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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Happened again today with Chngogobres but at least 2 mods have already visited the user profile so they must be aware.
  2. That mains switch seems a bit vulnerable to accidental operation.
  3. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1489222452' post='3255240'] My Spector CTB Fretless (30 3/8-inch scale) came in a very nice Gator Pro-Go Gig Bag. Just checked and the internal length is a fraction over 41-inches. [/quote] That's the same as a skinny-string guitar. Your Spector has a 2-a-side headstock, whereas the Mustang's 4-a-side headstock makes it that bit longer.
  4. Any updates on this? I have been using my long scale TGI gig bag for my Mustang but sometimes I need that for a Precision while I have the Mustang as a spare. I had a Fender Urban Short Scale gig bag with my previous Mustang, but as has been mentioned there is very little padding. Just to be clear, a guitar gig bag is about an inch too short for a Mustang!
  5. I had a MIM Pawn Shop Mustang, which benefitted greatly from the (very easy) conversion of the pickup from series to parallel wiring. I sold it last summer and pre-ordered a MIJ FSR model, which cost less and is fantastic. I have never got round to reviewing it on BC, but strung with Chromes it has plenty of top end and a fat core sound. I have used it on a function and in a country band and it handles both with ease. I would describe it as the Precision's snot-nosed kid brother!
  6. The only PJ-type bass that has impressed me was a Yamaha BB1024 that I tried in a shop recently. It even made me wonder why I had spent nearly twice as much for a Fender AVRI!
  7. Another ForScore user here. I was a bit worried that my screen (iPad 2) would be too small for me to read the dots, but you can use the Crop function to take off the white borders and consequently make the dots bigger. I know a keyboard player who uses an iPad Pro - he has 2 lines of music to read at once - but that's a rather spendy option!
  8. Not too hard, as it is usually motivated by GAS for something else!
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1488723164' post='3251269'] Interesting. So how does it sound with a bit of gain/volume does it have a nice overdriven sound? And what a lovely looking amp btw. Very nice. [/quote] I didn't push it far into breakup, partly because I didn't want to risk trashing the speaker in the combo, and partly because I don't much care for heavily overdriven bass tones! With guitar it overdrives very nicely, and will do that classic clean-but-driven sound at high volumes. I gigged it for the first time last weekend and it sounded brilliant and plenty loud. It takes effects very well, but you don't feel like you really need them as much. This is the first non-reverb amp that I have really enjoyed playing - I always missed it on my Orange TT head.
  10. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1488711372' post='3251158'] I know of someone who owned Hendrix's first Marshall head. It was auctioned for £20,000. [/quote] Now let's not get carried away!
  11. I've seen my name on the list, but unfortunately (bash-wise) I have a gig the night before in Norfolk, which will see me greeting the milkman when I get home. Have a great one chaps!
  12. I wasn't playing bass in the 80s but my Carlsboro Hornet 45 Lead combo consistently made my guitar sound crap!
  13. A while back I got into a PM conversation with Twincam which led to him asking me whether I had tried a bass through the 5E3 (Fender Deluxe) clone that I built from a kit. For those who don't know, the Deluxe (designated 5E3 by Fender) came out in 1957 and was intended as a general purpose combo for mics and instruments. There are 4 inputs into 2 channels with one simple tone control, and everything is interactive. You can find out more [url="https://robrobinette.com/How_The_5E3_Deluxe_Works.htm"]here[/url], suffice to say the circuit is well known for having a fat bottom end because of the high value of coupling caps used. The output is about 18W into an 8ohm 12in speaker. Here are pics of the completed chassis (which I built from a kit) and the cab (which I didn't!) - and btw I am told that is Ampeg grille cloth: Today I finally got round to plugging in a Precision, and it sounds pretty good at loud living-room levels. I also hooked it up to a BF compact, which perhaps surprisingly made little difference at such a low volume. However, if you want LOUD you will just add drive. Conclusion: Not a practical gigging proposition, but a worthwhile alternative for a mic'd-up valve amp in a studio.
  14. Same, but if it's crap I'll decline the gig.
  15. Washburn XB200 bass Laney BC120 combo It wasn't long before I upgraded to a Yamaha BB of some description and an Ashdown ABM500 combo.
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1488005870' post='3244915'] Even having one P with a phenomenal sound, wouldn't it be great if you get another, with a different phenomenal sound? Never mind the fact I've got 4 other perfectly great basses... [/quote] This! I have 3 Precisions and a Mustang (think short-scale P!), each with a different phenomenal sound (to me), and I still find myself hankering after more Ps.
  17. I had a Classic 450 - my introduction to the world of Class D - and loved the Spectracomp and Tubetone. The 4-band EQ was well-voiced, but the Classic was somewhat limited in the treble department.
  18. This does nothing to improve my view of promoters!
  19. I've had a couple of things from their main competitor, Cash Generator - a drum machine by post on eBay, and an audio interface from their local branch. In both cases I got about 10% off the asking price, one by making a 'best offer', the other by pulling out cash. So yes, definitely bargains to be had.
  20. The Attitude looks [i]way[/i] more prog-tastic than my Faded Sonic Blue Precision: Personally I take whichever of my basses sounds best for the gig. I've never been asked to take a particular one on the basis of looks alone!
  21. There have been similar threads before along the lines of 'should I take a spare bass to my gigs?' As for me, usually just the one bass.
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