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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Result! BTW is your band playing anywhere between Oxford and Swindon in the near future?
  2. You've probably already found [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223999-nad-selmer-treble-n-bass-50-sv"]this thread[/url] describing my recent acquisition of a T'n'B 50SV. The 7.5ohm and 15ohm output impedances are 'nominal' - the amp should work just fine with 8ohm and 16ohm loads respectively. I plan to use mine (once restored) into my two 8ohm BF cabs via the magic of a Speaker Serialiser obtained from OBBM of this parish. The amp will see a 16ohm load and should be quite happy with this. I realise this doesn't actually answer the OP's question, but it is an alternative approach to getting 2 speakers to move loads of air.
  3. [quote name='Bill' timestamp='1387471983' post='2312414'] Hi guys, just got some good quality pics of the ramp on my Warwick! check them out below; [/quote] How is the ramp secured?
  4. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1387726850' post='2314919'] Its almost there is some unwritten law against using a large flared horn in a "bass" speaker, when surely it is the obviously thing to do when designing a flat response 2-way system ?. [/quote] Who wants one of those!?
  5. Played a local WMC with my pop trio last night, on guitar and vocals. On arrival I discovered I had brought a 1-guitar stand instead of a 2-, no straplock strap for my Gibson - and then the lighting tripod broke. Fortunately, my bass-player had brought a double stand but only one bass, there was decent stage lighting anyway, and I had time after the sound-check to nip home for a suitable strap (and I took the lights back with me too). Strange club - I have played there 3 times with 2 different bands, and people are very reluctant to dance. This could be because it is a long room with seating at one end and a harshly-lit dance-floor up near the stage. [i]Footloose[/i] got people up and [i]Spirit In The Sky[/i] kept them there, but after that we lost them until the encore of [i]All Right Now[/i]. Oh well, we got paid.
  6. Way too many tweeters in that cab for my liking!
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387706267' post='2314642'] So... have you considered starting a postal valve-testing service..? [/quote] In most cases it would be more cost-effective to buy a new valve!
  8. If I am playing with a plectrum in cold conditions where my skin becomes dry, I sometimes lick my right-hand fingers to enable me to grip the plectrum.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387651930' post='2314286'] Wow, I see what you mean... I've got an amp on its way with four of 'em in - I sincerely hope they're working OK. I assume you tested the valves with er... a valve tester..? [/quote] Yes I have an Orange valve tester - quite an expense, but it's already had a lot of use. I own 6 amps with valves in, plus it has come in handy for my friends' amps.
  10. I do hope those pickups work because it might be a tad difficult to find something to fit those cut-outs. Have you checked them on a meter?
  11. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1387487940' post='2312692'] I used to subscribe to this school of thought, but not any more. Wherever possible I avoid playing sitting down! If I have my bass in this position I find two things happen: 1. My right hand (picking hand) wrist gets closer to a right angle which I find uncomfortable 2. The neck sits closer to horizontal, placing the 1st fret further away. Now having smallish hands, I find fretting the e sting on fret 1 with index finger and then fret 3 or 4 with ring or pinky respectively places stress on both my fingers/hand and my wrist goes over the 90 degree mark. [/quote] Aha! (to quote Alan Partridge) 1. I play with my right elbow lifted, keeping the right wrist straight(-ish); 2. I also raise the neck of the bass some way above the horizontal, which helps with 1, although I am as yet in no danger of morphing into Bill Wyman.
  12. I think if I tried to level a fret it would be like Father Ted trying to knock a dent out of a car..
  13. Belatedly picked up on this. Anyone know whether there's a discount available for MU members?
  14. The rule is: as long as the instrument covers your navel, all is well. I now try to have my bass at the same height when sitting as when standing.
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1387403879' post='2311694'] this is the most sensible post i've read about barefaced for about 3 months. [/quote] You mean there's been another sensible BF post?
  16. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1387413458' post='2311818'] Wow! Big congrats. I like the Mustang in the Olympic White. Best of playing with it. [/quote] Yep, really enjoying it. Looking forward to changing the strings to something kinder on the fingers though!
  17. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1387396345' post='2311588'] Picato 735 strings feel very soft to me compared to the D'addarios and Ernie ball super slinkys I have used in the past I dont know if they do them in short or medium scale but I have find I like everything about them and I have been through tons of strings recently most of them were budget strings but of the "decent" brands I normally go for I am really loving the Picato strings they dont feel hard or scratchy IMO [/quote] [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1387398201' post='2311611'] Yes, the Picato nickel rounds are also very nice, although not as lively or long lasting as the DR Sunbeams. Also half the (thomann) price and made in Wales. [/quote] OK another line of investigation for me. EDIT (after quick investigation) - again only long or short scale (anyone with pics of these installed?) but cheap as chips (£16.48 delivered for a 5-string set!) and some nice reviews on finnbass -gotta be worth a try.
  18. Surely if you need an external pre-amp you bought the wrong amp in the first place?
  19. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1387391458' post='2311502'] [attachment=150666:IMG_0635.jpg] Mine is a standard 34" scale J bass - but there is plenty of the full thickness going around the tuner posts. I've never had a problem with breakage (but have with some flats) [/quote] Cheers BassBod! Now waiting to hear what DR say...
  20. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1387357788' post='2310948'] DR Sunbeams. Like normal strings, but nicer. TI flats are great..but a bit too floppy for me. [/quote] Just been checking these out online, but they only do long scale or short scale. The Mustang takes medium scale because of the extra length required for through-body stringing - 32¾in from nut to ball end. I have emailed DR to see which they recommend. It depends on the construction of the string - too short and the silk or tapered section will come over the nut into the playing area, too long and you end up winding lots of full-thickness string onto the tuner capstan. Any chance of a pic of a set of Sunbeams installed on one of your basses BassBod?
  21. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1387359659' post='2310978'] Oh, no! Now your [s]boast[/s] basses list is too long and it has to be displayed in two rows on my 1024px wide netbook screen! [/quote] Time for a bigger screen!
  22. I was going to start a thread about the feel of round-wounds, but then I found this thread. I don't want to hijack the thread, but has anyone found a particularly smooth-feeling round-wound set? I like flats but I don't think they would suit my new Pawn Shop Mustang.
  23. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1387315903' post='2310707'] I got through a few barrel jacks on my SR505 when I first owned it. As the problem is with some manufacturers making plugs with tips that have been 'tweaked' to ensure a good contact, the final solution was dead simple. I replaced the barrel jack with a Neutriks one and replaced any jacks which weren't Neutriks branded, with Neutriks ones. That was about 6 years ago and it's still working perfectly. [/quote] Planet Waves have been implicated in this respect. Allegedly.
  24. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1387309141' post='2310591'] How does it sound compared to the P I spy in the background? I imagine it being similar but with a little more thump and a bit cut out of the mids? [/quote] That's actually the Sandberg Cali VM4, which is like a P but with a MM pickup by the bridge. It does sound very P-like, and yes there is more thump, and no lack of mids. It would be unfair to call the Mustang pickup a 'mudbucker', but having tried the Mustang with half-rounds I am probably going to persevere with rounds, as I don't think flats would give it enough tonal range. (My other fretted basses have active options.) [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1387310563' post='2310620'] Don't you forget to edit your signature, now that you mentioned it! [/quote] Oh yeah! Took the Mustang off the GAS list but forgot to put it in the [s]boast[/s] basses list.
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