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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Going to visit Chester actually. Dawsons and Back Alley Music a-callin'!
  2. The guitars are in Manchester and (possibly) Worcester!
  3. Sadly a GAS-fuelled guitar-buying trip has morphed into a family visit and a shop-a-thon for Mrs Axe, so I'm afraid I'm out I'll still be buying at least one geetar though!
  4. ^^ Thanks @warwickhunt, very comprehensive overview
  5. Sunday 8th April near Taunton. It does sound good doesn't it!
  6. There's a conspiracy between all the gear manufacturers to stop the tablets becoming widely available. They've also conned you into believing that the earth is spherical.
  7. Will it be making an appearance at the SW Bass Bash?
  8. Years ago I used to get quit ebad stage fright when it came time for me to play a guitar solo. Now I get more apprehensive about getting to the venue on time, getting access, parking etc than I ever do about playing. I play both guitar and bass btw, it's not just about being able to hide at the back!
  9. I do this with my 'no.2' band, in that I am first call out of 3 bass players for any gigs that come in. This involves being 100% on top of each and every diary involved, i.e. my own calendar (synched between all my devices) and those of the no.1 and no.2 bands. So far, so good.
  10. I thought you were a Les Dawson tribute act.
  11. You only got 5p because I had no copper coins.
  12. So that was you? Wish I hadn't wasted my 5p now...
  13. I have one of these in black - same pickups (Dynasonics), different bridge. I have had lots of compliments on its sound - nothing sounds like a Gretsch!
  14. I don't mind 'em, as long as you don't call them 'Jimaroquai'...
  15. +1 to MT Power Drum Kit
  16. It's bad enough adding up the cost of the kit that I stick in my boot when I go to play a gig!
  17. Maybe the kid has been instructed not to be too pushy and has taken it to heart. I can't understand why you didn't ask to have a look and a try-out.
  18. I can see kit is mic'd up - what other instruments were going through the PA?
  19. Just tweaked up the gain in my Demeter head. What  a rebel I am!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      @discreet -by 'bring down'  I shall assume that you mean for me to harshen their buzz, as it were.  It's like they're all abusing substances.  Well substantial abuse of the facts anyway.

      How rebellious are you now that you've binned the wet wipes?

    3. discreet


      @SpondonBassed How rebellious? Frankly my dear, I don't give a sh*t. And my anal hygiene has gone right down the pan.

    4. SpondonBassed
  20. Well it's looking like I can make this - woo-hoo! I'll be bringing everything in my signature, plus of course my easily-ignited GAS (and I'm not talking about the effects of curried eggs either...)
  21. You know what, I think I might do that! (Gig offers permitting, as ever...)
  22. That would be interesting to hear, though I fear the limitations of online AV might scupper our chances of hearing the system properly!
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