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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. This would make an interesting blind test at a bass bash - same bass and head through a variety of speaker configurations, preferably using the same driver 'family'.
  2. I forgot they existed! I had a Sessionette guitar combo, sounded brilliant if you combined the clean and dirty channels.
  3. Although there's a huge industry around stomp boxes, does anyone prefer the effects that are built into their amp? I had a TC Classic a while back and I really liked the compression and drive effects. Obviously there's now all the Toneprint options, plus quite a few heads with compression or limiting, not to mention chorus on some of the old Peaveys. So what say you Basschatters, do these onboard jobbies pass muster, or has it got to be a little box on the floor?
  4. The wheels on the Super Twin are great on indoor flooring but I avoid using them outdoors on anything other than smooth tarmac - just too much bashing/vibration, and I don't think they'd last very long at all on cobbles!
  5. Yeah the Afterburner I tried had a standard (treble roll-off) tone control. My Super PZ5 scoops the mids (passively) after the mid-point on the tone control.
  6. Happy NBD from a fellow Dingwaller. Are the controls Volume, Tone, P/U Selector? And is the tone the regular sort, or does it cut mids when turned past a notch at the mid point?
  7. One of the presets in the Bass section is called 'Yes'. Naturally by engaging this setting you'll immediately be able to play like Chris Squire. NOT
  8. I voted YES, but maybe check the BC Marketplace for a while first!
  9. Is it a blue light bulb, blue LED, or a whit light of either kind under a blue cover? Can you post a pic of it in situ?
  10. It’s probably only a matter of time before someone mentions the ‘true’ output power of TC amps being less than the number on the box. Having owned and gigged a TC, I’d say they certainly sound as loud as that number.
  11. Stick-on feet are a cheap solution for light Class D heads, but surely bigger Class AB and valve heads still come with proper feet unless they are purely intended for rack mounting.
  12. On some amp heads I've owned, the feet haven't been tall enough to let the amp stand clear of a top handle on the cab. I've had to fit taller feet, but that means finding bolts of the right gauge that are long enough to engage with the threads, but not so long that they risk fouling the amp's innards. If the feet you receive aren't adequate, take a trip to Wilko. In their hardware section they do a range of self-adhesive rubber feet. Also their doorstops can be re-purposed as feet, although they are not especially grippy.
  13. I bet it would sound great through a BF One 10!
  14. Nothing makes me want to dance more than Marie’s Wedding, preferably the version Van Morrison recorded with the Chieftains.
  15. I had the Cream Machine. You could connect a speaker and get one very dirty watt of guitar through it. I knew about the other preamps but I didn’t know they did a power amp module.
  16. I have a completely illogical hankering after one of these.
  17. And we haven’t even mentioned the highs and lows of GAS...
  18. Surely amp-less bass (and to some extent ampless electric guitar) depends on having a very powerful PA? At one time that equated to 'huge and heavy' but not so much now. Last Autumn I played a couple of dep gigs where the lead guitar was DI'd from a Fractal (I think) but they still asked me to use my bass amp and cab at a decent onstage volume, and put it through the PA to beef it up for the FOH mix (in a huge marquee). I enjoyed that, but I'm probably not alone in thinking that having only DI'd bass might be lacking in the fun factor.
  19. I fear this could bite quite hard on a few EU online stores - Thomann, Musik Produktiv, Kitary, Banzai etc.
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