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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I frequently report scam posts like these on JMB. However there is one user who persistently posts misleading ads on JMB that are deigned solely to drive traffic to his YouTube posts - he has no intention of recruiting musicians for his band, which is going to be the next Beatles/Nirvana/whatever.
  2. My band auditioned 3 drummers yesterday. One of them was clearly bricking it, but as I said to him, the worst that can happen is that he gets the 'Dear John' phone call the next day. To quote Brian Eno: In music, you can crash and burn and walk away.
  3. I had one of these, the PWM synth sound alone is worth the price! I bought mine (in about 2002) because I liked it more than the Akai Deep Impact that I tried at the same time...
  4. I've replaced two of mine so far - Tung Sol 12AX7 into V1 (original tested as 'worn'), bargain eBay 60s Brimar 12AU7 into V3 (original tested as 5hite). I've resisted the temptation to upgrade the power tubes, I'll get my money's worth out of the Ruby Tubes first. If anything dies on a gig I'll whip out my spare amp rather than mess around changing valves! I stopped buying from Watford valves after they sent me a valve in just an envelope. That's right, a valve in its little cardboard box, in an ordinary paper envelope - no bubble wrap, no jiffy bag. Fair enough it survived the journey, no thanks to Watford Valves. Also that Cryogenic treatment is the worst kind of nonsense.
  5. I did a lot of googling, believe me! I'm happy enough with High Sierra for now anyway
  6. Twice. Ashdown ABM combo cut out, so I plugged straight into the PA. Sounded awful but got us through. One of the flying leads from the speaker terminals to the voice coil had come loose at the terminal end. Demeter head started cutting out, pilot lights going off, for about 20 seconds. It did this a couple of times, then was ok for the rest of the gig. Turned out the rectifier for the DC heater supply in the preamp was dying. I now generally carry a Markbass Nano 300 in a laptop bag as a spare, but that wouldn't have helped me in scenario 1.
  7. I'm always interested when a delusional tosser band frontman offers to teach me how to play my instrument.
  8. If you look a few posts up the page you'll see I sorted it by restoring to Mavericks. I've then updated to High Sierra and it still works fine. Roland reckons their 10.13 driver works for 10.14 too but it clearly doesn't. There are issues with audio routing within Mojave, but as @BigRedX and my Mac expert friend both pointed out, that is still quite a new OS.
  9. Yes, I have visited that page several times in the last few days!
  10. Updated to High Sierra (not without difficulty - needed a 3rd-party app to bypass the App Store's insistence that I already had it) and all is good, Quad Capture works as it should. So definitely Mojave's fault. Shame, I liked the 'dark' mode... All is well with the world, at least until the next tech-related crisis. Or Brexit.
  11. Personally I didn't update at the first opportunity, I have been on Mavericks since I got this Mac in 2014! I actually didn't realise how new Mojave was, but there were factors that pointed towards an update, and that's what happened. Still intending to try High Sierra, as it should fix my self-inflicted iTunes issues (as Mojave did, to be fair) and allow me to run more up-to-date versions of some other software.
  12. I restored my iMac to Mavericks from Time Machine and Reaper is now working as it should. I just don't think the audio stuff got on well with Mojave, as demonstrated by the odd things going on with recording from the built-in mic. I've also restored the documents I generated in the last couple of weeks, again using Time Machine. Happy(-ish) days! I contacted a friend who works for an Apple reseller, and he reckoned that (1) Mojave is quite new so not everything works with it yet, and (2) best avoid anything that claims to clean a Mac! Not sure about (2)... I'm doing another backup now and will use the computer as it is for a day or two before trying an update to High Sierra (which is still available in the App Store). Thanks to all who chipped in with advice.
  13. I play flats all the time (D'Addario Chromes) and the strings never feel sticky. The old bag o' marbles is a different matter entirely...
  14. According to Roland's website, the driver for High Sierra also works under Mojave. It works partially, to the extent of sending audio from Mac via Quad Capture to powered monitors, but not for passing audio from QC to Reaper (or GarageBand). I have just performed a re-install of Mojave (in case CleanMyMac had erased something it didn't oughta), and as I write I am re-installing the Quad Capture drivers. Will also check the App Store as suggested, but previous googling of the topic has returned nothing useful. If this doesn't work I will restore to the previous OS. If that works I may still try updating to High Sierra, as I had some iTunes issues caused by me trying to roll back to an older, less annoying version of iTunes!
  15. No I haven’t, obvious now you mention it!
  16. I tried GarageBand and no audio is reaching it from the Quad Capture either. I also noticed that when Reaper is loading up, the phrase [audio device closed] appears in the menu bar at the top of the window. I have tried unchecking the box in Preferences > Audio that says 'Close audio device when stopped and application is inactive' but no difference. I've also been into System Preferences > Sound > Input and the level meter shows whatever signal is present at the Quad Capture inputs. With the appropriate inputs and outputs selected, I can record from the built-in mic into the Voice Memo app (and play it back), but not into Reaper or Garageband. Now I'm thoroughly confused! EDIT: After updating to Mojave I also installed CleanMyMac X (as recommended by @ped) - could that program have enthusiastically deleted something that I actually needed?
  17. I also have Sagantech Metro, so I could try getting audio into that. EDIT: scrub that, I only ever used it for MIDI, no point learning the software now!
  18. Good idea, will try that, although I really don't get on with GarageBand!
  19. I record with Reaper on a mid-2014 21.5in iMac. I recently upgraded the OS to Mojave (from an OS older than Sierra). At first I thought my audio interface (Roland Quad Capture) had come through this working fine, but apparently not - it outputs audio no problem, and monitors an incoming signal, but the analog inputs (channels 1 and 2) do not reach Reaper, and neither do the internal digital ones (channels 5 and 6). I haven't tried the SPDIF inputs 3/4, but I rarely record from this. The level meters in the Quad Capture Control Panel app reflect what is going on in the interface, but when I arm a track in Reaper and select the appropriate input channel, the meters stay dark and no audio is recorded. Since discovering this, I have uninstalled the old drivers and installed the latest version (1.5.4 - said to be suitable for 10.13 High Sierra and 10.14 Mojave), meticulously following Roland's instructions about removing all the other USB cables first, allowing a re-start, and only connecting the interface after the drivers are loaded. Despite this, still no audio into Reaper. There is a known issue about allowing downloaded apps, but my privacy settings permit this and no corresponding warnings came up during installation. I have selected Quad Capture as the input and output device in Audio MIDI Setup, and all its 6 channels come up as available sources on the IN button on each track in Reaper. I have been through the Device and Recording dialog boxes in Preferences>Audio, but I can't see anything to suggest why Reaper isn't 'seeing' the Quad Capture. Can anyone please suggest any settings I may have missed? Thanks.
  20. Bought a speaker cable from John, absolutely no complaints here.
  21. I'm another fan of the P-bass with flats, it does everything I want it to. Actually, for extra thump I have my Mustang. Btw here is the skinny on the Yamaha RBX 260: https://www.guitar-list.com/yamaha/bass-guitars/yamaha-rbx-260
  22. Me too! (Brag tag) On the contrary, we should be forming a queue to thank you!
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