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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. It's down to pattern recognition. Eventually se a rhythm written and you recognise it and play it, rather than having to work it out.
  2. I initially set the Cali76 'Limiting Amplifier' by eye using the LED ladder - hardly any lights lit during normal playing, but around 20dB of compression on peaks when slapping/popping. Then I tweaked it by ear to sound 'right'.
  3. I’ve recently had to address this issue! Having been pedal-free for years I am now playing Bowie’s Ashes to Ashes live. For me it’s the pops rather than the slaps that jump out in volume. I have tried a cheap Biyang Dyna Comp clone, which seemed perfectly adequate when set appropriately, and a big-box Cali76, which was rather easier to dial in.
  4. Just got home from a splendid evening with my Bowie tribute band. The venue was a pub with a dedicated concert room at the side, with house PA and sound man. Just before we went on there were about 6 non-band people in the room, but once we took to the stage the place filled to capacity. We played 2 hours 20 minutes straight through, no breaks, and the time just flew by. For once I was standing well forward of my rig (Demeter into Super Twin), and both basses (AVRI Precision and Dingwall PZ5) sounded glorious. Mrs Axe commented afterwards that the bass came through loud and clear. Happy moments like this make life good!
  5. I have an older TGI bass gig bag which I’ve used constantly for about 5 years and is just starting to show signs of wear. I recently bought the Extreme bag for my acoustic guitar (not bass). As well as being well padded it has a massive front pocket that will easily swallow up an A4 ring binder or a preamp pedal.
  6. Even the mighty Demeter head has this issue!
  7. Thanks that’s all good info. Yes I noticed the Fafner seemed to be pitched at HM players! I expect we may see some used HD units coming up for sale in due course.
  8. I gig a Class D bass head and an all-valve one, but I do find myself scanning the BC ads for interesting Class A/B heads. EBS heads have pinged my radar, but are they all about the slappity-poppity high end? And what’s with the filter voicing?
  9. Can I suggest you consider moving the pickup a tiny bit further from the bridge, as on the G&L L1500 (below) and L1505 - it adds a lot more girth to the sound, which you may find useful in the absence of a MM-type active EQ.
  10. Our cat makes himself scarce if he sees me bringing any kind of speaker cab or combo into the living room. Speakers mean Big Noise, too much for his delicate feline sensibilities.
  11. From 2003, yours truly rocking a Hohner Jack through an Ashdown rig. The bass now belongs to my son, amd the amp went to another member on here. No regrets!
  12. Even if you remove all the valves and pack them separately, a drop to a valve amp can still buckle the chassis or cause the transformers to rip free from their mounting points.
  13. I looked. I was thinking ‘OK, not so bad’ until I saw that control plate!
  14. BEST - Dingwall PZ5 (cheers @krispn) - a keeper if ever there was one... WORST - Boss SYB3 pedal - bought as a synth pedal, sold as a wall decoration for the same money!
  15. Mrs Axe got me a music/tab book of Brad Paisley guitar, at my specific request. Spending Christmas with outlaws and only brought my acoustic, but might have a run through some rhythm parts this evening. Also my daughter gave me a toy shaker which I suspect may have come from my grandkids’ toy box. I will keep it with my egg shakers
  16. I’ve recently moved over to Elixir Optiwebs for my skinny-string electrics and enjoy their light feel and slick touch. On bass I’ve been on flats for the last 4 years but toying with switching one of my basses to rounds. How do Nanoweb bass strings compare against other brands for feel and perceived tension?
  17. Someone was advertising one on here a while back but I dithered too long and missed it. Then I snagged an Ampeg PF-50T from Kenny's. Every cloud... So (1) because GAS, (2) unintended thread hijack!
  18. You wouldn't be referring to the Fender TB600 and/or TB1200 would you? I suffer sporadic GAS for one of those! But I already own 3 giggable bass amps, 4 if you count my Markbass 801 (which I have in fact gigged!)
  19. Slightly tempted by an M6 Carbine as I don't currently own any MOSFET-powered amps. However the last Mesa Boogie I tried (Bass Strategy) had a very similar style of front end and I hated it.
  20. Ampeg PF-50T - 'only' 50W but plenty loud through a decent cab. 8.8kg/19.4lb.
  21. If you're having trouble going from resting your thumb on the E string to not doing so, consider going floating thumb. It feels weird at first, but I haven't looked back since I switched to this approach: Full disclosure: I haven't tried playing HMWYRS!
  22. That is a distinct possibility as I have no gigs now until 18 Jan!
  23. Rubber washers for me on almost all my guitars and basses. I leave the strap attached to the instrument when I put it in a case. The only guitar where this was a problem at all was my MIJ Gretsch Duo Jet, where the strap tended to make the knurled buttons work loose. I fitted a split ring washer and a normal washer to stand the buttons away from the guitar body and that allowed the strap to rotate freely without binding on the buttons - sorted.
  24. Are you planning to use your new purchase with JATS?
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