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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1507400917' post='3385276'] ... And thinking about it, guitarists never seem to moan about carrying a whacking great Marshall valve amp around, so a 13kg bass amp isn`t that big a deal to me. [/quote] I'm a guitarist too, and believe me, amp weight is an issue! I never went down the stack or half-stack route, but I have long since ditched arm-lengthening 2x12 combos in favour of much lighter 1x12 models. Even so, my main gigging amp is by far the heaviest piece of kit that I own.
  2. There are some slap fills in Uptown Funk, which is pretty mainstream. I have yet to learn to slap, so when I play Uptown Funk I play non-slap fills with a bit of fingernail, and have never had a complaint. Ditto Car Wash! A couple of weeks back, for the first time ever in my bass playing life, I missed the opportunity of some dep work simply because I couldn't slap. The band in question actually made a feature of slapping at some point(s) during its set.
  3. I tried one at Bassgear a few years back and found it surprisingly heavy, considering it is a thinline electro-acoustic.
  4. Other things being equal (and setting aside all thoughts of HEFT), I would prefer to have a light thing and a heavy thing to carry, rather than 2 heavy things.
  5. I'm not even sure I could hear a difference.
  6. Why do I find myself looking at this when I have 2 already? Because they are so good!
  7. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1507302860' post='3384647'] Can only comment on my Squier Mustang but, in general: 1. The tone is less bright and 'thumpier' - like a P bass on half tone? I like it FWIW 2. String tension is lower 3. String spacing is tighter (think this is a Mustang thing) [/quote] This, mainly. I have a MIJ Mustang, and there is a surprising amount of top available from it, so much so that I often dial the tone back to bout 30%, much as I do with a Precision, for that Motown sound. I think of the Mustang as the Precision's snotty punk kid brother. The shorter scale and narrow neck make a gig feel almost like a night off!
  8. Has anyone on here had a chance to try one of these DG cabs? Or compare them with others? They might be truly phenomenal...
  9. I made the mistake if buying a flat cap. Instant Victor Meldrew.
  10. JapanAxe


    [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1507123944' post='3383474'] ... to gig in a carefree manner :-) [/quote]
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1507031803' post='3382834'] Glad you're liking what we're doing! [/quote]
  12. Is the Precision in your profile pic one that you own, or on that you hope to own?
  13. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1506970973' post='3382454'] Good work! [/quote] Yep, took a 3-page thread for me to realise I like what I've got, I just want more! The Super Twin is the same size and shape as the Compact, except 10cm (4in) taller, so it I will still fit nicely in my car and cupboard. The silver grill cloth is demure enough not to frighten the mainly older folks that come to country gigs, but I can wind the rig up to give a lot more beans when needed. I'll be moving the Compact on when the time comes (it has served me well), but the Midget is staying - for now!
  14. ... and just put down a deposit on a Super Twin with silver grille cloth!
  15. I absolutely do not need this bass. No. No way. *[i]sobs quietly[/i]*
  16. Cut an old credit card in half, on a 45-degree angle. You can then scrape away dirt from alongside the frets without fear of scratching the finish.
  17. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1506884380' post='3381802'] We had an amazing gig in a pub/hotel in Chertsey last night. Probably the most enjoyable one I've ever done. Its a regular one that has been getting better every time we play there. We're getting a bit known in the area and its the sort of place that can be really good fun if you get the right crowd in. The missus came along with me and we met some friends for dinner in the venue before the gig - the guys in the band said they'd set everything up so i only had to rock up 5 mins before we were due to start and plug in/tune up. Result!! We also booked a room so i didn't have to drive 70 miles home afterwards and the boss gave us a discount and threw breakfast in for free. The crowd were up for it from the first note and didn't stop dancing and singing for 2.5 hours. Hot sweaty loud and a full on high energy set. We just had a 5 minute breather at half time so we didn't drop the crowd. There was a leaving party in the bar next door and a masked ball going on upstairs - by the second set most of those guests were jumping around in main bar where we were playing. We usually pull about 80/100 people to this one - the owner said there were about 450 watching us and quite a few drifting in and out and it was the best night he'd ever had there. We got some great good quality video that really caught the feel of the night and we played a blinder as a band - no mistakes, the best sound we've had there and absolutely the right set for the venue. And we got paid extra....... [/quote] You didn't just dream all this did you?
  18. JapanAxe


    Some of the BF range are (or have been) designed to work together, e.g. the original Compact and Midget have the same driver motor, so were recommended as a pairing. Surely the best person to ask is Alex?
  19. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1506870327' post='3381634'] I smell a sale pending... [/quote] I'm talking myself into this!
  20. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1506862675' post='3381557'] Try another one when you get a chance! [/quote] I may just do that myself! Since starting this thread 3 weeks ago I have pretty much settled on the idea of an upgrade to 'One Cab To Rule Them All', in the form of a single 4-ohm cab that will play nicely with my 800W Demeter or 900W Streamliner, whilst still producing a healthy output from my recently acquired Nano Mark 300 (when used as a backup in case of main amp failure). I started drawing up a comparative list of what's available, and Barefaced have no fewer than 3 contenders in their current range, of which the Super Twin seems the best fit for me. The other contenders come from Bergantino, TKS, and Vanderkley, but all but TKS have tweeters, which add little for someone who favours a smoother sound, plays flats exclusively, and can't hear anything above 12kHz! Sadly there is now nowhere in the UK to audition a TKS 2126 or S2126, whereas Barefaced can be had on sale or return. So Alex, what is the lead time on a Super Twin (with grille cloth) at the moment?
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1506792333' post='3381185'] I sold my 69er as it was distorting at the big subby frequencies I often play at. The super twin which replaces it is undistortable and the perfect sound for me. [/quote] Could be to do with the drivers that BF developed for Gen 3?
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