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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. The one-knob Spectracomp in TC amps is very usable.
  2. At grammar school we spent the entire first year rehearsing the choral parts of the Sea Symphony by Ralph Vaughan-Williams. The other 4 years of ‘music lessons’ were taken up with listening to prog albums that fellow students had brought in. No music theory whatsoever. I have taught myself music theory over the last 42 years, no thanks to my school.
  3. I have a 5-string Dingwall (32in-35in scale fan-fret) and two 4-string Precisions (regular 34in scale) and have no problem at all switching between them, even in the middle of a gig. The only time I have to do anything different on the Dingwall is when going from the D to G string on the same fret from about the 14th fret upwards, where I have to remember to compensate for the slant, otherwise I end up one fret too high on the G string.
  4. I played an outdoor gig at a rural pub on Saturday. It wasn't advertised anywhere and so was attended by the pub regulars plus friends and families of the 2 bands. No bother from the boys in blue or anyone else. The pub has a gravelled area beyond its car park with picnic tables spread out so that no-one needed to be crammed together. The gazebos left for us to use were broken, so we threw caution to the winds and played in the open air.
  5. Struggling to comprehend why you needed to put a mic on that!
  6. You sound very certain. Have you tried?
  7. I was happily gigging a 50W valve head (Ampeg PF-50T) before lockdown, only replaced it because of GAS and my self-imposed 1-in-1-out rule.
  8. This has caused a stirring in my loins!
  9. Sadly I once had a guitarist I was playing with query why 4 strings were ‘not enough’ for me. Yes, a guitarist, with his 6 strings. He was less than half my age, so I guess it was ok to let him off for that one.
  10. I have my first gig since March a week tomorrow. I play bass in a Bowie tribute and we are doing a 45 min set in a 4-piece (rather than 6-piece) lineup, which means I get to play lead guitar for a change. We will be playing outdoors at a pub that lets us rehearse FOC in their skittle alley, so happy to help them even if we don’t get paid much/anything. Rehearsal this week was hugely enjoyable, can’t wait for the gig - fingers crossed for decent weather.
  11. I think it was actually Arlen Roth who tutored Macchio.
  12. I had assumed that the Unity combos were Class D. Regardless of whether they are any good, Blackstar are almost guaranteed to sell some of these. The shops that have accounts with them (particularly smaller ones, not that there are many left) will be required to take some into stock, and the folks who go in looking for 'a bass amp' will be pointed to this range.
  13. Interesting comment on the headroom - I got a Scarlett 6i6 last year and it was a real game changer in that at last I had plenty of headroom for direct recording bass without compressing the bejaysus out of it. Pleased to say I haven't had the disco lights experience...
  14. Can you monetise it as a constipation cure?
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