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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I have a PRS guitar with side dots and moon inlays that disappear under stage lighting. I bought a set of rub-down white dot decals via eBay, but they are starting to wear a bit now. Think I'll try Andy's paint pen.
  2. Buying - [url="https://worldguitars.co.uk/"]World Guitars [/url]or [url="https://www.wunjoguitars.com/"]Wunjo[/url] Selling - Basschat mainly!
  3. [quote name='Rexel Matador' timestamp='1493327086' post='3287588'] Thanks for the tips. I've gone with a zoom for now, just to get up and running, but that Laney contraption looks thoroughly badass and it will be first in line when I'm able to upgrade! [/quote] Which model Zoom did you go for?
  4. You could work on minimising 'leaning over to see the fretboard' by working on your proprioception (often referred to, somewhat misleadingly, as 'muscle memoy'). By this I mean your knowledge of where your fingers are on the fretboard, based on memorising the feel of moving up any given number of frets. You may be surprised to discover how much you can do on the bass without looking.
  5. If you want the sound but aren't too fussed about the look, what about a fretless kala U-bass?
  6. Surely the perfect headlining act would be... CAST! I'lget m coat...
  7. In my experience the worst culprit for taking punters away from the band is outdoor smoking areas - as well as patio heaters, some even have TV screens showing Sky Sports!
  8. I've just bought a Zoom MS50G for home recording - £85 delivered from GAK. With the v3 software you can load further amp models from their website, and I have to say they sound great. A pair of alkaline AA batteries will keep it running for several hours.
  9. If it's the one by the input, that just tells you when the gain of the first stage is becoming a bit hot. Turning the gain right up might generate some distortion, but you won't have 'cranked it up too much' unless you also turn up the master to the point that you are going to blow up your power transistors and/or your speaker(s).
  10. If I've had a particularly sweaty gig, and if I remember, then I give my (flatwound) strings a quick wipe with a micro-fibre cloth. Taking strings off and submitting them to cleaning procedures of dubious value is just too much hassle.
  11. Bought a Mustang wiring loom from John. Way better quality than the components in my MIJ Mustang. Unfortunately I managed to break a pot whilst trying different control knobs, so I bought another pot from John. Having undone and re-done all the solder joints to install it, I can confidently declare that John is a Ninja Jedi Master of soldering!
  12. I bought this as a guitar pedal, but it's also great for bass dirt: [media]http://youtu.be/D-7sXakV6nQ[/media]
  13. I use Touch OSC on my iPad to control Reaper. IIRC I am using the Logic template. It has The only downside is that you have to flip between screens to go from, say, volume fadres to pan settings.
  14. Bought this on spec a while back and found it works best with my humbucker-powered Les Paul. Unfortunately that guitar is outnumbered 5 to 1 by single-coil axes in my git rack, so the pedal is not getting much use. Pedal comes boxed in excellent condition. The base is currently shod with hook velcro, but I will supply (and fit if you like) a set of rubber feet. [b]£40[/b] delivered signed-for within the UK. And here's what EHX say about it: [media]http://youtu.be/qQQvw0Q3ARI[/media]
  15. Grolsch washers for me. I just leave the strap on the whole time.
  16. Played a large hall with a traffic-light device and never set it off once! Peaks (on the vocals as far as I could tell) took it into the red, but never long enough for it to cut the power. Then again, we were playing both kinds of music - country AND western! Cheesy pic courtesy of Mrs Axe:
  17. Bought a Pedaltrain Nano from Matty. It was dispatched within minutes of me paying for it and arrived in perfect nick. Cheers!
  18. Another +1 for Reaper. I also still have Audacity but I can't remember why!
  19. I recently upgraded to a Megger AVO210, mainly because I wanted to take bias voltage readings as accurately as possible on my Fender Deluxe clone build:
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