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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. No-o-o!!! Well I have a 'tweed' guitar amp:
  2. A couple of weeks ago I took delivery of a new Barefaced Super Twin. I liked the sounds that I got from my Barefaced Compact and Midget, I just wanted 'more' of the same in a one-cab solution. Barefaced cabs sometimes attract criticism for their hardware and aesthetics. Not this time - the black crinkle paint finish looks like the enclosure has been sculpted from living liquorice, and the handles and feet are firmly attached with captive fittings. I have now had four 1-hour sessions playing my 3 bass guitars (2 Precisions and a Mustang) through both my amps (Demeter VTBP800, Markbass Nano 300) into the cab. Solo playing tells you hardly anything about how a cab will sound live, so I played along to country and soul compilations at volumes I thought the neighbours could just about tolerate. So far, I love it! It has the nice fat and articulate mid-range of the Compact, it's much 'bigger' in the bass, and the treble is oh-so-sweet. I get the sense of notes just waiting to pop out from the strings, power flowing unhindered from the amp. Of course the real test is a live gig, which for me will happen this Saturday. I played the same venue a couple of months ago with my Compact-and-Midget speaker setup, so it will be interesting to see whether I can hear a difference. Hopefully my living-room sessions will have loosened the cones up a bit... Pics or it didn't happen - just excuse my flip-flop/slippers!
  3. At least you can hear a mic'd cab in a mix!
  4. It's rare for me to do a guitar gig without a spare guitar, even though I have never broken an electric guitar string on a gig in nearly 40 years of playing. I also carry spare strings, so if one does ever go, I can swap guitars and then replace the broken string in the next break. Simples (meep).
  5. I really like seeing a good tribute band - they are often as good as the real thing, and can be seen locally for relatively low cost, at venues that don't charge you £4 for a small bottle of water. I also enjoy playing with them - I was 'Keef' for a year, and have depped on bass with tributes to Dire Straits and Slade.
  6. Somewhat predictable, but I loved this when it came out: Also large chunks of Prince's Black Album, notably:
  7. It's all relative - JA on Kala U-bass, main man wielding mini acoustic guitar:
  8. @NJEI'm 6ft tall and often play a Mustang bass. Last time I took mine out on a gig, both the drummer and the guitarist complimented me on my sound. Also nobody came up and said, 'Ha! You look stupid with that titchy bass.' You're right, they are dead easy to play - if it works for you and the price is right, get it!
  9. Well it is what it is, maybe @alexclaber can tell us! Further trade option: Conventional solid-state head (if not too pricey - just for sh!ts and giggles really)
  10. Barefaced Compact 1x15 lightweight cab with fitted Roqsolid cover These cabs are well known to the BF fraternity, but if you want the full skinny, visit this 'legacy' Barefaced page. It is a realistic one-handed carry, weighing only 12kg (27lb). I have used this on most of my bass gigs in the last 5 years, sometimes with a Midget too, and it is still going strong. All the hardware is present and correct, with just slight scuffing to the handle ends (see pic) and the ripple paint finish. I am not entirely sure whether this is Gen 1 or Gen 2 - it has the Gen 2 metal corners, but not the white piping of later models. Perhaps it is a rare transitional model! Barefaced offer the grille cloth as a £50 upgrade from the basic metal grille. I am only selling as I have upgraded to another BF cab, the Super Twin. Yes, I like Barefaced. (FULL DISCLOSURE - some people don't.) I am looking for £400, which includes insured courier delivery in mainland UK, or by me in person if that works for both of us. Happy to discuss meet-up options within about an hour of Swindon or Oxford. Of course you are welcome to come to Swindon and try it out with your own bass and amp, along with any other bits of my kit you fancy a go on, whilst being plied with beverages and biscuits. Trades - mainly after cash, but could be interested in one of the following: Fender or Squier Fretless Precision 5-string Precision Small valve bass head (e.g. Ampeg PF-50T) Cali76 Compact pedal Definitely not interested in: Jazz basses Coffee table basses Active basses Cabs of any type or description Usual sale thread rules apply, i.e. feel free to ask any questions about condition, performance etc in the thread, but any offers or trade enquiries must be made by private message.
  11. He gets mentioned here on BC occasionally. His recorded tone is perfect to my ears.
  12. As per the title, has anyone done an A/B comparison between the Ampeg PF-50T (or PF-20T) valve head, and any incarnation of the venerable B15, preferably through the same cab? Failing that, if you are familiar with the sound of a B15 and have tried out a PF-50T (or PF-20T), was it anywhere close? Just curious...
  13. Neat setup! When will you get a chance to try it live?
  14. New cab incoming - Barefaced Super Twin on its way from Brighton via Fedex, ETA some time tomorrow.

    *dances around like a ninny*

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Ha ha! I wear those things as slippers round the house. Normally I favour kitten heels, or for formal occasions court shoes of course.

    3. SpondonBassed


      I like pumps.  It saves on buying tablets for trapped wind.

    4. discreet


      I reckon slingbacks would suit. :D

  15. Where did the 'status' thing go? Is this it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      I wanted to add a "ha ha" to SpondonBassed's comment - but I've been told I can't add any more reactions today
      .... think I've only added 2? Anyhow SpondonBassed.... Ha Ha :)
      PS. JapanAxe - yes, this is it, as you have already worked out
      EDIT: I see you now have two status updates... this is new & useful :)
      Hmmm, now how do I do that?

    3. JapanAxe


      @discreet - cover photo in place, some suitably trouser-troubling Precision porn :ph34r:

    4. SpondonBassed


      Precision priapism.  Perfect!

      Carry on.

  16. I have one of these too. Also a Palmer PDI09 which is passive, so best hooked up to a spare speaker socket on your amp. I'd say this one sounds better and is more flexible than the Behringer, but the Behringer is unfeasibly inexpensive.
  17. I bought this speaker as an upgrade to the no-name unit in a Harley Bento GA5 combo. The combo is now going to be a parts donor for another valve amp build, but I need an 8-ohm speaker for that, so this one is surplus to requirements. The speaker has only ever been used in a 5W amp so it has never been stressed and is in perfect working order. It comes in its original Jensen box. You can find the full spec here. It is a great upgrade for any small practice amp up to about 15W that takes an 8 inch 4 ohm speaker, e.g.: Epiphone Valve Junior 1x8 combo (and clone such as the Harley Benton GA5 combo) Fender Champ X D Line 6 Spider 15 Also perfect for a Fender Champ clone build. These cost £32.95 +P&P from the likes of Hot Rox - this one is yours for £25 delivered in mainland UK.
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