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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Or at least have speakers with identical motors - as in the Compact+Midget scenario.
  2. I belong to a couple of American-dominated guitar forums, and a fair percentage of members are PWGs - praise and worship guitarists. The trend is for them to use good quality amp sims (and big pedalboards!) into the church PA. I think you could easily become inaudible to yourself doing this, unless you had an individual monitor mix. As far as Hartke Kickback combos go, I used to have the 35W model as a practice amp, and it was severely lacking in bass-end warmth. Granted, the form factor is right, but I would try some other tilt-back options! In my long-ago church music group days, I made a sturdy tilt stand for my hideous Carslbro combo so that I could use it like a wedge monitor in front of me. This also allowed me to run it at a much lower volume than when I had it on the floor behind me. It was also mic'd into the PA. Hope some of that helps.
  3. That's probably just as well - that bass is far too nice looking for someone to attack it with a scouring pad / belt sander / flame thrower / etc.
  4. When I used to add a (non-Super) Midget to a (non-Super) Compact for larger gigs, the Midget brought some more upper mids with it. They were designed and intended to work together.
  5. They probably came out of the groovilium mine.
  6. @disssa has reviewed both the PF-50T and the PF-20T on his excellent website. You will need Google translate unless you have very good German. Spoiler - he reckons the PF-20T sounds more like a B15 than the other one.
  7. Neotech Mega bass straps, which are soft and padded, and 4in wide at their widest area. If I have any trouble from shoulder pain, it's from over-tensing as I play, not the weight of the bass. I like the proposed Chowny patterns, but as potential guitar straps!
  8. We currently have two entry-level iMacs. One lives downstairs and is our 'family' computer for emails and general browsing - that one is brand new. The other is about 4 years old and lives in my music room, and is my daily learning/practice and recording resource. It is connected to a Roland Quad Capture interface and a MOTU MIDI interface, and runs Reaper, Capo, and Sibelius First. My plan would be to build the Hackintosh and restore this iMac to it. I can then run it for a while to make sure it is all working before retiring the iMac as a spare against the time the family iMac dies. I realise we are a bit OT from the OP now!
  9. I have heard one of these from the audience, and they are surprisingly loud for 'only' 80W, but not especially bassy.
  10. No bragging rights for TE gear unless accompanied by a picture of the owner wearing a waistcoat and executing a LUNGE manoeuvre with their bass in front of said TE rig - preferably in a conservatory. You'll find this hidden in the site rules.* *But only if you're off your face on Toilet Duck.
  11. I’m planning a Hackintosh build, probably for next year. Going to take my time and work out what I need and where to source it all for a ‘golden’ build.
  12. That's exactly what I'd want to do!
  13. I have just stumbled upon this video, in which the bass player is plugged into a Cornell bass head. A quick Google led me to Cornell's own website, wherein the Rambler Bass amp range is described as 'coming soon'; and to this 'pessimistically-rated' 50W prototype for sale at Nottingham City Guitars, who say that 70W and 100W versions will also be available to order: Having just bought an Ampeg PF-50T, I am sorted for 50W valve bass heads, but does anyone know any more about these? Some of Dennis Cornell's amps are openly derived from Marshall Plexi-type designs, and this one certainly has a bit of a Plexi look to it...
  14. You can buy a complete fuse holder and fuses from any number of vendors on eBay, the problem may be finding a holder with the right threads than you can then use the cap from.
  15. This is a well-known thing - a guitarist who wants other musicians to play so that he (and it is invariably a he!) can go widdly-widdly-wee to his heart's content.
  16. A tip I picked up on this very forum: Start at the end and work backwards. My work flow for a new piece of music is to import the audio into Capo (other apps are available) and break it up into sections. Then I start with the last section and spend some time on it, then the section before, and so on. The benefit of this is at the end of each section, you reach another section which you are already more familiar with. Conversely, if you start at the beginning, you are forever running into 'harder'/unfamiliar bits, which makes you 'learn' to stop and falter repeatedly as you go through.
  17. First night out for the Ampeg PF-50T, with my country band. 50W is plenty when it's (a) supplied by valves, and (b) delivered through a Super Twin! I loved the sound I got, and a bass playing friend complimented me on it too, so that con't be bad. There was plenty of volume in reserve too.
  18. Correct. I have found that ceramic valve sockets can be very tight to get the valves in and out of!
  19. I took the precaution of testing the Ruby Tubes that came installed, using my Orange Valve Tester. V1 (12AX7) tested 'worn' so I replaced it with a known good Tung Sol. V2 (12AX7) tested 'good'. V3 (12AU7) tested 'bad' - one of the triodes only scored 1 on Orange's arbitrary scale of 1-15, so I replaced it with a JJ that had a slightly better score. Fortunately the driver arrangement means the triodes do not need to be matched. V4 & V5 (6L6) both tested 'good' with closely matched ratings. I don't want to be swapping valves too often - the screws are fiddly to replace (and easy to lose), and it takes a fair amount of force to remove the pre-amp valves! I have a country gig tomorrow night, not a loud band, so an ideal opportunity to see how the amp fares against a drummer and two guitarists. (In case you're interested, it's the Crow Valley Band, and the venue is Middleton Cheney Social Club, Astrop Road, Middleton Cheney, Banbury OX17 2PG - it will cost you £6-£7 to get in.)
  20. Ooh! I bought a Tung Sol 12AX7 recently, got to try that . There's enough gain there for me as it is, the Gain control mainly changes the character from smooth to furry!
  21. Another Voice Memo user. When I get home I upload the recording to Dropbox, and I can then access it from my music room computer.
  22. Short scale basses rock!
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