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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I've got arms like a gibbon's, so no problem there. Ooh, ooh, ooh, the funky gibbon...
  2. Not sure that will work with a Grolsch washer...
  3. Can you play Spongebob Squarepants? You know, 'He lives in a pineapple under the sea...' Oddly, none of us knew that one.
  4. Can any Dingwall owner or expert tell me what that 'thing' is on the back of this Afterburner bass, between the control cavity cover and the rear strap button. Just curious...
  5. Thank for that - there may be a Dingwall 5-er in my future, and I need to know I can use strings that I like!
  6. I use Chromes on all my basses - what set do you use on your Dingwall, and is that a 4- or a 5-string Super P?
  7. Exactly. To generate or reproduce a true square wave, you would need devices with infinite slew rates. A true square wave contains a portion of every odd harmonic, way beyond what is audible to anyone or anything! I do take the point of your test though.
  8. I get what the OP has done, but no audio kit made has ever been made that can reproduce a square wave faithfully!
  9. What? Anyone would think this is some kind of internet forum!
  10. I take my Super Twin to just about every bass gig I do. The footprint is hardly any bigger than that of my Midget (1x12), but the dispersion is much better so I can hear myself without being louder. The Super Twin big but it's not exactly heavy!
  11. I have an Extender on two of my basses, but never use it on Summer of '69! Works great for Something Got Me Started though.
  12. To make a solder joint without unnecessary delay, 'tin' the component lead beforehand with a thin layer of solder, and apply a small amount of solder to the iron tip and allow to heat before placing on the joint to be made, then allow any extra solder required to run around the joint. You are looking to establish a 'heat bridge' between the iron and the joint as early as possible.
  13. The Derailers - they've been around for 20+ years, but I only recently discovered them:
  14. Rather good on the whole. Last one with our drummer who is retiring to Cyprus. Three one-hour sets at a country music club with a short break for all the hand-shaking business around midnight. The only downer was that I lost my voice prior to the gig, so vocals-wise I was restricted to a couple of Johnny Cash numbers! Very pleased that Mrs Axe and I had booked a Travelodge 10mins from the venue, as I was Donald Ducked by the end.
  15. Surely this is completely uncontentious (this thread having now reached its 5th page!) - most pro session bass players will keep a Precision as an option, in the same way that a pro session guitarist will keep at least a single-coil- and a humbucker-equipped guitar to cover the different sounds that may be required. Personally I don't operate at these rarefied levels, but it was a fairly interesting video. Don't forget the purpose of these videos is to generate custom for SD's lesson packages...
  16. These days, 'In Stock' frequently means the item is being held by a third party, who will fulfil the order and bill the retailer. I believe this was the case with the recent clear-out of Ampeg valve heads. Even if a retailer has a stock item in their possession, it may be at a warehouse rather than at their retail outlet. Andertons do this - always contact them beforehand if there's something you particularly want to try, as they may have to move it from warehouse to shop.
  17. Keyboard players have always been the hardest to find IME. As to bass players, you can always find one, bit not necessarily at the musical standard that you require!
  18. IMO one-finger-per-fret is neither necessary nor desirable, especially at the head end of the neck. It is perfectly acceptable to cover 3 adjacent frets using all 4 fingers, and to move your whole hand to a new position when required.
  19. Just now sat down to play bass. Mmmm....
  20. Site gone, presumed ceased trading
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