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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. This was apparently the second most popular pedal in the Soundtank (aka 'Potato Bug') series, after the TS5 Tube Screamer. If you are unfamiliar with the 5 series, they were a budget follow-up to the 8, 9 and 10 series, with a plastic shell on a metal baseplate. More info can be found [url="http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/ibanez/soundtank/pl5#"]here[/url]. It's a distortion/overdrive pedal. I found it excessively vicious so I replaced the clipping diodes with nearly-matched LEDs, which allows a much more usable range of distortion. I also seem to recall replacing the 9V power inlet socket, as the original was knackered. The tone control is not simply a treble roll-off filter, it sweeps the mid band form piercing to fat. The overall sound is quite mid-centred, not really suitable for bass unless you are running a two-amp setup. The pedal is in fair condition, although the level pot crackles if you wiggle it. I am asking a paltry [size=5][b]£15[/b][/size] delivered in the UK.
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1483187374' post='3205285'] Seems to me this is a solution looking for a problem. Watch your favourite players on YT. Hardly anyone uses fully floating thumb. Most people, including most top pro's, seem to be able to mute the strings without this technique. [/quote] It's true that you don't see many pro's using fully floating thumb. I tried it out of curiosity (not to fix a perceived problem), and found it helped my playing. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1483187374' post='3205285'] Also I think you get better control of each note with a grip between a fixed thumb and the plucking fingers. [/quote] I think the jury's out on that one.
  3. Bought a DI box from Nick, prompt comms and dispatch, exceptionally well packaged item in perfect condition.
  4. There are 3 main approaches to this: (1) Fixed anchor - thumb stays in one place e.g. edge of pickup cover; (2) Moving anchor, e.g. thumb sits on string immediately above the one being plucked; and (3) Fully floating - thumb is not anchored, but rests on lower strings to mute them. They all have their pro's and con's.
  5. [quote name='Rexel Matador' timestamp='1483128392' post='3204962'] I'm curious about those E string detuner things. My initial response was "wow what a cool idea, surely that can't possibly work." So... does it? [/quote] I have them on 3 of my 4 basses, so another 'Yep' from me. You do need to take care with your setup though, and follow the instructions given.
  6. Some options:[list] [*]At the end of the next gig, leave the monitors in the middle of the floor and tell the band that whoever wants to use them on future gigs can take them home, 'cos you won't be. [*]Sell the monitors. If they were band property, split the money. [*]Leave the band and find one with fewer selfish idiots in it. [/list]
  7. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1482909357' post='3203400'] ahh glad you sorted it out [/quote] Me too! Nowhere in Roland's literature does it explain exactly how this works. Here's their signal flow diagram: Incidentally, I've just tried recording bass direct using the Hi-Z facilit, plus the compressor accessible from the Quad Capture's dialog box. Unexpectedly brilliant!
  8. [u]Quick summary[/u] 32 amp models 15 cab models FX: Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Rotary, Tremolo, Swell, Compressor 36 editable presets Deep editing software available from line6.com (uses MIDI in/out) [u]What you get[/u] POD 2.0 unit (in fully working condition, with just a few small paint scratches), Line 6 power supply, Handbook, Presets reference chart, original box [b]PLUS[/b] mounting stand - sets the POD at a handy angle on a desktop, on top of an amp (base tucks under top handle), or on a mic stand (adapter and thread converter included) - this alone would cost you £25 new from Thomann! All yours for [s][size=5][b]£70[/b][/size][/s] [size=6][s][color=#0000ff][b]£60 [/b][/color][/s][size=8][color=#ff0000][b]£50[size=5] [/size][/b][/color][/size][/size]including delivery within UK. Trades - happy to consider any interesting pedals or items of studio kit.
  9. The guitarist in one of my old bands used to make great creative use of one of these.
  10. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1482314808' post='3199406'] Keep at it. Phantom is the one I've never gotten right. There's one bit about half way through which I simply can not do. I know the notes. I know the order. I know the speed. Can't get all 3 together though Comes in at 3:37 on this version [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-K36JrFRdc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=n-K36JrFRdc[/url] [/quote] Although I don't much care for NWOBHM (think that's the right term), he does have a great recorded sound on that track.
  11. I see Nik Huber guitars will be there. Chances of a Krautster II with a Bigsby at a massive discount?
  12. Mystery solved. Inputs 5 and 6 actually refer to the unit's 'Loopback' function, which allows you to send the signal that's being sent to your audio outputs [i]back[/i] into the input for recording. This is perfect for capturing streamed internet broadcasts etc. For example, if I play a YouTube video and set Reaper to record via inputs 5 and 6, the audio is recorded into Reaper. Previously I had to use Soundflower to do this, which meant switching back and forth between settings in the Audio Devices dialog box. I have now ditched Soundflower (it is no longer supported anyway) as this is a much more elegant solution. Win win!
  13. [quote name='Kevsy71' timestamp='1482701070' post='3202280'] Love it! I'm a fan of Man...or Astroman? and Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, and any modern (and vintage) surf/drag. Great work, thanks for sharing [/quote] Thanks Kevsy!
  14. I used to gig one of these. You can get some great sounds by blending the clean and dirty channels. Mine suffered a humongous switch-on thump though!
  15. This should be the national anthem.
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1482509215' post='3201198'] This thing is coming out in January and looks like the perfect solution: [url="http://www.thegigrig.co.uk/three2one-c2x21928200"]http://www.thegigrig...one-c2x21928200[/url] [/quote] +1 to this, top quality kit.
  17. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1482608316' post='3201907'] Blame it on the Boogie- singer requested we learn it and it's chock full great touches, really enjoying trying to nail the syncopation and swing. [/quote] This, plus 'Heavyweight Champion of the World' by Reverend and the Makers.
  18. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#414141][size=4]I recently sold my venerable Akai DPS16 stand-alone DAW on this very forum, in favour of [/size][/color][url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url][color=#414141][size=4] recording software. In the process of transferring over the digital audio files that I wanted to save, I found a short instrumental track that I recorded on a Roland VS840 in the early 2000's. The guitar parts were originally put down using the VS840's own amp sims and effects, and sounded somewhat thin; the organ and bass parts were created with a GR30 guitar synth (long gone); and the drum parts came from Alesis SR16 presets.[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]As a way of learning Reaper, I set about re-recording all the parts as follows. Everything except the drums went through a Roland Quad Capture interface. I realise the bass is low in the mix, but this is very much guitar-driven music.[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Drums - MT Power Drum Kit plug-in - amazing value as it is a free download, dead easy to drag and drop patterns into a MIDI track and edit them to taste. If you don't like their kit, you can output the MIDI notes to another module.[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Bass - Fender Mustang bass > Cali76 compressor > Markbass 801 combo > DI out[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Guitar 1 - Gretsch Duo Jet > Cali76 > Deluxe Memory Man > Swart STR > DI via Behringer GI100[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Guitar 2 - Strat via same route[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Organ - Korg X50 'Dirty BX3'[/size][/color] [color=#414141][size=4]Here is [/size][/color][url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32485154/Surf%20Monster.mp3"]Surf Monster[/url][/font]
  19. Not really GASing for anything bass-related at the moment, but experiencing a bit of a home recording renaissance so no doubt that will throw up something I can't possibly live without.
  20. Welcome aboard. Your gear may be modest now, but you will soon find yourself spending large sums of money on equipment that you suddenly realise you need...
  21. My theory as to why 3-pickup basses have never been particularly successful: The extreme pickup positions (right next to the bridge and neck) rarely sound that great; one is honky and thin, the other flubby and over-fat. If you restrict pickup placement to the zone that [i]does[/i] sound good, then that limits you to one or too pickups.
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