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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1392635653' post='2370800'] So what's wrong with something like these?? I'm genuinely asking about the cons [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Jack-Jack-PRO-Patch-Cable-15cm-Pack-of-6/GCG"]http://www.gear4musi...m-Pack-of-6/GCG[/url] [/quote] Hint: Anything that says 'Pro' in the description is not really of professional quality.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1392578297' post='2370297'] [i]There's no guitar knob.[/i] [/quote] There's often one or two in a band though
  3. You might be able to buy cover from an independent broker, but no doubt it will cost!
  4. I too have found this to be true on skinny-string - a new set of strings is one of the cheapest 'mods' you can make, but has a radical effect on tone and feel. Bass strings cost a bit more, but still less than most replacement pickups. So why don't we go this route more often? Because we regard strings as consumables, something you just need in order to get the job done, and they don't give us GAS!
  5. That's one heck of a stock list - it just goes on and on!
  6. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1392466366' post='2369048'] My current main bass is a 2012 US Standard creamy-white P with a tort guard and rosewood board, definitely a classic combo. [/quote] Tried one today in my local music shop - it definitely has what it takes! [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1392466591' post='2369052'] Check my avatar. [/quote] Elvis had one too?
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1392424428' post='2368757'] A lot of Oly white Fenders turned creamy over the years, like mine did. It's degradation of the poly coat. [/quote] Now I like that in its own way. Strangely it has a kind of faded 80s vibe. Btw no basses in last night's dream. This time I was out cycling, and visited a small independent book-shop in the Old Town area of Swindon. The proprietor pointed me to the philosophy section as requested, where I selected a pair of comfy sensible black shoes. I chose not to wear them straight away for fear the toe clips on my bike would scratch them. When I got home I found I had bought (and was wearing) a pair of pink and grey striped trousers, which were greeted with mirth and derision by friends and family alike. Oops - hijacked my own thread there! [quote name='adam87' timestamp='1392424010' post='2368755'] I've never been keen on P basses, hated them in fact. Always prefered jazz. But I do like the one Scott has! It sounds awesome too. Has changed my mind on them slightly! [/quote] Yep, rolling the tone right off is (imo) one of the acid tests for a good P - if it doesn't sound monstrous, walk away.
  8. Cool! Just looking at your sig, what mods did you perform on the Epi VJ to suit it to bass? (I have one which I have heavily modded, but just for guitar).
  9. The two hands are equally busy. Most notes require input from fingers on each hand. In a right-handed person, the left hand holds something on which the right hand performs an action; the left hand finger holds down a string, the right hand finger plucks (or slaps) it. That said, there are some notable left-handed players who play right-handed, e.g. Mark Knopfler.
  10. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1392411332' post='2368569'] Don`t a lot of the old cream Fenders turn a weird colour? I think i read somewhere it was called banana yellow or something similar [/quote] Dunno but that seems like a reason to go for the re-issue. That and the £5k+ price difference.
  11. [quote name='adam87' timestamp='1392406353' post='2368463'] Something like scott devines? [media]http://youtu.be/eoVfamlcbYo[/media] [/quote] Aha! That'll be it then. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1392406420' post='2368465'] Something like this ? [url="http://www.vintageandrare.com/product/Fender-Precision-Cream-37584"]http://www.vintagean...ion-Cream-37584[/url] [/quote] No, it had a rosewood board and was more white/cream than yellow.
  12. In the early hours of this morning, in the confusion of a semi-feverish state brought on by a bout of man-flu (i.e. a cold), it seemed vitally important to me that I should acquire, without delay, a well-worn Precision in cream with torty pickguard. Now I'm not sure I've even seen this finish on an actual Fender P (although the likes of Sandberg will rustle one up to order), so do they exist, or was it all just a dream? And do/did they come in fretless, preferably lined? [Btw, when I woke up, the bed was dry, and Patrick Duffy did [i]not[/i] emerge from the shower.]
  13. None. Main factors are GAS-induced stock rotation, and the fact that I have mainly played skinny-string for the last 5 years!
  14. I had this issue with one of the Schaller strap-lock buttons on a Godin. I had to grind it down on an improvised lathe to get it to mate with the other part.
  15. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1392398168' post='2368268'] By the way £100 will only buy you a dog of an acoustic that will rip your hands to shreds. You'd have to spend another £100 to get it set up and make playable. [/quote] ... and an even worse electro. Up your budget and go pure acoustic. You can always add a Fishman Neo-D soundhole pickup (much nicer than piezo imo) later, and save that for your next (better) acoustic in due course.
  16. This reminds me - must borrow a scale from work and weigh all my basses. I think the heaviest are my Yamaha and G&L, both P-derived instruments.
  17. Out of the 2, No.1 - but there is the risk that he won't improve, so I'd go with ambient's suggestions ^^^
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1392162779' post='2365626'] I would suspect that it had more to do going from a mahoosive ashdown rig to the Genz Benz/TC with barefaced cabs than with the power supply! [/quote] I suspect it was mainly to do with the cabs actually.
  19. Ooh I can see one of these in my future, particularly as it relates to my yet-to-be-restored Selmer.
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392320817' post='2367429'] Geezer with one of his Martin Birch basses: [/quote] Look out! Geezer's trousers are on fire!
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1392319608' post='2367402'] When this kind of thing happens, I tend to use Google. For example, Googling: [i]site:basschat.co.uk "flying monkeys"[/i] ...will return every instance of Flying Monkeys. This method has the added bonus of ignoring all the nonsense in Off Topic, too. [/quote] Clearly flying monkeys are not nonsense then
  22. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1392232421' post='2366302'] Are you putting your fingers somewhere else? [/quote] And have you got the pictures to prove it?
  23. I use Lavas on my guitar pedalboard and saved a few £££ by buying some of the plugs used on eBay.
  24. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1392059601' post='2364233'] Mine is 0mm x 0mm x 0mm [/quote] That would make it a singularity. Whatever you do, don't assign any mass to it - if you do, it will rapidly turn into a black hole and consume the entire planet
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