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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Not much you couldn't do with that setup! GLWTS Dave.
  2. Not previously on my radar, really enjoyed that song .
  3. Markbass make a Tweeter Box that you can add to the 801 but that wasn't something that ever interested me - when I bought the MB I was playing exclusively flatwounds. I've now got rounds on 2 of my 3 basses and really enjoying the range through the Demeter and One 10.
  4. If it’s late and I don’t want to disturb Mrs Axe then I just plug straight into my interface and use headphones. Otherwise I prefer the sound and feel of an amp in the room. My previous practice amp was a 35W Hartke which put out only fizz and skronk (technical terms) and lacked any kind of depth or warmth. The MB is the anti-Hartke!
  5. I had a 20W Marshall transistor guitar combo with a valve and a diode pair in the preamp. I removed the diodes and you could still get a certain amount of overdrive by turning up the gain (and turning down the master volume quite a lot).
  6. I’d be interested to know whether the valve itself is actually overdriven when engaged, or the overdrive created with a pair of diodes (as in most Marshall guitar amps). I don’t suppose anyone noticed a diode pair in there when changing out the valve?
  7. Interesting! They all sound different but I couldn't say which I thought sounded the best. When I got my MB 801 I also tried the PJB Double Four. Although I fancied the PJB's portability (you can run it form an external laptop battery pack) the MB just sounded fuller in the bass and 'bigger'.
  8. Well I'm glad I found this thread. My usual practice amp is a Markbass 801 combo, which although remarkable for its size is not especially inspiring. Given that it's going to be months before I stand on a stage again, I dived into my kit cupboard and came out with my One 10 and Demeter head. These are now installed in the 801's usual spot - now we're talking! EDIT: It made me want to play bass for longer. Result.
  9. Absolutely! The One 10 has a lovely rich vintage sound. I used mine with an Ampeg PF50T to great effect, and according to www.disssa.de the PF20T has a lot of the B15 vibe going on. (But be aware that some of the early models of these amps reportedly suffered from hum.)
  10. I’m planning to build a B15-type amp in a similar cabinet. That will challenge my woodwork ‘skills’!
  11. @PeteJ just wondering why you would want to do this rather than just transport the lightweight head in a suitable case and take it out to use.
  12. Adam bought an electro-classical guitar from me and worked with me to make the deal happen. Thanks Adam!
  13. That’s great, there will be a lot of people here who appreciate that.
  14. Update - EBS did reply, and gave me the full spec of the capacitor. I have bought a couple in case I do need to replace it. Amp sounded great at the Bowie tribute rehearsal. I got the full rig out again yesterday and played my Dingwall PZ5 through it, now fitted with rounds (Elixir Nanoweb). That is one quality sound!
  15. Yes I have. I plan to build mine from scratch though!
  16. I'm gravitating towards the earlier preamp and the grid biased power amp. I've never found much use for the Ultra Lo filter either but some kind of bright switch could be useful. It will only take a couple of extra components to provide the cathode biased option, so I'll probably include a switch for that on the rear panel.
  17. Still waiting for someone (anyone!) to comment on the pros and cons of the different B15 models...
  18. @agedhorse - to be fair, @Hellzero does mention a resistor for discharging caps.
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