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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Well my GAS is currently sated by this little beauty. I undertook a fairly mammoth road trip with my mate Diz on Sunday, first heading down to pick up a Serialiser box from OBBM, then a quick toasty and coffee in Farnham before Guitar Village. Unfortunately their example of this model turned out to be faulty (hardly any output, tone control not working), so after Diz had tried out a Fender Blues Deluxe amp, we embarked on the arduous trek to Hammersmith where we parked up and took the tube to Tottenham Court Road. I had phoned ahead to make sure Wunjo had one in stock, and when we got there I was not disappointed - the bass was just as fruity-sounding as the one I'd tried there before. Within a few minutes the decision was made, and off we trotted. In the excitement I kind of talked myself out of the free set of strings that shop-chap Laurence was going to chuck in! I have officially taken possession today (it being a [i]special day[/i]), and love it to bits. As my preference is now for flats, I tried it with an old set of D'Addario half-rounds, but sadly the D string was knackered to the point that it would not intonate. Action fettled to my liking, strap-lock buttons fitted - many hours of pleasurable playing lie ahed. The pic shows my new treasure in front of its companions as listed below.
  2. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1387213436' post='2309476'] I too am a pedant; and this is the best kind of pedantry, technically accurate. I doth my cap to you good sir [/quote] That would be [b]doff[/b] your cap... [/pedantry]
  3. No mystery, just a simple wiring fix:
  4. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1387212583' post='2309459'] Thanks for all your advice fellas, I reversed the saddle and it worked a treat! BRX, it wouldn't have been the string itself, this is a new-ish set and I had the same problem with the ones it came with too. [/quote] Glad you got the right result!
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1387199192' post='2309197'] I'd try another string first. Some strings are just dodgy and never intonate properly. [/quote] Also a different gauge might help.
  6. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1387145338' post='2308783'] Move the bridge back a few mm. [/quote] Er... Easier said than done!
  7. Sharp at which fret(s)? 12th fret - can you reverse the saddle piece to put the edge further back? Lowest frets - you might need to take the action down at the nut, using the appropriate nut file and plenty of care and patience!
  8. You may! The box is completely passive and is the size of a small fx pedal. You need 3 Speakon cables to connect it all up.
  9. I had the Micro Rack Reverb. It was pretty poor.
  10. Buy yourself a Serialiser box from OBBM of this parish. This will allow you to run both 4ohm cabs whilst presenting your amp with an 8ohm load. If you want to try it with mine, PM me - I am in Swindon too!
  11. Average ordinary non-muso folks connect most with a song's vocals, as the vocalist is communicating with them in the most direct way. In comparison, a musician-based competition will not be as accessible to the general public. Can you imagine a musical version of Jedward?
  12. [quote name='bridge' timestamp='1387105943' post='2308179'] Had my first gig with my Streamliner 900 and compact last night. Large sports type hall with 'sprung' wooden floor. I have not experience/noticed 'boom' before and at first, soundman though it was problem with mics, however having read a lot recently on BC with reference to this problem, I stuck the only thing available underneath the compact, the box from the streamliner!! not perfect, but helped. will looking urgently at making something now, cant afford to pay out £50 [/quote] A single 4ft length of Platfoam like I used is £10.54 + VAT + delivery from Studiospares.com
  13. Just got back from a gig using my full rig - Streamliner 900, Midget, Compact. The pub had wooden floorboards and there is a lower level at the back, so I am guessing the cellar was underneath us. I don't recall bass boom problems from previous gigs there, but I decided to use the foam anyway. The sound was well behaved, and I am happy to report that I detected no upper-mid-range resonance. Of course the proof of the pudding will be a high wooden stage...
  14. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1387045640' post='2307784'] Less so now than it was in the past. Most reputable companies now specify their outputs into 4 ohms at 1% distortion with a 14.4 volt supply, in accordance with a 2006 industry standard. The marketing people then take the peak power, in bridge mode, at maximum supply voltage (16V-ish) and paint that on the front of the amp. Hence 60W RMS per channel becomes 500W. I wouldn't consider an amplifier if it was not specified according to that standard. David [/quote] Looks like the potential buyer needs to drill down into the spec then.
  15. I'd buy this except I've got one, and paid more than this on eBay.
  16. What a bizarre situation! I am not averse to copping a good arrangement idea if I come across one but I wouldn't just rip off another covers band's entire act!
  17. It's in G, but starts off with a run down from Bb.
  18. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1387031153' post='2307590'] Thanks for responses. All it is, the pickups on my Yamaha BB414 are pretty hot and I'm trying to replicate a recording tone I used on a track years ago, but struggling a bit. The bass used was a p copy and I'm using the p pickup in my Yamaha. I appreciate that pickups are not going to sound the same, but didn't know if rolling off volume may replicate the more mellower output nature of that other bass. (not had chance to check myself first hand either) [/quote] Try backing off the tone if you want to go mellower.
  19. Also try [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/power-supplies-8-c.asp"]Effect Power Supplies[/url].
  20. It makes quite a difference whether your bass is active or passive. On a well-sorted active bass, reducing the volume at the bass should have very little effect on the tone into an amp set clean (although if you were driving your amp's front end hard, there will be a difference as a result of that). On a passive bass, you will almost certainly lose some top end as you back of the volume. I used to compensate for this on my P by turning up my tone control, which was normally on about 50%. There is a lot of fun to be had juggling the volume and tone controls on a passive bass - they are very interactive! EDIT - Afterthought - some active pickups, notably EMGs, are reputed to sound 'compressed' if run on a 9V supply because this limits the headroom of the pre-amp, but the effect disappears if you run them at 18V. There is plenty discussion on this online...
  21. Will no other fretless P (with added J) sunburst/torty fit the bill? EDIT: Not looking to sell anything btw!
  22. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1386967530' post='2307073'] So, I'm in my studio testing my new to me Streamliner 900. Marvellous it is too. I've nabbed the "flat"setting off TB and all is splendid. Anyway, I'm using it into my Neox 212t. I have always , always used tweeters in all my cabs. I kind of felt that I might be missing something if I didn't. Then, out of interest, I turned it off totally. To my surprise it sounded just as good, if not slightly cleaner and rounder. So, I'm pleased. Pleased as I am now tempted to score one of the Compacts in the fs section. I reckon the STM into one might sound rather splendid. Just sharing. Any thoughts? [/quote] Streamliner 900 + Compact? Splendid indeed!
  23. If you are using car audio as the basis for your portable rig, be aware that the power ratings claimed for them are basically LIES dressed up with terms like 'Peak Music Power Output'. They think of a number and double it, then double it again!
  24. New filter caps today. The 32uFx32uF are fine but the 100uF are too small in diameter, so sent them back to Hot Rox and paying extra to replace them with 50uFx50uF - I will wire each unit in parallel to give me 100uF.
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