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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. It's not remembering what they do, it's 'option anxiety', the nagging self-doubt that says I might need +3dB at 1.2kHz... or should it be 1.5kHz? That and an aversion to running critical stuff off batteries. Each to their own though, and whatever everyone else for you is fine for them.
  2. Why not promote your own event(s)?
  3. Yes, they messed up the grid bias circuit on the early models, but sorted it with a simple mod on later production.
  4. Just bought a fantastic Dingwall bass from Gavin. Spent a very pleasant hour or so with him and Sid (@Osiris) in a mutually convenient McDonalds, chewing the fat, or in my case the new 'improved' veggie-burger. A standup guy and a pleasure to deal with.
  5. Relic'd body, pristine neck. Nice gig bag though.
  6. I don't recall any post on here where someone claimed to hate the Ampeg sound, although a few Ampeg models have come in for some stick for various reasons. So no, I don't think the Marmite analogy applies.
  7. I spend a lot of time transcribing bass and guitar parts for songs I'm going to cover. Some may view this as 'not creative', but it helps me learn things I would not have thought to do otherwise. I won't always stick note-for-note to the transcription when it comes time to play, but at least I have started in the right place! Having said that, I am fine with people doing in a completely different and off-the-wall way, but please, spare me from sloppy covers.
  8. I also had a go once with fine wire wool, but that leaves tiny bits of wire everywhere - I masked off the pickups first btw.
  9. Cheers, we have a Screwfix nearby, will try that stuff.
  10. Thanks but I don't think a towel would help, it's not the sweat, it's the soft lacquer getting even softer! I like a proper gloss neck (as found on many Japanese Fenders) but this feels like it never cured properly. I don't really want to get down to bare wood, but it might just happen!
  11. I dearly love my 63 Precision reissue, but it does suffer from sticky lacquer on the back of the neck. I have scraped off shed loads of lacquer by dragging a Stanley blade along it, but every time I gig it my hands get warm and the neck starts to get draggy again. I've just been giving it another go, and the top of my work bench is covered in what looks like the dandruff of Beelzebub. Just how much of that crap is on there? Answers to the nearest kilogram please...
  12. I played a dep gig with a glam covers band, and the vocalist did the effect with his voice.
  13. Last night I listened to: Dwight Yoakam - Blame the Vain. This guy keeps the Bakersfield flame alive and does it so well. David Bowie - Low. My joint favourite Bowie album alongside the almost-inevitable Ziggy Stardust. Beauty wrought from emotional bankruptcy.
  14. Hi Chewie, I believe we may have had an online conversation about Precisions at some point. Still, better late than never with the official welcome thread!
  15. Been playing with the Maruszczyk configurator. Oh dear...

    1. CameronJ


      It’s a slippery slope!

    2. Daz39


      Same with the FBass one. *sobs quietly into empty wallet*

    3. mangotango


      Yep, that and the Sandberg one too.

      Thing is, I 've started using fretless as much as fretted basses nowadays.

      So reeeeally I'd need two basses.

      *sobs loudly into empty bank account*

  16. I changed over to floating thumb about 6 years ago and never looked back. It works for me. For that reason I would recommend it, but not to the point of becoming evangelistic about it.
  17. For many years I have transcribed the guitar and/or bass parts in standard notation for most of songs I am intending to play live. I find this hugely beneficial because: I have a permanent record to refer to in the future if needed; It is great training for the ear; I have improved at it over the years; I can have confidence in playing the right part; The last 15 years' worth are in Sibelius format, so I can quickly and easily transpose them to other keys if required; If it's a gig where music stands are acceptable, I can read the PDF files from my iPad; and If I need to dep out a gig to another reader, I can send them the PDFs in the right keys. Works for me.
  18. Go smart or go bling, but never go casual. If in doubt, go smarter. It is a most uncomfortable feeling to be under-dressed in a room full of smart people.
  19. I enjoyed it, not least because of the insight into the Bernard Edwards 'chucking' technique - as a flats aficionado and non-slapper/popper, that's a handy way to fake it on those occasions when I have to (e.g. in Car Wash at this evening's gig). Also how Hooky played Love Will Tear Us Apart. Every day is a school day!
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