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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Blimey! What bass line does Michael 'Sugar Bear' Foreman play on your song? Whatever the @&£$ he likes by the look on his face!
  2. I can't comment too much on the Shuttle cos I haven't tried one (tho' I have heard one used in anger), but another point to consider is the amount of knobbage you have to contend with on the Shuttle. Do you prefer more or fewer knobs?
  3. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1390471178' post='2345684'] You want to have 4 pickups in one bass? You must be aware of some serious wiring issues, comb filtering effect (pickups dampening each other because of generating similar frequencies) and other problems. In general, to insure proper sound, you can run two PUs at once. Some time ago I was wondering about a 3+ PU configuration, but now I know about the problems it can deliver. Besides, each pickup = magnetic force at work with the metal in strings, which means a slight sustain reduction. It's better to have two tonally different basses than turning one into a 3+ pickup platform. I bought an Encore P-Bass copy and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223971-immo-custom-shopencore-twinsplit-p-bass/"]modded it by adding a second split coil PU[/url]. It added to versatility and tone. Adding another PU would only complicate things. For muddy tones I have my Tele bass with neck humbucker. [b][/b] [/quote] Didn't Lee Sklar have a bass like this? Not an Encore mind...
  4. I'm liking those fretlines. Great for us L-plate fretless chaps!
  5. The volume drop happens because you have dumped a large portion of your signal (high mids and above) to earth. This is perfectly normal on a passive bass - you can either learn to work with it, or go the active route. Active EQs usually have a much steeper EQ curve*, which you may or may not find musically pleasing! [size=3]*Passive EQ -6dB per octave. Active EQ -24db per octave (with a 4-pole filter).[/size]
  6. Do your current basses lack something that you think the replacement(s) could supply? If so, what?
  7. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1390849736' post='2350389'] These are up on GAK for order now. 1599 for a sleeved one and 1299 for the normal rack mount. Me want. [/quote] £300 for a wooden sleeve? They have to be kidding!
  8. I reckon you have clock noise from the Mooer breaking through to the 9V line. You could try wrapping the Mooer's 9v supply cable around a ferrite ring - you can get clip-on ones from Maplin. Either that or different socks
  9. My band is a country trio but tbh I couldn't tell you where to start! Well yes I can - listen to Bob Harris' country show on Radio 2 and see what floats yer boat.
  10. Yes that is a bit of a finger-fuddler!
  11. [quote name='SweepsMT' timestamp='1390671981' post='2348214'] narrowed my choices down to these 2 basses. Not sure which one to get. I'm after a punchy tone (sort of like a p-bass/music man). I Could get the 2500 soon or i could save and get a VM5. I can't find enough videos or sound clips of both to make my mind up (especially ones using a pick, I come across too much slapping ) Thanks [/quote] [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1390698059' post='2348485'] For something MusicMan sounding, I'd go for the G&L. However, if you can get your hands on one (Bass Gallery have one for £1100), get a proper USA made G&L, they're so much better than the Tribute models. The Tributes aren't bad, don't get me wrong, but it seems a bit odd to jump in too soon on the G&L if you're prepared to save for the Sandberg... why not save up for the G&L? I'd let you have a go on mine, but I'm too far away from you! [/quote] I've tried that G&L in the Bass Gallery and it was great, though in the end I went for the single-pickup L1505 next to it. I have owned a Tribute L2000 and the pots wore out in no time and had to be replaced. I also have a Sandberg VM4 which I love, but have never tried the 5 version. Buy cheap, buy twice; and buy used if you can, you'll get more for your money.
  12. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1390699556' post='2348491'] Flats are a different thing, on fretted basses. You should definitely try that. [/quote] This.
  13. Just come back from a cracking evening in Woodstock (Oxfordshire, not the other one), due in no small part to [b]fubar[/b] of this parish covering for our regular bass player. Well done Terry!
  14. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1390678769' post='2348316'] I like the feet. [/quote] But will they clear the handle on a BF Midget? They are claiming 2000W for the model with the valve pre. Having looked into Bugera's take on the SVT3Pro (which has fewer output transistors than the Ampeg original), I somehow doubt this.
  15. That is all. Oh alright, I have a Korg Pitchblack running from the Tuner Out on the back of my amp.
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1390594331' post='2347466'] Anyone have good ideas on what case to buy? [/quote] It comes with a gig bag to fit, which is just a tiny bit longer than a standard guitar gig bag. I haven't tried mine in any of my guitar hard cases yet, but will report back once i have.
  17. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1390512838' post='2346365'] I have to confess that I've never understood 6 (or more) string basses. I can understand going lower but as soon as you go higher you start hitting the guitars, keyboards etc. For an extra two and a half tones of already crowded soundspace I've never seen the point in the money it costs to get a decent one. Steve [/quote] As with the 5 (only more so) you can reach all the notes you want by going across the strings rather than up and down, thus achieving greater economy of effort.
  18. Jack socket speaker outs on a 500W head!? Man up and fit speakons!
  19. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1390479517' post='2345816'] Musicmaster basses have shot up in price in the last couple of years. Even a tatty one will be £300+ and a decent one anything over £400. [/quote] Bass Direct have one up for £650, and I saw another one listed for over £800 by an online seller (not eBay).
  20. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1390337057' post='2344275'] Pawn shop it is then. [/quote] OK but now you have to choose the finish!
  21. Yep, no shortage of thump from the Pawn Shop's humbucker. A friend of mine was amazed that such a little bass could make such a big sound.
  22. JapanAxe


    Not something I would want to do unless a specific need arose e.g. Pink Floyd tribute band.
  23. I still have a lot of GAS to burn off before I get to Clarky72's position
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