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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. We are sorted for now but always interested to hear from capable players who may be available to dep or come in on second guitar.
  2. I’ve used a compressor in my guitar rig for a few years now and wouldn’t be without one. Bass is a different matter though. I’ve avoided using any effects at all on bass for the last 10 years or so, but that is changing. I have recently joined a Bowie tribute in which we play Ashes to Ashes. Parts of this are slapped and popped - pretty much the only time that I play in this style. I can turn down slightly in those sections but it’s tricky to get right. Last gig I took out my guitar mini board which includes a tuner and a Biyang Dyna Comp clone. The latter actually worked quite well to limit the transients, but next gig I intend to take the big box Cali76 from my home studio and have it permanently engaged on top of my amp. I have it set so that most of the time it is doing very little, but clamping down quite hard (16dB or more of gain reduction) on loud peaks.
  3. I have the PF50T. I got it for a bit of fun but it’s working really well with my Barefaced Midget as a gigging setup in my country band. It seems to work better with the Midget than with my Super Twin - punchier I’d say. I’ve never owned or tried the PF500 but I had the SVT3-Pro for a while and the PF50T is much more enjoyable to play through. It gets a bit ‘furry’ when pushed but never sounds strained. I have a One 10 on order so I’m looking forward to hearing how the PF50T pairs with it. If you’re gigging you’ll need something to carry it around in as there are no handles on it! @Cat Burrito put me onto a suitable carry bag.
  4. @Graham56 how do you know it’s the amp and not the cab that’s starting to sound unpleasant when pushed?
  5. I play bass in 2 bands. Band 1 - answered a JMB ad. Band 2 - guessed from a FB post that they might be recruiting, sent a speculative message, got in early.
  6. The shallow part is for the pedals. You're meant to stick hook velcro to the back of each pedal, which will then make the pedal cling to the lining. The foam block goes in the deep part and is intended to stop the pedals coming adrift in transit.
  7. Welcome Obra, you will find lots of Precision and Sandberg love here!
  8. Just realised I never updated this! I have now done 2 gigs on bass with Rebel Heroes Bowie Tribute. The third will be tomorrow night at the Cornerhouse in Frome.
  9. Also used this setup at an open mic on Thursday where I was resident bassist. It didn't seem especially loud when standing in front of it but one of the participants told me afterwards that it was 'parting his hair' when he was listening from the back of the room. I bought mine for fun if I'm honest but it has proved itself a capable gigging amp too.
  10. I've played all of those songs and actually like most of them - as long as they are played properly. I can't tolerate half-arsed attempts at cover songs. I used to sing the CCR version of Grapevine while playing it on guitar - brilliant number.
  11. I tried one of these in PMT in Bristol a couple of weeks ago. I particularly wanted to see if I could get away with playing it with a floating thumb RH technique, and indeed I could. It still felt weird having the neck vertical though. Does anyone know how this bass responds to a rockabilly-style pluck-and-slap approach?
  12. Once I forgot my mic stand and the drummer kindly lent me a cymbal stand, to which I taped my mic.
  13. That’s genius! I love a good accessory me
  14. I have received (for the second time) an unsolicited phone call (with no caller ID) from a northern-sounding male who first asked if I was still performing on guitar, then went on to ask if I'd be interested in helping him with his project to film someone playing bass underwater - in Manchester. I assume he got my number from my website. Nothing about these calls made me think that being involved with this bloke could ever end well, so each time I said no thanks and closed the call. Just interested to see whether anyone else has had one of these!
  15. I've just played three cracking country gigs in a week with the Crow Valley Band. My rig consisted of '73 Precision > Ampeg PF-50T > Barefaced Midget - I can't believe how big 50 valve watts can sound through a 1x12! The picture below is from Sunday's gig in a large high-ceilinged village hall - no struggle at all in terms of volume and tone. I think the Ampeg actually sounds better, maybe more focused, through the Midget than through my Super Twin. I should also point out that this arrangement is at the limit of acceptable overhang for me - I would have put the cab on its side except the Ampeg's feet don't clear the handle!
  16. Just played a couple of gigs with my PF-50T through my Barefaced Compact - gorgeous sound, and filled a large hall with ease! GLWTS
  17. Looking forward to reading a comprehensive report!
  18. I have the same fear. i installed a 6xAA battery pack under my guitar jam board (4 compact pedals) but I never really trusted it. Eventually I fitted a Fuel Tank Junior. Is it mains noise or is it chatter from a digital pedal messing with the analog ones? Another alternative to extension leads is an extra-long mains lead (say 5m) to your PSU.
  19. I have one too. It's my home practice amp - nice full sound with onboard spring reverb and bias tremolo, nice and light, takes pedals well. Not for you if you want built-in overdrive though. Note: @pete.young is not my Dad! Further note: ... as far as I know ...
  20. On My '73: D'Addario Chromes On my '63 AVRI and Dingwall PZ5: Ernie Ball Cobalts Here's the '63 AVRI recorded via the DI of my Ampeg PF-50T
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