their reunion-tour I was so much looking forward to it... Turned out to be such a disappointment....terrible live-sound, support-act Fiction Plane (Sting's son) was mùch better and Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland were half the great musicians I expected them to be. Sting couldn't reach the high notes any more.. Wish I had never seen it. [/quote] Me too. £80 a ticket to watch some tiny figures on a distant stage, or a big TV screen. By contrast I have seen Iggy Pop twice at the Apollo and John Hiatt at the Shepherd's Bush Empire, and all were cracking gigs.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1395786848' post='2406423'] But there's loads of other options for 1960. How about a Gibson EB2 or even better a Gibson EB0 with the original Les Paul Jr body shape. Failing that something European like Burns or Höfner? [/quote] Out of those I think I'd go for a Burns. Then again I can't remember ever seeing one up for sale on BC!
  9. Don't forget to consider looks! If you have a rack-mount power amp, that will be 19in (48.3cm) wide. A cab that is much narrower than this may look a bit silly. Shallow I know, but I like a rig to look (as well as sound) bitchin'!
  10. I envy you in a way - I'll never afford a '60 P!
  11. Where the venue has booked us (i.e. social clubs) I generally supply them with posters a couple of weeks before. They don't always put them up but they only cost me a few pence to print and send (laser printed on coloured paper).
  12. I feel a stirring in my loins even though I'm not actually looking for a Ray!
  13. Depends on the amp, the cab, the bass, the room, the band... But I always use my ears rather than my eyes - one of my pet hates is the unthinking use of a 'smile' on a graphic EQ, on the assumption that this will automatically sound 'good'.
  14. I was playing fretless along to a few tracks and it just wasn't sounding right. Tuner showed bass and in tune and correctly adjusted for intonation - is [i]my[/i] intonation that bad? Checked and re-checked. Then I thought 'hang on a mo' - at some point I'd accidentally pressed the CALIB button on my Pitchblack, so I was tuned to A=441Hz. I reset it, and sure enough all 4 strings now showed sharp/ Re-tuned and all is well. I was even thinking about jacking in my risible attempts on fretless! Also it was worse when I was trying to play on the lines - I seem to be far better off following my ears now.
  15. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1395686266' post='2405122'] Really? Balls. [/quote] Well it is possible to prise a pot apart and do some mechanical tweaking, but it would not bode well for reliability!
  16. What are the dimensions of the head? And what are the controls? (Can't make out the writing.) Does (did) it do 'crunch'?
  17. The wiper is losing contact with the carbon track inside the pot at the end of its turn. Sounds like time for a new pot!
  18. Welcome to the PM4 club! Loving the block markers and matching headstock face. Here's mine: BTW the S/N on mine is kind of embossed inside the middle of the 'German Quality' sticker on the back of the headstock:
  19. Those song titles have awakened memories of the late 70s when I used to listen to Hawkwind. I saw them at Sheffield City Hall about the time Quark... came out. I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy them now, but a decent tribute would surely do well around the festivals.
  20. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1395482657' post='2402873'] Played my local pub last night, the band's played there a few times before but this was the first time with our new singer. I had been telling everyone how great she is for weeks, and despite her being unwell, she still put on a great performance, including an incredible version of Janis J's Move Over. Same again tonight, somewhere in Swindon. [/quote] That 'somewhere' would be the Royal Oak in Old Town. I know cos I played there Friday night with Get Carter and saw your poster above the urinal!
  21. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1395514026' post='2403310'] Flashing sunglasses and a birthday card for the top of the amp. Guaranteed some bozo will want to buy me a pint because he assumes it's my birthday ! [/quote] Genius - must try that!
  22. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1395513418' post='2403301'] Legs? I'm clearly on crack. Feet. Rubber knobby things. (must take less crack) [/quote] I'd like to see one with legs
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