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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1394532897' post='2392239'] Now from a [i][b]buyer's[/b][/i] point of view, of course ... [/quote] Mwah-hah-hah=hah! Sorry, I meant to say 'I concur'. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1394563663' post='2392805'] One way of selling an expensive instrument is to give it to a shop to sell for you (commission sales). I did that with one of my Regenerates a couple of years ago. [/quote] I did that with a Schecter Robert De Leo once and the shop went bust. The receivers contacted me for the details but it turned out they had already sold it so I got nothing back. That was an expensive lesson! [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1394608960' post='2393172'] I actually think it's the opposite problem and a lot of the issue is overpricing... Not with the cheaper end but with top end gear. There are a couple of lovely sixers on the BC marketplace at the moment which I think are way overpriced and hence have no interest in buying. I see a lot of basses advertised with the RRP in the listing. This is all well and good but these basses are never sold at the RRP. If I see a bass up for £2200 and a quick google search reveals the same bass going new for £2500 Its not going to raise my interest. [/quote] So go in with an offer of £1750?
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1394532897' post='2392239'] Now from a [i][b]buyer's[/b][/i] point of view, of course ... [/quote] Mwah-hah-hah=hah! Sorry, I meant to say 'I concur'. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1394563663' post='2392805'] One way of selling an expensive instrument is to give it to a shop to sell for you (commission sales). I did that with one of my Regenerates a couple of years ago. [/quote] I did that with a Schecter Robert De Leo once and the shop went bust. The receivers contacted me for the details but it turned out they had already sold it so I got nothing back. That was an expensive lesson! [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1394608960' post='2393172'] I actually think it's the opposite problem and a lot of the issue is overpricing... Not with the cheaper end but with top end gear. There are a couple of lovely sixers on the BC marketplace at the moment which I think are way overpriced and hence have no interest in buying. I see a lot of basses advertised with the RRP in the listing. This is all well and good but these basses are never sold at the RRP. If I see a bass up for £2200 and a quick google search reveals the same bass going new for £2500 Its not going to raise my interest. [/quote] So go in with an offer of £1750?
  3. If the RH750 is your thing then great, but for me the thought of a next-level menu of tweakable parameters fills me with... Option Anxiety! Should I nudge that lo-mid centre frequency down by 50Hz? What about activating Tweeter Tone(TM)? No thanks, I'll stick with 3 or 4 knobs that actually I hardly ever touch. OP - you have fun though, don't mind an old curmudgeon.
  4. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1394665707' post='2393956'] Agreed, but do this whilst playing with your band as some of the the subtleties and [size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]nuances you're dialing in may well dissapear once you play with the rest of the guys.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] This! Of course rehearsal would be better than gig
  5. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1394633389' post='2393534'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DX26-The-Doghouse-Doctors-Seven-Silver-Dollars-2013-DJ-CD-/360828802203"]http://www.ebay.co.u...D-/360828802203[/url] just spotted this,very strange & also more expensive than we actually sell it for too i wonder who the seller is. [/quote] [size=4][color=#333333][font=Arial]You'll find the seller's name and contact details under 'Business Seller Information' near the bottom of the listing.[/font][/color][/size][color=#333333][font=Arial][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1394640570' post='2393610'] You might be doing this anyway, but do you thread your lead 'over the top'? Assuming you play right-handed, take the jack plug in your right hand, thread it behind the bass, in the space between you, the bass and your strap. Pull it over the top across the front of he bass and place the plug into the output socket of your bass. The cable's own weight shouldn't be pulling it out now, and your strap should stop it falling sideways. [/quote] Also I always use an angled jack into my bass on gigs - this greatly reduces the 'leverage' on the jack socket if the plug knocks against something.
  7. I had a similar thing happen to a KAM ParBar. Two of the wires had come off the 4-pin connector inside. If it had been just one I could have soldered it back on straight away, but because it was 2 (I think I dislodged the second one) I had to trace them and work out which was which. Anyway I got it sorted.
  8. In Swindon there is a 'Rock School' for adults who can play (at any level) but have never been in a band. Under the guidance of tutors, groups of 4 or 5 are encouraged to rehearse and perform covers of their choice. I was a tutor for a while, and I know some of these people took their bands out of the classroom and onto the pub circuit. Why not see if such a thing exists in your area? If so it will most likely be run by the schools music service. Other than that, go to some jam nights. Make a note of songs that get played a lot, go and learn them, then volunteer to play when you next attend.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394398070' post='2391035'] No, this is the biggest bass headstock... [/quote] Well ok is it not at least disproportionately large in the picture? The eBay one I mean.
  10. Is it just me or is this the biggest bass headstock known to man! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Mexican-Standard-Fretless-Jazz-Bass-2011-/221389254458?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item338bd3ef3a
  11. Watching with interest because I still entertain a hankering for a Dingwall but also favour flats.
  12. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1394322677' post='2390386'] Much better quality. Wonder if they will be a straight fit in. [/quote] The PSM Mustang tuner has 20 teeth on the cog compared to the Squier's 19, and more of the worm is threaded on the PSM, but the screw layout looks similar. [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/gotoh-vintage-style-bass-tuners-open-gear-nickel-2163-p.asp"]These Gotohs[/url] look similar, but you would have to be sure of all your dimensions (and the cogs have 26 teeth!)
  13. OK here's a pic of the tuners on the Pawn Shop Mustang:
  14. There are now integrated circuits that use tiny amounts of power. Passive circuits like these use a portion of the current from the input signal as the power source. Buffered sources (pedals or onboard pre-amps) are capable of providing much more current at their outputs, so it makes sense to use a buffer before a passive pedal. Although passive pedals have quite a high output impedance too, this shouldn't be a problem unless you are running a very long cable into your amp, or driving one or more always-connected lower input impedance devices such as vintage Electro Harmonix pedals. I hope that lot makes sense!
  15. Schallers for me, although I did have one that unscrewed itself during a gig. No bass-dropping cataastrophe, just tiny components rolling around on the stage during pack-up. Fortunately I found all the bits!
  16. IIRC some of these have just 2 volume controls, no tone control. Sorry but I couldn't live with that. Out with the Black & Decker...
  17. Sometimes overjoyed, often happy, occasionally disappointed. The main f*%@-up factor is the room. Some sound great, some don't.
  18. Can you split the head from the cab? I wouldn't want to have to cart that whole rig about in one go!
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1394195709' post='2388999'] Tone is in everything from how you pluck and fret the string all the way through to the acoustics of the room. IME players are more recognisable through their note choices and phrasing than tone. A good player will adapt their tone to fit with what the other musicians are playing and the overall sound of the band. [/quote] This. Might as well lock this thread now.
  20. [quote name='Delius' timestamp='1394192525' post='2388926'] Someone did suggest a couple of finishes that look similar to this one... unfortunately I seem to have lost the message! If I took it apart would it be obvious whether it's the original finish? [/quote] Kind of depends whether the person doing the refin bothered to strip and refin the cavities. If you see a different colour there, it is definitely a refin. if you see the same finish, it [i]might[/i] be a refin, just a more thorough job.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394184450' post='2388750'] Hmm - more evidence of scooping..! [/quote] Very happy with mine so far, but this has made me think: All my fretted basses feature a mahoosive humbucker. The fretless however has a reverse P pickup, and that one sounds on the scooped side of woody. Then again it sounds like that through my TC, which is quite a mids-focused amp... OK I'm off to AB the GB and the TC. TTFN!
  22. Can you post a pic of the tuners in place on the back of the headstock? I have had no problems with the tuners on my Fender MIM Pawn Shop Mustang - it would be interesting to compare the designs / screw layout. Also have you checked out [url="http://wdmusic.co.uk"]WD Music[/url]? I recently enquired about a pickguard and they contacted Fender to check which model years it would fit.
  23. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394128017' post='2388257'] You can call it what you like, but stiff is stiff. [/quote] How many times have I heard this from a disappointed Mrs Axe... *sigh*
  24. I have pretty much FZ's complete output on CD. Many favourites (One Size Fits All, Joe's Garage, Shut Up...), but also some I don't really care for (Thing Fish, Francesco Zappa).
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