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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. My favourite for the carefully shot pics: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Akai-S2000-Frank-Sinatra-Vocal-Sound-Piece-of-history-LOOK-/111293355082?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Outboards_Effects_MJ&hash=item19e999d44a
  2. [quote name='Mexicola' timestamp='1394038666' post='2387249'] -1 for Interparcel/UPS Im having a sh*t time with Interparcel just now. I paid £50 for a courier and insurance to pick up a valve head yesterday. The guy I bought it from took the day off work to wait for UPS. UPS arrived and didnt take the head as he hadn't printed off STICKERS! How many people own something that can print off stickers? Ridiculous. Ive rearranged for it to be picked up on Friday so we'll see what happens. [/quote] I print off the label, stick it to the parcel with loads of Pritt, Sellotape round all the edges and a couple of times across the middle of the label. UPS have always accepted the parcel, as indeed have other couriers and their collection agents. Did your man just hand the label to the UPS driver and expect him to sort it?
  3. It goes rather well with your weathered decking and fence.
  4. My Dad's mate when we were kids was... Eric Hunt. Really. There's nothing like the stifled mirth of a 13-year-old.
  5. Somewhat belatedly, my 1997 L1505.
  6. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1394014923' post='2386844'] I always thought that all and members discuss the setlist together. [/quote] I send the set list out a few days before the gig and invite comment. Sometimes my drummer will point out tempo issues where the set would not flow - I always listen to what he says because HE KNOWS!
  7. General rules I use: 4:1 minimum ratio fast:slow numbers No more than 2 consecutive numbers in same key Try to spread out covers by any one artist Avoid 2 consecutive songs with same rhythmic feel unless going for a deliberate medley or segue
  8. That's the same bass listed twice. Whichever goes, they then pull the other listing. With a 'description' like that you have no idea what you're getting (or not as the case may be).
  9. It reminds me of the scene in the remake of The Fly where the guy comes out of the machine all jumbled up with a load of cables.
  10. Have you perchance unearthed any more info on the finish? If it is original it would be a shame to change it, otherwise it's begging for a refin in Oly white!
  11. I've had my Beyer for 16 years and it still works as well as the day I got it. That's a lot of gigs! The only thing that stops me trying a Hercules (whose guitar stands I use) is that the diameter is too big to fit the clip-on tray that I use for my Bose Tone Match.
  12. Pah! It's not even being advertised with a [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fender-Strat-1969-Teal-Green-Metallic-rebuilt-copy-/171254388531?clk_rvr_id=595437102621"]naked lady[/url]!
  13. Those drivers had better be well matched, else there'll be skull and hair flying when you plug it in. Well, shredded paper at least.
  14. TBH they all look great but I do love minty white. Where can I access this P-bass designer? I need to stoke up the GAS a bit - NOT!
  15. M&S car coat and a pair of Farahs. Sorted!
  16. Given the seller's eBay name is '4 corners pottery' I would be disappointed if there weren't some old jugs available. *picks up coat and tiptoes from room*
  17. I've used the same effect built into a Boss Multi-FX, but only on electric guitar, which is what it was designed for. On guitar it worked best on a neck single coil pickup. I'm guessing part of what it does is to scoop the mids. This might make an electric guitar sound like an acoustic (roughly) but no way is it going to make an electric bass sound like an upright!
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1393776493' post='2384210'] Why aren't the pole pieces anywhere near the strings on that bridge pickup? Looks almost like it should be on a six-string! [/quote] Each string sits between 2 pole pieces. If a string is displaced laterally (i.e pushed sideways!) it moves away from one pole piece but towards the other. This should keep the magnetic field pretty constant. Simples (meep).
  19. Huh-huh-huh. Stool. Beavis, he said stool. huh-huh-huh.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1393704301' post='2383614'] Sounds as though Cubase is opening with an un-used signal source open. [/quote] I get this if I use Garageband (which I rarely do, as I don't get on with it). Presumably there is a menu somewhere that can be tweaked to fix this.
  21. [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1393531054' post='2381608'] There are 5 other bands on and the venue have insisted we all use the provided backline. [/quote] This is clearly to save setup time. If every band's bass player insisted on using their own rig, that would somewhat eat into the evening! If you did take your own rig you might have to let all the other herberts use it
  22. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1393523883' post='2381490'] Well I'm to late to ring now it seems but will do in the morning. What should I say? As said I'm happy to keep the bass maybe I could get a discount or something ? [/quote] Mention the problems and leave the initiative with them to offer a return/replacement/partial refund. If they don't, then weigh in with what [i]you[/i] want.
  23. I learned the note sequences of all the major scale by going through them in my head at bus stops. Similarly you can learn chord formulae and practice naming the notes, then visualise them on the fretboard e.g. major = R-3-5, so D = D-F#-A, Eb = Eb-G-Bb
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