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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Regarding KiOgon - what they all said ^^^
  2. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1505331312' post='3371173'] Bloody hell, that's a real beauty alright! [/quote] You want it don't you Dave? Don't you?
  3. I don't really care for QOTSA, but Josh Homme [i]et al[/i] did a cracking job with Iggy Pop on the [i]Post Pop Depression[/i] album and live DVD.
  4. Wow! I don't expect this to hang around too long. GLWTS!
  5. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1505315777' post='3370989'] If needs be I can plug straight into my TC BH250 thru the two10 and to my ears, it sounds bloody marvellous. [/quote] Looking back, there have been many occasions on which my BF cabs, alone or together, have sounded 'bloody marvellous' as you put it. I'm keeping them for now!
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1505061425' post='3369232'] Had a Retro Two10 and felt it was too deep and lacking definition. Got a BB2 and found it was too deep and lacked the sort of mid range i wanted. Both sold and i moved on to a Vanderkley 1x15. Nice cabs, both very light and good looking (the BB2 especialy) but just not my cup of tea. Even though the website made it seem like the BB2 was the best choice for me, it turned out it wasnt, by a long shot. I'd happily use a BB2 again if i had to though, i do miss the size and weight, but I'm much more comfortable with what i have now. [/quote] It's fair to say they don't all sound the same. I tried a BF 2x12 (can't remember which) belonging to another BC-er, with my Demeter head, and it seemed remarkably un-punchy to me!
  7. I'm beginning to think: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJynXu6eNFk[/media]
  8. That pre-amp would severely limit you choice of rack processors - think of the potential colour clashes!
  9. Listened through Roland Quad Capture and a pair of KRK Rokit 6 speakers. Might be a difference, might be imagining it. What matters more is the response you perceive from the amps when you are doing the playing.
  10. Except that Fender refer to the Precision pickup as 'middle'!
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1504956271' post='3368539'] I call that upgrading. Buying some gear that you [i]know[/i] is better in some way to what you are currently using. GAS just seems to be buying something new for the sake of it! [/quote] So basically you have found a way to justify a large portion of your GAS!
  12. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1504955529' post='3368528'] What was your conversation? Just curious.... There's a standard 'pro' level of gear such as Ashdown, GK, etc and once you get above that into Barefaced and other boutique stuff, I don't really think that there is a 'better'. Different, sure. But could you look at something like one of Mike Arnopol's designs and say that was any better or worse than something that Greenboy did? [/quote] Somewhat paraphrased conversation: Me: [i]Seen an SVT 2 Pro for sale on BC, what's your experience of these?[/i] Him: [i]Great but stupidly heavy[/i] Me: [i]Wasn't entirely happy my rig was cutting it last Saturday, maybe need louder[/i] Him: [i]Maybe get some decent cabs, don't like BF build or sound[/i] I then start surfing t'Interweb and find TKS 2126, instant GAS ensues, followed by realisation of how difficult it would be to try out one...
  13. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1504941735' post='3368403'] My situation would be a different category as well - once I bought Barefaced cabs I haven't felt any desire to try anything else*. I bought a Compact soon after they were released, added a Midget, replaced those two with a Supercompact and now have two of those. [/quote] Me neither until a recent conversation with another BC-er! [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1504951963' post='3368489'] Of course there will be ex-Barefaced players. People get divorced from Super Models as well, right?! We all have a (different) sound that we prefer so no one piece of gear can work for everyone. I don't do the "change for the sake of change" thing but, even so, it is a way of gaining experience and knowledge about bass gear. [/quote] Me neither, but it's the usual GAS thing - maybe this other bit of kit would be [i]even better[/i].
  14. Please note that I will not be pandering to minority interests by adding random extra reply options. Except one.
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1504902562' post='3368262'] Ever tried the original Lee Sklar settings? They ought to sound too bright but actually work in a live gig setting [/quote] According to Talkbass, they would be: [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Bass(120) 12:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Mid 1:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Treb(4K) 3:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Pres(4K) 2:00[/size][/font][/color] In short, no I haven't. I usually have: [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Dark[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Bass(60) 12:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Mid 2:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Treb(2K) 10:00[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]-Pres(4K) 10:00[/size][/font][/color] My BF cabs don't give much above 4kHz anyway!
  16. By far the best recorded bass guitar sound I have achieved was through the preamp of my Demeter head, which is almost identical to the 201 pre (the head has a 'Dark' option in addition to 'Bright'). Consequently I find myself somewhat conflicted - do I spend out a wedge just to have this permanently in my home studio rack, when for the sake of 5 minutes I could dig the head out of my gear cupboard? First world problem or what!
  17. I've been using Barefaced cabs for the last 5 years, having rocked an Ashdown rig for the preceding 10 years. My main motivation for the switch was the reduced weight, but I've been pretty happy with my Compact and Midget, used separately or together - a big improvement on the ABMs! A recent online conversation with a well-respected BC member has caused me to wonder whether I should make a change in the cab department. My sensible self wants to lurk for cab bargains in the BC marketplace (I can always move them on if I end up hating them); the impulsive me wants to throw caution to the winds and order a £1,000 4-ohm cab. So if you are a former BF user, please take my pitiful poll. [u]Notes[/u] 1. This is not an invitation to indulge in BF-hating. 2. If you have never gigged a BF cab, you should probably move along to another thread. 3. You are wasting your time recommending any cab with a tweeter in it. Go!
  18. Write out the arrangements and place them in front of each player. On music stands. I'll get me coat...
  19. Place the largest band member horizontaly and stack the remainder on top in decreasing order of size. Oh, wait...
  20. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1504254528' post='3363634'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm not sure I'd want to be rememb.. *click*.[/font][/color] [/quote]
  21. There is one, I think it's called 'The Internet'.
  22. Bought a power supply from Sean, it was swiftly despatched and arrived well packed and in excellent condition
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