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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Be very careful if using any DI connected to the speaker output of a Class D amp such as the Bass Terror. Whereas conventional speaker outs usually have one terminal earthed (bridged mode excepted), this is often not the case with Class D. The result of connecting such a terminal to earth is usually a pop, a puff of smoke, and then silence. Although DI boxes usually have an earth lift switch, it is all too easy to set this wrong and fry your amp. To me, your best option is to connect a speaker-emulating DI box to a dedicated DI output. This should take the unnatural fizziness out of the sound without risking your amp. I have had good results with the Behringer G100, but there are plenty of other options.
  2. Greetings Dragunov, welcome aboard!
  3. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1387723702' post='2314890'] OK my Super Twin arrived on Friday, and all I can say is that I love it!! Light as anything, fabulous tone, amazing power. I am a giddy happy bassist. If people don't like them, that's their prerogative, but I am firmly in the Hell Yeah camp now. It's is AWESOME!!! Didn't think a piece of bass equipment could make me so happy! lol! I'm listening to our rehearsal recording from this morning and my bass sounds amazing, so clear, so much clarity. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. [/quote] Excellent! Any plans to bring your Pink Floyd band to Swindon? Both the Vic and Riffs Bar do tribute bands. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1388047120' post='2318012'] Bit late to the party here. I'm a cabinet maker by trade.I have built cabs for years. I used to build high end hifi gear. I now build BFM cabs to order amongst many other things. I have owned BF cabs and purely out of curiosity I have opened them up for a peek inside. They are very very well made - far better than most big brand cabs I have taken apart. They have clearly been exceptionaly well developed. They are very transparent and very loud. Alex knows his stuff and personally I'd happily buy from him. Price wise they are very competitive when put alongside other stuff built this well. Do I use one? No. I found a sound I love elsewhere but I would have no hesitation in trying barefaced cabs again. [/quote] That's good to know, and tbh exactly what us users want hear!
  4. Just fitted a set of these and I can confirm they feel much nicer than the ones that came fitted on my Fender.
  5. From reading the Pitchblack Pro manual, you have two options: 1. Bass > tuner (front panel @ instrument level) > pre-amp > power amp or 2. Bass > preamp > tuner (rear panel @ line level) > power amp Edit: Just noticed you are in Swindon, happy to pop round and give you a hand if you like. I also have some spare rack mount bolts if they would be useful to you.
  6. I'll limit myself to the bass issue rather than the medical issue, as I have neither experience nor qualifications regarding the latter. I have recently added a Pawn Shop Mustang to my small collection, and as far as I am concerned it is just as valid as my long scale basses. The 34" scale length came from an arbitrary decision by Leo Fender as to what would work on a a solid fretted bass guitar. It is not written in stone. Fair enough it does work, but so does 30". A short scale bass may be 'easier' to play in the sense that less left-hand stretching is required, and the tension is less for a given string gauge, but it also presents a much smaller area for the left hand to work on, and therefore can feel a bit cramped. I bought the Mustang because it plays well and sounds great, in an old school Precision sort of way. And it looks as cools as an eskimo's fridge. It is another option, a different flavour. If you like it, go for it.
  7. Sadly the pic appears as a featureless black rectangle on my iPad!
  8. Similar setup on Dingwalls of course.
  9. I'm a big fan of Stevie's 'golden period' but was unaware of this connection. As to Tony Blackburn - no comment!
  10. Tbh I don't miss curly leads - all that weight hanging off your jack socket!
  11. I refer the keen listener to the key change in Michael Jackson's 'You Are Not Alone' - he sets you up for a key change from B to C, then goes to C#, but you don't realise he's done it. Utterly masterful!
  12. I've long since realised that I have to travel some distance to get to the kit that really interests me.
  13. I will be coming home past Gloucester on Sat 28th. PM me in the meantime if you get no offers from native Gloswegians!
  14. Well that's another website bookmarked! I have to say I love the sound of their obscure lyrics almost as much as I love the harmonic 'flavours' of their music.
  15. So did I - and he sent them to me first on approval! I approved, nice one Dingus. Better pay you, now hadn't I...
  16. If it will run at 2 ohms, you won't get much less in terms of volume from a 2.7ohm load.
  17. Bowie's band Tin Machine had a track called 'Betty Wrong' on their second album. Not sure of the link, if any... EDIT: Went a bit OT there. I agree, lovely bass playing. Which album - The Movie?
  18. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1387819705' post='2316105'] A guitarist friend has 3 of the older model Treble N Basses, loves them, runs them with the 1x15 cabs they came with . 50w may or may not be enough for you to gig with, but by god you'll have a sweet recording amp! Si [/quote] I reckon it will be pretty loud through a BF or two!
  19. Already had a chunk towards my Mustang as my birthday is only a week or so before Christmas. All being well by brother has got me one of those hats with the furry ear-flaps - unfortunately Mrs Axe is unlikely to be impressed, arbiter of good taste that she is
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1387758788' post='2315423'] Does it have the shared grid resistor? If so, will you be making the mod to put one on each valve? And if so again, can you tell us what you do, how you did it and how it went? (If you've got some old Mullards in you won't need to, only if you're replacing with modern valves.) [/quote] I've been in touch with Mr Foxen and he says the 50W version doesn't need the mod, only the 100W version is affected. If at some stage I need to change the output valves, then I will see if it becomes a problem.
  21. [quote name='tom skool' timestamp='1387750256' post='2315295'] If I had the money I'd look at a barefaced super 12 or super15 for some proper loudness! They're 4ohms but id assume that theres two 8ohm speakers wired in parallel. If they were wired in series they'd be 16ohms [/quote] That should do the trick. Probably easy enough to convert a used cab or fit a switch, or put in a special order to Barefaced.
  22. I have long fingers but broad finger tips, which is fine for bass but annoying for skinny-string guitar.
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