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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I use Doc's Pro Plugs (about £12 a pair). I think they were originally designed for swimmers, but they work for me - I can hold a conversation without taking them out. Note - you need to download and use the size chart to work out which size will fit you best.
  2. 'North of the Isle of Wight, South of Keswick' is perhaps a bit vague to someone (i.e. me) who has a friend who might be interested...
  3. A little bit of wee just came out on its own...
  4. Anyone here tried both the TKS 2126 (900W) and the TKS S2126 (500W) cabs?
  5. I love gigging, and the mix that suits me best is to belong to one regular band (around 25 gigs per year) and then fill in the gaps with depping (see link in signature). As I play skinny-string too, this gives me a lot of variety. In order to maintain cordial relations with Mrs Axe I try to leave one weekend per month gig-free. My day job is Monday to Thursday, which I opted for as soon as we could afford it. I would love to make my living from music, but that would require (1) Wall-to-wall function gigs - I don't dislike function gigs, it's just that it's hard to achieve this level of work; (2) Teaching - tried it, didn't like it; and/or (3) Busking - haven't ruled this out!
  6. Just bought a micro amp head from Dave. It arrived bang on time, perfectly packed, and in better nick than the description had led me to believe! Thanks Dave
  7. 1. Content I Follow 2. View New Content 3. Depends what I'm GASing for at the time!
  8. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1506352367' post='3378139'] I'd like to come clean and say now that I'm no longer an ex-Barefaced user. My rig now consists of a Super Compact and One10 and I couldn't be happier. I'm an ex-ex-Barefaced user [/quote] Are they designed/intended to be used together (like the original Compact and Midget)? And do you use them like that?
  9. And The Chain sounds at least as good as the original recording!
  10. I remember reading that in their early days, Van Halen went out under 2 different names, one for solely 'Top 40' material, the other performing their original songs. The covers helped them to hone their skills as a working unit, and cross-funded the originals project. Although that was the late 70s (i.e. somewhat different times), I don't see why the approach couldn't still work today.
  11. I have one exactly like this and can confirm it lacks for nothing in the bass guitar goodliness department!
  12. True, you can't tell anything about the performance of a bass/amp/pedal unless some dude is slapping the living sh!t out of their instrument.
  13. Hang on - the Shuttle has a Class D power amp and switched mode power supply - how can it claim to bestow heft? Heft is the sole preserve of conventional power amps supplied by big iron(TM) as any fule kno.
  14. When I am depping I typically have one or two (at most) rehearsals with the band before the gig. I record the rehearsals on my phone, upload to Dropbox, and download to my computer. The main benefit to me is identifying: (1) sections that the band play differently - it's not my job to force them to play the right chords etc; (2) the overall structure of numbers; and (3) how any segues work.
  15. I bought the Hot Tubes for guitar use, became disenchanted with it, decided to sell it, then didn't because I discovered how well it worked for bass!
  16. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1505675496' post='3373514'] Well... seeing as you've asked, I reverted to my EBS Proline 410, then that morphed into two EBS Proline 210's just 'cos they were more manageable (getting old y'see) and as I stack them on their ends, they're actually more audible too. That was the other thing the BF lacked - that trademark EBS glassy top end, but I see you don't care for tweeters, so that won't be an issue for you! On the top of the cabs has variously been an EBS TD650, a Glockenklang Heart Rock II, a TC Electronic BH800, a GK MB800 Fusion, and now an Eich T1000. I have tried other Neo cabs in the past (MarkBass, EBS) but I found they just couldn't handle the bottom end... not my kind of bottom end, anyway. [/quote] Thanks for that, nothing if not thorough!
  17. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1505675425' post='3373512'] Gator rack case means that even Parcelforce won;t be able to break it [/quote] You've thrown down the gauntlet there!
  18. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1505663952' post='3373423'] Had a Big Twin T. It was very light and much louder than you'd expect, just like they said it would be, but the sound had a big hole in the midrange that I couldn't seem to EQ back in, and then the horn blew on the second gig. Returned it and got a refund. [/quote] What are you using now? No hole in my midrange btw!
  19. Just come back from a gig with the same rig as a fortnight ago and it did not disappoint
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