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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I have a run of 10 or so dep gigs with a covers band. The second was this afternoon at Much Marcle Steam Rally. Fortunately the PA was provided, but the lorry-mounted stage was as wet as a wet thing so they moved the PA to the beer tent. Jobsworths on the gate stopped us getting vehicles right up to the marquee, but we managed to find spaces in the car park fairly close to the pedestrian entrance next to it and handballed all our kit in. Of course there was no stage in the beer tent. Somebody found a piece of plywood big enough to fit the drumkit on, and I had taken the precaution of bringing a small wooden board to put my rig on and keep it off the grass. After all this we had a slightly late start, and played an excellent and very satisfying set. My 63 RI Precision via Demeter/Barefaced rig sounded epic - everything from Bob Marley to Simply Red to AC/DC at the turn of a tone knob. Also the view to my left consisted of several traction engines - the smell was glorious! Here's the only pic I've been able to find. Sadly, my face is obscured...
  2. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1500565605' post='3338756'] Not quite the same thing but i have an old precision with really low frets from years of use, and it feels way better to play than my other 2 precisions. Don't quite know why, perhaps the low frets get you a bit closer to the board which makes it all a bit more responsive. Not at a stage where i'm having intonation issues but they're pretty low compared to the other basses I have. [/quote] My '73 P has alarmingly worn frets but it plays beautifully. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. Steve drove up from Pompey to pick up a bass he had bought from me. Hassle-free payment, and could have chatted all day!
  4. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1500195595' post='3336099'] The Thomann price for the Ashdown 6 x10 seems to be £200 lower than in the UK (including delivery) ..is this actually the same cab would anyone know ? [/quote] Some links would help
  5. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1499981423' post='3335011'] Thanks guys, but i think it might be a memory thing. I can play random creative stuff like nothing, but its recreating it, and making a song/structure around it thats my main issue [/quote] Record yourself. In your own time, go back over the recording and pick out the stuff you really like, and learn it.
  6. Sold an accessory to Dan, he paid almost before I had finished typing in the payment details!
  7. New strings almost invariably sound brighter!
  8. What are the dimensions of the chassis please, i.e. width and depth? (Height doesn't matter.)
  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1499780932' post='3333555'] That sounds like a ground loop hum.....which usually only rears it's ugly head when monitoring over speakers (with unbalanced cables) as opposed to being recorded and also heard on Headphones. But hey, computers can be weird! If it's a cheap laptop, then the internal power supplies are often a bit crap, sometimes once they're engaged (by plugging in the power), they can cause the USB ports to act strangely. We saw this with a number of laptops simply dropping peripheral devices on some USB ports when connecting to power, perhaps in your case it's just adding some noise if struggling to power it properly.....maybe. Would be interesting to test the 2i2 on other computers that perhaps fall above yours in the budget/specs etc. Anyway, I know it's not idea, but at least you've found the culprit. If you still want some advice, do contact Tech Support, as they will be more on top of any recent known issues with laptop brands than I am. Cheers Si [/quote] My old Dell laptop had an earth connection through its power supply, so connecting any earthed musical kit caused a loud hum. I replaced the power supply with a generic one (with Class II wiring - no earth connection) and all was fine.
  10. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1499891311' post='3334399'] 'Spraunce'! What a delightful word! [/quote] I think it came from Only Fools And Horses!
  11. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1499886513' post='3334356'] What does the spectrum pedal do? Apart from not load? (geek joke) [/quote] [s]It's an enhancer - generates harmonics to spraunce up your sound.[/s] EDIT: Nope, it's a semi-parametric EQ. Boring!
  12. Very true. I think most people making the comment 'Punters don't know the difference' do so with a sense of exasperation - namely that all their efforts to hone their sound, their playing chops, and the tightness of their band, go unappreciated by cloth-eared drunkards.
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1499876132' post='3334266'] I suspect that you've been fed a whole lot of buck passing rubbish there. [/quote] This. Even old-style valve backline draws very little current compared to a kettle or non-LED lights.
  14. When I bought a MIM Pawn Shop Mustang bass (mudbucker) in December 2013 it was £629. Last October I replaced it with the Japanese FSR (regular split pickup) that was £507, and plays a bit nicer and has a better range of sounds. Don't know that I have a point here, just sayin'!
  15. Nut width is just less than 43mm. Weight (including covers) is a very managable 4.2kg / 9lb4oz.
  16. The technical term for what the OP has described is a 'brown out' - really!
  17. [quote name='GuyR' timestamp='1499802136' post='3333758'] I must have misread the title. The content is far less exciting than I had anticipated. [/quote]
  18. Thanks for the kind comments guys! UK insured delivery would be £35, or for the same money I am happy to deliver in person within about an hour's drive of Swindon. I'm not really looking for trades thanks.
  19. effectpowersupplies.com do an 18V PSU.
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